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Re: Support Group Update 8/20/2006

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Great, Ilena! A few women at a time and many

other people being educated. That is what we are all about.


At 07:22 PM 8/20/2006, you wrote:

>Dearest Group,


>This is a quick note to tell you that I'm going

>to be on Sally Kirkland's radio show again

>tomorrow morning from 10-11am pacific time. The

>archived show from last week and links to hear

>this live are on our homepage. We got lots of

>positive feedback and welcome several new women

>to our group that found us from the show.




>We have several women going through explant in

>the next couple of weeks. Please join me in

>sending prayers and positive healing energy to them.


>The madness of this cause continues. Women are

>being silenced with tiny settlements and gag

>orders and forced to remove any of their

>personal implant stories from the internet.


>Our Lany, an angel who blessedly survived

>Hurricane Katrina last year, just had her

>website censured and removed without her

>permission or desire because it " upset " someone.






>Thanks very, very much to Fuchs-sey

>for this important study that follows. It is

>highly significant for women with implants and

>begs further investigation. I've copied a

>portion of it here ... it relates to genetic

>work which may lead to explanations of why some

>women get so very ill with implants ... and some

>can tolerate from for long periods of time.

>Leroid (I mean, Leroy) Young began this work

>around a decade ago, but instead of following

>through, he went on to push Tofu Titties (soy

>oil filled) and butt implants instead.


>I've included some great feedback from Paige on

>the fibromyalgia discussion from last week ... I

>actually received enormous feedback that I will try to put together soon.


>Also, we 've gotten great response from our

>petition to Judge Hood. We've also found out

>that 95% of the women have been turned down for

>Level A in the Dow Bankruptcy ... please check

>the website if you wish to participate ... it's

>not too late. (see note below Paige's

>writing). I thank for pointing out what

>Frailich Law Firm wrote about this (see below.) It's a scandal.


>Blessings to all and prayers for healing for our group and for our planet.









>Peripheral Neuropathy: Human Leukocyte

>Antigen (HLA) Genetic Studies








>It has been reported, by several authors,16,17,18 that the

>Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) DR 53 has been consistently

>found in patients with fibromyalgia associated

>with silicone breast implants.


>The HLA DR antigens

>are individual loci on lymphocytes and are useful in

>designating individual proclivity to specific medical conditions.

>Furthermore, DQ2, in those studies, appeared

>to be significantly increased in patients with silicone

>prostheses and with clinical evidence of disease. DQ2

>is associated with DR7 and at the same time in linkage

>disequilibrium with DR 3 and DR 52, but the authors

>could not find an increased frequency of either B8, DR 3

>or DR 52 in those patients with fibromyalgia. The presence

>of DR 53 gene was associated with auto-antibodies

>to B cells in symptomatic patients but was not associated

>with either the DQ1 or DQ2 genes. One of these studies,

>that of Young, et. al.,19 reported that HLA DR53

>gene was present in 68% of asymptomatic and symptomatic



>However, the asymptomatic patients

>also had an increased frequency of DR1 and DR2 genes,

>and the DQ genes possibly represented protector genes.

>They concluded that symptomatic patients with breast

>implants share important DR53 positivity that differentiates

>them from asymptomatic patients.


>These authors

>concluded that a genetic characteristic that predisposes

>an individual to mount an immune mediated response

>as a consequence of silicone breast implantation as well

>as the composition and location of the implant prostheses

>may play a role in the body's response to silicone

>exposure. However, other investigators have found the

>presence of DQ1 gene present in 75% of symptomatic

>patients as well as the decreased frequency of the DR3

>and DQ2 genes.20


>The current study of over 100 patients with Chronic

>Inflammatory Demyelinating Neuropathy associated

>with Silicone Breast Implant Adjuvant Disease demonstrates

>an equal preponderance of HLA of DR13, DR15,

>DR51, DR52 and DR53 genes of 30%, 44%, 32%, 62%

>and 46% respectively.


