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Re: so angry

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I don't blame you for being angry!!!

I'm really sorry she did that to you -- I think you're handling it all


Congratulations on deciding to go NC. As I've just posted, it makes the

holidays SO much nicer -- both for me and my son! These women have no right to

bully and harrass us. Why should our kids be exposed to that kind of insanity?

Why should WE be exposed to it ourselves?

Best wishes to you,


so angry

To: WTOAdultChildren1

> Yesterday I decided I would allow my nada a three minute phone

> conversationwith my five year old and three year old. We are at

> very low contact with

> her right now, not for her lack of trying. She lives five hours

> away, but

> constantly calls, sends emails, packages, and letters. At

> Thanksgiving she

> called my phone, my husbands phone, and then started repeatedly

> calling my

> inlaws landline until she got hold of us. I was so embarrassed!


> I didn't want that to happen again and ruin Christmas, so mid

> morning when

> we were sitting in the car waiting for my husband to go to his

> parents home,

> I called her and let her talk to him for a minute. The phone

> conversationwas full of her telling them she was coming to see

> them and bring them gifts

> (I have never consented to this, and will not) and that the kids

> have toys

> at her house that 'miss' them. Way to try to put a guilt trip on

> a couple of

> little kids, nada.


> Anyway, I was very annoyed but glad to have it over with,

> knowing I could go

> on with the rest of our relaxing Christmas day without her

> stalking behavior

> hanging over my head. Then i noticed I had a voicemail from my

> dad. He and

> nada have been divorced for over 13 years. He has no contact

> with her, both

> of thier kids are grown and he lives in another town. She always says

> horrible things about him, paints him black, simataniously says

> how horrible

> he is and gets jealous if we do anything with him, and at the

> same time

> grills my brother and I about every detail about him if she

> thinks we have

> had contact with him We are supposed to be on HER SIDE, you see.

> I vividly

> remember after thier divroce, I was 15 and my brother was 12-13,

> and she sat

> us down and told us that he cheated on her and did xyz and was a

> horribleperson. I told her she shouldn't be telling us these

> kinds of things,

> especially not my young brother and she slapped me and yelled at

> me and from

> that point on I started to be painted black too. Any time I

> stood up to her

> she would insult me telling me I was 'just like your FATHER',

> which in her

> mind is the worst insult.


> Anyway. I had a voicemail from my dad saying to call him. I

> called and told

> him merry christmas, and he told me that nada had called him feigning

> concern about me, and told him that she thought that I WAS

> CRAZY. She used

> those exact words.


> I was livid. I still am. Apparently the smear campaign has

> begun. I am going

> no contact immediatly. In a day or two when I calm down I will

> probably send

> her an email requesting no future contact until a time when I

> feel willing

> to communicate again. I was in tears christmas morning, but now

> I am jsut

> really angry. I am not going to play her games. She doesn't get

> to spread

> lies about me and then see my kids. If she is saying those kinds

> of things

> to my own father, who knows what she is saying to other people


> Things have gone steadily downhill with her since my third child

> was born,

> and now I just plain fed up. I don't have time or energy for

> this kind of

> stress in my life.


> --





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Thank you. I don't know how well I'm handling it, I'm a wreck really. But at

least I'm keeping her away physically, even if she is still effecting me


> I don't blame you for being angry!!!


> I'm really sorry she did that to you -- I think you're handling it all

> admirably.


> Congratulations on deciding to go NC. As I've just posted, it makes the

> holidays SO much nicer -- both for me and my son! These women have no right

> to bully and harrass us. Why should our kids be exposed to that kind of

> insanity? Why should WE be exposed to it ourselves?


> Best wishes to you,


> S



> so angry

> To: WTOAdultChildren1 <WTOAdultChildren1%40yahoogroups.com>


> > Yesterday I decided I would allow my nada a three minute phone

> > conversationwith my five year old and three year old. We are at

> > very low contact with

> > her right now, not for her lack of trying. She lives five hours

> > away, but

> > constantly calls, sends emails, packages, and letters. At

> > Thanksgiving she

> > called my phone, my husbands phone, and then started repeatedly

> > calling my

> > inlaws landline until she got hold of us. I was so embarrassed!

> >

> > I didn't want that to happen again and ruin Christmas, so mid

> > morning when

> > we were sitting in the car waiting for my husband to go to his

> > parents home,

> > I called her and let her talk to him for a minute. The phone

> > conversationwas full of her telling them she was coming to see

> > them and bring them gifts

> > (I have never consented to this, and will not) and that the kids

> > have toys

> > at her house that 'miss' them. Way to try to put a guilt trip on

> > a couple of

> > little kids, nada.

