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Good and Bad News for me

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I've got good and bad news. The good news is that I called my

insurance company, and YES, they will cover having my implants

removed, 100%.


The bad news is that out of the list of doctors that my insurance

company gave me, only one of them does En Bloc, and they are the

ones who do it under local anesthesia, in their office! I am still

waiting for them to call me back on this though, so maybe I can tell

them I have GOT to be put to sleep....?

My insurance company says that they have to have proof that the

implants need to be removed, in order for them to pay.

I asked them if I could get this proof from my Gynocologist, who

has been following me on this, and agrees that my problems are

probably implant related.

They said No, it has to be from my PCD.

I have never even been to my PCD before....I had switched to a new

one last year, and have never needed to go to him. I just go to my

Gynocologist or Endocronoligist when I need anything.

So, I called to make an appointment to see the PCD...how stupid-I'm

gonna have to show him my boobs, like he can actually look at them

and say whether they are making me sick!

I have an appointment with him on Thursday, and will get him to

order me an MRI, unless I can talk him into agreeing to put, in

writing, that my implants are causing problems and need to be

removed, and that he will submit this to my insurance.

I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place! Maybe if I hook my

printer back up and then print out some articles to give to him.....

Either way, that's my good and bad news. Good that my insurance will

pay all of it, and bad that I can't find anyone who does En Bloc,

except for the one doctor who does it in his office, and who says

that insurance will not cover this!

Not sure what to do next!

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Leyna, I'm confused about the two trip thing . .. I thought Dr. Melmed sometimes sees the woman a day or so before surgery. Most of the surgery details are taken care of by phone or mail.. . Is the two trip thing for insurance purposes? Rogene

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Suggestion .... If you don' t get the support you need from the primary care doc, ask your Gynocologist or Endocronoligist for a reccomendation for a new PCD . . . They probably know who would support you. Rogene

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Well, THAT is good news!! I'm going to contact Dr.

Shanklin tomorrow too-so between him, my Gyno, and my

new PCD that I have an appointment with on

Thursday-surely someone will be able to recommend a

good surgeon who does En Bloc who takes my insurance!

--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Leyna . . . Breast pain could go a long way in

> getting your insurance to pay for your surgery!


> Rogene




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Leyna . . . Wait until you talk to the doc before you jump to conclusions about where he will operate, or what kind of anesthesia he will use . . . Most plastic surgeons have a surgical suite they use for uncomplicated surgeries . .. but do more complicated surgery at a surgery center where they have more support . .. like anesthesiologists. . . Rogene

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Well, in order for my insurance to pay for it, he will

have to write a letter to them, telling them that I

need them removed due to health reasons. I imagine

this will take time....:( Therefore, the two trips,

if I choose him. Also, Dr. Melmed says that I have

to have money up front, and so he will be a last

choice-I want to find a surgeon who will take my

insurance, rather than having to pay for it upfront.

--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Leyna,


> I'm confused about the two trip thing . .. I

> thought Dr. Melmed sometimes sees the woman a day or

> so before surgery. Most of the surgery details are

> taken care of by phone or mail.. .


> Is the two trip thing for insurance purposes?


> Rogene



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Yep - breast pain can help with insurance. Or rupture, or both. Shanklin is



> > Leyna . . . Breast pain could go a long way in

> > getting your insurance to pay for your surgery!

> >

> > Rogene

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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I'm going to call Dr. Shanklin tomorrow-what should I

say when I call him? Just that I'd like him to

recommend a good surgeon who does En Bloc who takes


--- Molly Bloom <mollyb54@...> wrote:

> Yep - breast pain can help with insurance. Or

> rupture, or both. Shanklin is great.




> >

> > > Leyna . . . Breast pain could go a long way in

> > > getting your insurance to pay for your surgery!

> > >

> > > Rogene

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Yes, and please give us an update on Dr. Shanklin! I have heard that he was not practicing any longer? PattyLeyna <leyna1964@...> wrote: I'm going to call Dr. Shanklin tomorrow-what should Isay when I call him? Just that I'd like him torecommend a good surgeon who does En Bloc who takesTennCare?--- Molly Bloom <mollyb54bellsouth (DOT) net> wrote:> Yep - breast pain can help with insurance. Or> rupture, or

both. Shanklin is great.> > > > > > > > Leyna . . . Breast pain could go a long way in> > > getting your insurance to pay for your surgery!> > > > > > Rogene> > > > > > > > > > > >

__________________________________________________> >

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He seems to be. I just called his office-he was not

in, but I left a message and a number for him to call

me back.

--- Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:

> Yes, and please give us an update on Dr. Shanklin!

> I have heard that he was not practicing any longer?

> Patty


> Leyna <leyna1964@...> wrote:

> I'm going to call Dr. Shanklin

> tomorrow-what should I

> say when I call him? Just that I'd like him to

> recommend a good surgeon who does En Bloc who takes

> TennCare?


> --- Molly Bloom <mollyb54@...> wrote:


> > Yep - breast pain can help with insurance. Or

> > rupture, or both. Shanklin is great.

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > > Leyna . . . Breast pain could go a long way in

> > > > getting your insurance to pay for your

> surgery!

> > > >

> > > > Rogene

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> __________________________________________________

> > >

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