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Kim Hoffman's contact?

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Hi Ladies,

I just got off the phone with a woman in Missouri who is sick from her implants and needs some support. I know that Kim Hoffman gave testimony regarding her implant experience to the FDA, and she is from Missouri too, but when I wrote her, the letter came back undeliverable. Does anyone know how to contact Kim, or does anyone know of any contacts in Missouri for a proper explant and care?

Thanks for any help,


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This is the email on her website, Patty. Kim has been one of the

leaders in exposing Mentor!




> Hi Ladies,

> I just got off the phone with a woman in Missouri who is sick from

her implants and needs some support. I know that Kim Hoffman gave

testimony regarding her implant experience to the FDA, and she is from

Missouri too, but when I wrote her, the letter came back

undeliverable. Does anyone know how to contact Kim, or does anyone

know of any contacts in Missouri for a proper explant and care?


> Thanks for any help,

> Patty


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Thanks Ilena...I believe that was the address I sent my letter to and which came back undeliverable....

I'll try again.

Thanks for the link too, I forgot about that one!


Re: Kim Hoffman's contact?

This is the email on her website, Patty. Kim has been one of theleaders in exposing Mentor!kimreneehoffman@ sbcglobal. nethttp://www.breastim plantproblems. com/>> Hi Ladies,> I just got off the phone with a woman in Missouri who is sick fromher implants and needs some support. I know that Kim Hoffman gavetestimony regarding her implant experience to the FDA, and she is fromMissouri too, but when I wrote her, the letter came backundeliverable. Does anyone know how to contact Kim, or does anyoneknow of any contacts in Missouri for a proper explant and care?> > Thanks

for any help,> Patty>

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