> >

> > Anyway, I was very annoyed but glad to have it over with,

> > knowing I could go

> > on with the rest of our relaxing Christmas day without her

> > stalking behavior

> > hanging over my head. Then i noticed I had a voicemail from my

> > dad. He and

> > nada have been divorced for over 13 years. He has no contact

> > with her, both

> > of thier kids are grown and he lives in another town. She always says

> > horrible things about him, paints him black, simataniously says

> > how horrible

> > he is and gets jealous if we do anything with him, and at the

> > same time

> > grills my brother and I about every detail about him if she

> > thinks we have

> > had contact with him We are supposed to be on HER SIDE, you see.

> > I vividly

> > remember after thier divroce, I was 15 and my brother was 12-13,

> > and she sat

> > us down and told us that he cheated on her and did xyz and was a

> > horribleperson. I told her she shouldn't be telling us these

> > kinds of things,

> > especially not my young brother and she slapped me and yelled at

> > me and from

> > that point on I started to be painted black too. Any time I

> > stood up to her

> > she would insult me telling me I was 'just like your FATHER',

> > which in her

> > mind is the worst insult.

> >

> > Anyway. I had a voicemail from my dad saying to call him. I

> > called and told

> > him merry christmas, and he told me that nada had called him feigning

> > concern about me, and told him that she thought that I WAS

> > CRAZY. She used

> > those exact words.

> >

> > I was livid. I still am. Apparently the smear campaign has

> > begun. I am going

> > no contact immediatly. In a day or two when I calm down I will

> > probably send

> > her an email requesting no future contact until a time when I

> > feel willing

> > to communicate again. I was in tears christmas morning, but now

> > I am jsut

> > really angry. I am not going to play her games. She doesn't get

> > to spread

> > lies about me and then see my kids. If she is saying those kinds

> > of things

> > to my own father, who knows what she is saying to other people

> >

> > Things have gone steadily downhill with her since my third child

> > was born,

> > and now I just plain fed up. I don't have time or energy for

> > this kind of

> > stress in my life.

> >

> > --

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Wow. Its so clear that your nada completely disrespects you as a

mother and feels free to over-ride your wishes, as though you are just

some kind of balky nanny who won't give her access to " her " children.

Like you don't even exist.

How insidious of her to play your children's little unformed psyches

like a violin; the " you have toys here at grandma's that MISS YOU... "

Geez, she is just like the evil witch in the " Hansel and Gretel "

fairytale, her house made of gingerbread and candy made to lure

unsuspecting children inside to be eaten (or in this case,

brainwashed.) Brrrr.

Its totally understanding how emotionally exhausted you are, you have

been fending off a relentless stalker.

I hope that somehow you and your husband and kids will be able to

totally cut off nada's access, or perhaps go on an extended vacation

somewhere far, far away that nada can't find.



> > I don't blame you for being angry!!!

> >

> > I'm really sorry she did that to you -- I think you're handling it all

> > admirably.

> >

> > Congratulations on deciding to go NC. As I've just posted, it

makes the

> > holidays SO much nicer -- both for me and my son! These women have

no right

> > to bully and harrass us. Why should our kids be exposed to that

kind of

> > insanity? Why should WE be exposed to it ourselves?

> >

> > Best wishes to you,

> >

> > S

> >

> >

> > so angry

> > To:

WTOAdultChildren1 <WTOAdultChildren1%40yahoogroups.com>

> >

> > > Yesterday I decided I would allow my nada a three minute phone

> > > conversationwith my five year old and three year old. We are at

> > > very low contact with

> > > her right now, not for her lack of trying. She lives five hours

> > > away, but

> > > constantly calls, sends emails, packages, and letters. At

> > > Thanksgiving she

> > > called my phone, my husbands phone, and then started repeatedly

> > > calling my

> > > inlaws landline until she got hold of us. I was so embarrassed!

> > >

> > > I didn't want that to happen again and ruin Christmas, so mid

> > > morning when

> > > we were sitting in the car waiting for my husband to go to his

> > > parents home,

> > > I called her and let her talk to him for a minute. The phone

> > > conversationwas full of her telling them she was coming to see

> > > them and bring them gifts

> > > (I have never consented to this, and will not) and that the kids

> > > have toys

> > > at her house that 'miss' them. Way to try to put a guilt trip on

> > > a couple of

> > > little kids, nada.

