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Thank You for calling Senator Enzi and the FDA... please let us know if you made the call.

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Command Trust Network <info@...> wrote: Subject: Thank You for calling Senator Enzi and the FDA... please let us know if you made the call."Rogene Schorer" <saxony01@...>From: "Command Trust Network" <info@...>Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 14:05:33 -0400 (EDT) Thank you to all of you who called Senator Enzi yesterday at the Senate HELP Committee and for those of you who called the FDA on June 26th. With your help, we are keeping our concerns about the safety of silicone implants front and center in the Senate and at the FDA. Many of you have already emailed us to tell us you made these calls. We are most appreciative of your feedback. It helps us to know how many calls were made when we talk directly with these offices. If any of you made either of these calls and have not yet emailed us to let us know, please do so as soon as you can. Send your email to info@.... Thanks

again for your commitment. Warm regards from your friends at the Command Trust Network. If you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us, please click here

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