>This study supports the thesis that

>HLA typing is clearly related to autoimmune sensitivity

>to silicone breast implants in those patients with Chronic

>Inflammatory Demyelinating Peripheral Neuropathy.

>Furthermore, the presence of more than one combination

>of DR gene 13+15+51, etc., appears associated with

>the more severe and progressive illness.





>I am writing in response to the Fibromyalgia

>site that was sent out a few days ago.


>I have had the opportunity to meet with Dr . St.

>Amands and at a seminar. They are very

>nice and knowledgeable when it comes to

>fibro. I do not necessarily agree with

>everything they teach but it has worked well for

>some. However, if you choose to do the

>Guaifenisen method it is very hard to follow and

>you must be very strict about not using anything

>with Salicilates. It is in almost

>everything. It is in most chap sticks,

>toothpaste, hand soaps, cosmetics, lotions,

>etc. Even the smallest amount of Salicilates

>will block what you are trying to achieve. They

>have a list on their website. I have tried it

>along with a lot of other people and not been

>successful with the treatment. However, there

>are some women and men that I know that have been helped tremendously.




>The seminar I attended where I met them was a

>Vulvar Pain Foundation seminar. While you may

>not have vulvar pain problems, a lot of the

>protocol definitely helps with Connective Tissue

>problems. If I understand the breast implant

>problems a lot of you have Connective Tissue

>Disorders. I do know that not everything works

>for everyone like the Guaifenisen treatment or

>the protocol at this



>If you are interested in helping any connective

>tissue problems please check out this site too

>along with the Guaifenisen website. It has

>really helped with my Fibromyalgia. Magnesium to

>relax muscles. Glucosamine to strengthen

>tissues/cartilage. Our protocol recommends

>the N – Acetyl kind but the Glucosamine Sulfate

>works for some. The sulfate may be a little

>aggravating to your system for some especially

>if you have vulvar pain, IC or any lower pelvic

>problems. HTO on this site is another

>treatment worth checking out for connective tissue.


>Now, unrelated to the above, I also go to a

>Doctor about my Fibromyalgia that uses Dr.

>Titlebaum's protocol. You can find a lot of the

>information over the internet. He has a book

>called " From Fatigued to Fantastic " . My Doctor

>recommended a daily vitamin powder drink that Dr

>. Titlebaum formulated called From Fatigued to

>Fantastic Daily Energy Enfusion. It retails for

>about $50 for a month supply but I buy it from


>for under $30. That is a great deal considering

>it really boosts your immune system and gives

>you energy and many of the vitamins and minerals

>are high enough that you can stop taking other

>supplements. It also comes with a package of B

>complex supplement that is excellent! This is

>the best multivitamin I have ever had and I have

>tried a lot! I used to get a lot of infections

>and I do not ever get them anymore! Most places

>you find the Energy Enfusion under the Brand

>Name Enzymatic Therapy . He made it under Phtyo

>Pharmocopia or something like that. It is the

>same exact product under either label.




>I really appreciate this site and all of you

>ladies helping with my Spiritual Mom, Betty and

>convincing her to get her implants out. I

>believe she is headed in that direction.




>If you want help with your Fibromyalgia the

>following is an excellent book that I have used

>to help myself and used to make recommendations

>to my Drs. … Fibromyalgia and Chronic

>Myofascial Pain: A Survival Manual by Dr. Devin

>Starlanyl. She has the Syndrome

>herself. .


>is a really good site too! AS many of you

>breast explant gals have found out you have to

>educate, support yourself and try to get a

>teachable Dr. that will give you what you

>need. Unless you are very blessed to find out one who knows.


> Paige




>Thanks :




>BAD THING. According to the Claims Board, 95 %

>of all Level A claims have been denied. The

>Claims Board has taken the position that the

>proper criteria for a Level A disability is

>where a claimant can perform few or none of her

>normal activities of vocation AND self care. The

>Claimant Advisory Committee has taken the

>position that the proper criteria for a Level A

>disability are where a claimant can perform few

>or none of her normal activities of vocation OR self care.



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