> > >

> > > Anyway, I was very annoyed but glad to have it over with,

> > > knowing I could go

> > > on with the rest of our relaxing Christmas day without her

> > > stalking behavior

> > > hanging over my head. Then i noticed I had a voicemail from my

> > > dad. He and

> > > nada have been divorced for over 13 years. He has no contact

> > > with her, both

> > > of thier kids are grown and he lives in another town. She always


> > > horrible things about him, paints him black, simataniously says

> > > how horrible

> > > he is and gets jealous if we do anything with him, and at the

> > > same time

> > > grills my brother and I about every detail about him if she

> > > thinks we have

> > > had contact with him We are supposed to be on HER SIDE, you see.

> > > I vividly

> > > remember after thier divroce, I was 15 and my brother was 12-13,

> > > and she sat

> > > us down and told us that he cheated on her and did xyz and was a

> > > horribleperson. I told her she shouldn't be telling us these

> > > kinds of things,

> > > especially not my young brother and she slapped me and yelled at

> > > me and from

> > > that point on I started to be painted black too. Any time I

> > > stood up to her

> > > she would insult me telling me I was 'just like your FATHER',

> > > which in her

> > > mind is the worst insult.

> > >

> > > Anyway. I had a voicemail from my dad saying to call him. I

> > > called and told

> > > him merry christmas, and he told me that nada had called him


> > > concern about me, and told him that she thought that I WAS

> > > CRAZY. She used

> > > those exact words.

> > >

> > > I was livid. I still am. Apparently the smear campaign has

> > > begun. I am going

> > > no contact immediatly. In a day or two when I calm down I will

> > > probably send

> > > her an email requesting no future contact until a time when I

> > > feel willing

> > > to communicate again. I was in tears christmas morning, but now

> > > I am jsut

> > > really angry. I am not going to play her games. She doesn't get

> > > to spread

> > > lies about me and then see my kids. If she is saying those kinds

> > > of things

> > > to my own father, who knows what she is saying to other people

> > >

> > > Things have gone steadily downhill with her since my third child

> > > was born,

> > > and now I just plain fed up. I don't have time or energy for

> > > this kind of

> > > stress in my life.

> > >

> > > --

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I " m sorry to hear this - it sounds awful. I agree with your NC position,

but is it ever useful to tell a nada that you are going NC if she doesn't

accept your boundaries to start? Would it be possible to block emails/her

phone #? It just seems like it might hurt you more with the disrespect of

her most likely ignoring your request for NC. You deserve more.


On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 10:14 AM, Brown <

heatherforever@...> wrote:

> Yesterday I decided I would allow my nada a three minute phone

> conversation

> with my five year old and three year old. We are at very low contact with

> her right now, not for her lack of trying. She lives five hours away, but

> constantly calls, sends emails, packages, and letters. At Thanksgiving she

> called my phone, my husbands phone, and then started repeatedly calling my

> inlaws landline until she got hold of us. I was so embarrassed!


> I didn't want that to happen again and ruin Christmas, so mid morning when

> we were sitting in the car waiting for my husband to go to his parents

> home,

> I called her and let her talk to him for a minute. The phone conversation

> was full of her telling them she was coming to see them and bring them

> gifts

> (I have never consented to this, and will not) and that the kids have toys

> at her house that 'miss' them. Way to try to put a guilt trip on a couple

> of

> little kids, nada.


> Anyway, I was very annoyed but glad to have it over with, knowing I could

> go

> on with the rest of our relaxing Christmas day without her stalking

> behavior

> hanging over my head. Then i noticed I had a voicemail from my dad. He and

> nada have been divorced for over 13 years. He has no contact with her, both

> of thier kids are grown and he lives in another town. She always says

> horrible things about him, paints him black, simataniously says how

> horrible

> he is and gets jealous if we do anything with him, and at the same time

> grills my brother and I about every detail about him if she thinks we have

> had contact with him We are supposed to be on HER SIDE, you see. I vividly

> remember after thier divroce, I was 15 and my brother was 12-13, and she

> sat

> us down and told us that he cheated on her and did xyz and was a horrible

> person. I told her she shouldn't be telling us these kinds of things,

> especially not my young brother and she slapped me and yelled at me and

> from

> that point on I started to be painted black too. Any time I stood up to her

> she would insult me telling me I was 'just like your FATHER', which in her

> mind is the worst insult.


> Anyway. I had a voicemail from my dad saying to call him. I called and told

> him merry christmas, and he told me that nada had called him feigning

> concern about me, and told him that she thought that I WAS CRAZY. She used

> those exact words.


