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Re: Support Group Messages ~ 8.24.2006

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Ilena, thanks for the letter from Cyndi. It just valids all of us to

hear that. Pass on a hug from me and tell her I'm very happy she's


I am 4 weeks post-implant and am actually able to go for a walk to

the river, 15 minutes away from my son's house. It's a first in

years that I've been able to walk that far! Praise God and all the

loving support from you girls!

God bless you ALL-ways for the work you do. I wish I could catch

your radio interviews, but I'm in Central Alberta, Canada. Is there

any way I could get copies, or find it on a radio? Please let me


Love & Thousands of Angels coming your way....

Sunny :)

--- In , " Ilena Rose " <colibrimama@...>



> **

> *Dearest Group,*

> **

> *Just a quick note to bring the following items to your attention


> welcome new members. Please meet and welcome our newest member,

Cyndi below.

> *

> **

> *I'm very excited to be doing a Radio Interview with Dr. Sherrill


> author of Hormone Heresy Monday morning at 11am ... check website

for links.

> *

> **

> *Some good news ... **Lany's site is up again ! Click

> here<http://community-2.webtv.net/lany25/LifeAfterBreast0/>

> .*


> *God's blessings on us all.*

> **

> *Love from Ilena *

> *www.BreastImplantAwareness.org*

> *~~~~~~~*

> **







> *Excerpt: " Plastic surgery is as cheap as joining a gym, " she told


> Guardian. " It's like dying your hair red or something. " *

> **

> **

> *http://www.sfdct.com/newsdocs/Cumulative%20Payments%20Made%20as%


> chart shows the (small) amounts paid out in the Dow Bankruptcy. *

> **

> *For more information on the changes in the accepted plan ... click


> <http://www.breastimplantawareness.org/JudgeHood.htm>and/or send

link to

> your attorneys, please.*


> *~~~~~~~*


> * *

> *From: Rogene <saxony01@... >*

> *Date: Aug 24, 2006 12:11 PM*

> *Subject: Important Notice - sick implanted women and offspring


> **

> *www.BreastImplantAwareness.org/offspring.htm

> <http://www.breastimplantawareness.org/offspring.htm>*

> **

> *~~~~~~~~~~~~*

> **

> **

> *ilena@... *

> *From: cyndileep@...*

> *Date: Aug 22, 2006 10:01 AM*

> *Subject: SUPPORT*

> * *

> *I just wanted to say thanks for the support. I am also a

silicone breast

> implant survivor. I received my breast implants in 2001. My

implants were

> from a study for Mentor to try to prove how safe they are. I

started having

> a lot of muscle pain and other symptoms about a year after I

received the

> implants. Every year I would go in and fill out paper work to tell

them how

> I was feeling and if I had any change in my health. I was

diagnosed with

> Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia in 2003. All of my blood

test were

> normal. The diagnosis was based on physical symptoms. I started

taking all

> kinds of RA medication, like methotrexate, humira (which is very


> bextra, flexeril anything to relieve the symptoms. I had all kinds

of side

> effects from the medication. The plastic surgeon that I was seeing

for the

> study told me it couldn't possibly be the implants, even though

most of the

> paper work that I filled out asked if I had developed any Rheumatic

> symptoms. I was told by several doctors that it couldn't be the


> These were new and improved implants and they were not leaking. To

be in

> the study I was asked to have an MRI at different times to make

sure that

> they were not leaking. I had one in my first year and then I asked

them to

> pay for a second one when I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid

Arthritis. Which

> they did and they were still not leaking. I had a third MRI a

couple of

> months before I took them out. I had to quit my job because I

could barely

> walk and was very fatigued. I could no longer take care of our four

> children at home and my husband is a minister so he was not at home

a lot.

> Our finances were getting worse with all the medical bills and me


> working. I had become very depressed. This was my second marriage

and my

> husband and I had only been married since January 11, 2002. I had

been sick

> almost the entire time we had been married. I felt like at the age

of 35 my

> life was being sucked out of me. *

> * *

> *My husband and I started doing a lot of research and decided that

I should

> take the implants out. What was the worst that could happen? I

would take

> them out and not get better? At least I would know that they were


> and not causing me to have more symptoms. I had them taken out this

> year, February 2006. I have regained all of my mobility and am no


> fatigued. My implants had not ruptured or leaked according to the


> surgeon. I did receive them back for a few days until they

realized that

> Mentor wanted them back. They looked in good shape, but I believe


> because the outside of the implant is made of silicone, that that

is what I

> had the reaction to. The capsules inside my body had contracted so


> that the implants had doubled over on themselves. In other words


> folded over like a sandwich and made me look bigger than I really


> There was a permanent crease down the middle of each implant. My

body was

> rejecting them and making me have all kinds of symptoms and I was

very glad

> that they were out. I just wanted my life back. I am doing much

better now

> and am going back to work. If I can say anything to someone


> implants it would be that, " Your health is not worth having bigger

breast " .

> Breast cancer runs in my family and I told my husband that if I

ever get

> breast cancer I would rather have nothing, then to put implants

back into my

> body. *

> * *

> *I just want to say thanks for the support.*

> * *

> *Yes you may share my story with your group. I think there are a

lot of us

> out there that want to know that we are not alone in this.*

> * *

> *Blessings,*

> * *

> * *

> *Blessings,*

> *Cyndi P*


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