> I was livid. I still am. Apparently the smear campaign has begun. I am

> going

> no contact immediatly. In a day or two when I calm down I will probably

> send

> her an email requesting no future contact until a time when I feel willing

> to communicate again. I was in tears christmas morning, but now I am jsut

> really angry. I am not going to play her games. She doesn't get to spread

> lies about me and then see my kids. If she is saying those kinds of things

> to my own father, who knows what she is saying to other people


> Things have gone steadily downhill with her since my third child was born,

> and now I just plain fed up. I don't have time or energy for this kind of

> stress in my life.


> --




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It'll get better when you kids are old enough to just say,

plainly, " Grandma's nuts. "


Still hurts as the KO but it's better for the kids. They'll soon

develop their own threshold of what they'll accept and tolerate from

her. Listen to them... they'll let you know. The toys n such will

only entice them so far.

Treat and gaurd yourself like you do your children... you deserve to

be protected too.



> Yesterday I decided I would allow my nada a three minute phone


> with my five year old and three year old. We are at very low

contact with

> her right now, not for her lack of trying. She lives five hours

away, but

> constantly calls, sends emails, packages, and letters. At

Thanksgiving she

> called my phone, my husbands phone, and then started repeatedly

calling my

> inlaws landline until she got hold of us. I was so embarrassed!


> I didn't want that to happen again and ruin Christmas, so mid

morning when

> we were sitting in the car waiting for my husband to go to his

parents home,

> I called her and let her talk to him for a minute. The phone


> was full of her telling them she was coming to see them and bring

them gifts

> (I have never consented to this, and will not) and that the kids

have toys

> at her house that 'miss' them. Way to try to put a guilt trip on a

couple of

> little kids, nada.


> Anyway, I was very annoyed but glad to have it over with, knowing I

could go

> on with the rest of our relaxing Christmas day without her stalking


> hanging over my head. Then i noticed I had a voicemail from my dad.

He and

> nada have been divorced for over 13 years. He has no contact with

her, both

> of thier kids are grown and he lives in another town. She always


> horrible things about him, paints him black, simataniously says how


> he is and gets jealous if we do anything with him, and at the same


> grills my brother and I about every detail about him if she thinks

we have

> had contact with him We are supposed to be on HER SIDE, you see. I


> remember after thier divroce, I was 15 and my brother was 12-13,

and she sat

> us down and told us that he cheated on her and did xyz and was a


> person. I told her she shouldn't be telling us these kinds of


> especially not my young brother and she slapped me and yelled at me

and from

> that point on I started to be painted black too. Any time I stood

up to her

> she would insult me telling me I was 'just like your FATHER', which

in her

> mind is the worst insult.


> Anyway. I had a voicemail from my dad saying to call him. I called

and told

> him merry christmas, and he told me that nada had called him


> concern about me, and told him that she thought that I WAS CRAZY.

She used

> those exact words.


> I was livid. I still am. Apparently the smear campaign has begun. I

am going

> no contact immediatly. In a day or two when I calm down I will

probably send

> her an email requesting no future contact until a time when I feel


> to communicate again. I was in tears christmas morning, but now I

am jsut

> really angry. I am not going to play her games. She doesn't get to


> lies about me and then see my kids. If she is saying those kinds of


> to my own father, who knows what she is saying to other people


> Things have gone steadily downhill with her since my third child

was born,

> and now I just plain fed up. I don't have time or energy for this

kind of

> stress in my life.


> --





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> It'll get better when you kids are old enough to just say,

> plainly, " Grandma's nuts. "

lol! That's so true!!! My son was only 7 when he got it.

, I hope your anger has passed a bit and you're feeling better. I think

NC is the best Christmas present anyone could give themselves!

If you do decide to send her a letter telling her about it, though, I'd just

assume she's going to ignore any requests and do whatever she wants. (If she

was capable of respecting boundaries, you wouldn't need the NC!)

I guess there's no way to predict how crazy-stalker she's going to get -- but

whatever she does, you can handle it!


Re: so angry

To: WTOAdultChildren1

> It'll get better when you kids are old enough to just say,

> plainly, " Grandma's nuts. "


> Seriously.


> Still hurts as the KO but it's better for the kids. They'll

> soon

> develop their own threshold of what they'll accept and tolerate

> from

> her. Listen to them... they'll let you know. The toys n such

> will

> only entice them so far.


> Treat and gaurd yourself like you do your children... you

> deserve to

> be protected too.


> Lynnette



> >

> > Yesterday I decided I would allow my nada a three minute phone

> conversation

> > with my five year old and three year old. We are at very low

> contact with

> > her right now, not for her lack of trying. She lives five

> hours

> away, but

> > constantly calls, sends emails, packages, and letters. At

> Thanksgiving she

> > called my phone, my husbands phone, and then started

> repeatedly

> calling my

> > inlaws landline until she got hold of us. I was so embarrassed!

> >

> > I didn't want that to happen again and ruin Christmas, so mid

> morning when

> > we were sitting in the car waiting for my husband to go to his

> parents home,

> > I called her and let her talk to him for a minute. The phone

> conversation

> > was full of her telling them she was coming to see them and

> bring

> them gifts

> > (I have never consented to this, and will not) and that the

> kids

> have toys

> > at her house that 'miss' them. Way to try to put a guilt trip

> on a

> couple of

> > little kids, nada.

> >

> > Anyway, I was very annoyed but glad to have it over with,

> knowing I

> could go

> > on with the rest of our relaxing Christmas day without her

> stalking

> behavior

> > hanging over my head. Then i noticed I had a voicemail from my

> dad.

> He and

> > nada have been divorced for over 13 years. He has no contact

> with

> her, both

> > of thier kids are grown and he lives in another town. She

> always

> says

> > horrible things about him, paints him black, simataniously

> says how

> horrible

> > he is and gets jealous if we do anything with him, and at the

> same

> time

> > grills my brother and I about every detail about him if she

> thinks

> we have

> > had contact with him We are supposed to be on HER SIDE, you

> see. I

> vividly

> > remember after thier divroce, I was 15 and my brother was 12-

> 13,

> and she sat

> > us down and told us that he cheated on her and did xyz and was

> a

> horrible

> > person. I told her she shouldn't be telling us these kinds of

> things,

> > especially not my young brother and she slapped me and yelled

> at me

> and from

> > that point on I started to be painted black too. Any time I

> stood

> up to her

> > she would insult me telling me I was 'just like your FATHER',

> which

> in her

> > mind is the worst insult.

> >

> > Anyway. I had a voicemail from my dad saying to call him. I

> called

> and told

> > him merry christmas, and he told me that nada had called him

> feigning

> > concern about me, and told him that she thought that I WAS


> She used

> > those exact words.

> >

> > I was livid. I still am. Apparently the smear campaign has

> begun. I

> am going

> > no contact immediatly. In a day or two when I calm down I will

> probably send

> > her an email requesting no future contact until a time when I

> feel

> willing

> > to communicate again. I was in tears christmas morning, but

> now I

> am jsut

> > really angry. I am not going to play her games. She doesn't

> get to

> spread

> > lies about me and then see my kids. If she is saying those

> kinds of

> things

> > to my own father, who knows what she is saying to other people

> >

> > Things have gone steadily downhill with her since my third

> child

> was born,

> > and now I just plain fed up. I don't have time or energy for

> this

> kind of

> > stress in my life.

> >

> > --

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Idk. She called this morning leaving a message that she. Is coming to

visit this week to bring the kids presents. Once again didn't ask just

announed her forth coming arrival. I haven't called back yet. Inknow

she will push and ignore

My boundries but at the same time I think that it is good to pit them

in writing so that I have documentation in case we need a future

restraining prefer to protect the kids.

Sent from my iPod

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Find out when she's coming and don't be there. Seriously... leave the

day before and come back the day after. If $ is an issue (and you

don't want to stay at a hotel) go stay with a friend. Just don't be

HOME. Sure, it's a pain, but it sends an obvious message.



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I suggest you begin saving her recorded messages (its just as good has

having it in writing) and save recordings of your replies and your

stating your boundaries to nada. (All with dates and times indicated.)

That's what the police tell victims of stalkers to do: save all those

messages and e-mails.

And I agree with the earlier post: if you know which day she's going

to show up, just take the kids with you and go somewhere else for a

few hours, or days, or whatever it takes.

If you just stay home and allow nada to come in, you are reinforcing

or even rewarding your nada for ignoring your boundaries.

You could leave a note tacked to the door just saying, " We're out of

town, be back later " or something similarly vague and brief so she

won't do something hysterical like call the police and tell them

you've been kidnapped, or worse. You should probably leave word with

a trusted neighbor as well, one who knows the drill, in case nada does

a house to house search for you. Neighbor can say, " oh, yes,

told me she's going to be out of town and asked if I could collect the

mail for her, etc. "

Good luck with this, you've got a very aggressive nada who totally

disrespects you, and her behavior is very much like a stalker. Creepy.



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Oh, and PS:

If you haven't already, I suggest changing the locks on your door so

nada can't just let herself in when you're not there.

Again, not being there at all is the ideal way to handle this, in my


> >


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