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Re: Re: : the Serenity prayer/Wayne Dyer/

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Well, my Friend,

You have hit on an interesting subject. I know I will not have many in my

funeral if

any at all. But that really does not bother me. I will be long gone and it

really won't

make a difference as if I were still alive. So my going out party will consist

of just the

burial service.

My children have been indoctrinated by their dad and now do not get in touch

with me

at all. I do have one that will call about four times a year and another on my


Those are two out of five. So the kids won't attend.

But that is in the past. I live in the present.

In teaching all theseclasses, I stay in touch with many children of all ages

and cultures. They are beautiful.That is my life and have enjoyed every single

minute of it.

I am a loner by nature anyway. You and I have talked about that.

My time is spent in trying to make the world a better place especially for the


I only have a few more years here and tryto make the most of it. 

Okay, folks, don't think I am weird, I am just being realistic with what I have

been handed

in this life.

What I have done is set goals and spend my life trying to reach them.

With the bit I do I stay in a serene state of mind with a joyful spirit.

When I do get ill, as I said before, I make plans on my next painting or class

lesson... be

it art or religion while I rest in bed. Like that I stay focused until the bout

fades away and

I can start again.

Life is a state of mind, it is how you are going to handle what happens or

has happened that makes the difference. Spirituality helps a bunch for helping

solve most

problems. Prayer and God goes a long way.




To: " fibromyalgiacured " <fibromyalgiacured >

Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 2:58 AM

Subject: Re: Re: : the Serenity prayer/Wayne Dyer/


You know how my priest came to tell me about this is was when I was attending my

classes for confirmation. At that time, as you know I was still quit sad

regarding my family falling out with me and such. Anyway, there were a group of

us at this meeting and the others were supposed to be teaching me about Catholic

Tradition, and one of them said we like to go to funerals, and the others

started giggling. I was a bit shocked at this since in my previous Christian

tradition this was not a normal thing to say

Yes we always do our best to attend funerals, one of them said, even people we

do not know

Another piped up, well I do not agree with it, I think this is an intrusion on

the family, funerals are private affairs

I am just sat there, you know, like the referee, trying to make sense of it all

No, it is not like that another one said, people are always so thankful. I was

still a bit perplexed

Yes, but do you ask, said another, maybe people do not want a bunch of strangers

turning up at their funeral

And another said, well if you can't be bothered with them when they are alive

then why go to their funeral?

My priest, who normally does not get much involved in these discussions said, Do

you know there is nothing more heart breaking than being the only person that

turns up to a persons funeral....................... The room went silent!!

He said, I am fortunate that this has only ever happened to me once, and I did

manage to phone a couple of people and they quickly ran over to the church, but

many a time I have had funerals where only one or two family members would be


He said, and these people being buried all of them were devout and such good


What had happened was when they were younger they had taken on a caring role and

in the early days they had sustained some contact with friends, family and so

on, but as the person they were taking care of had become more and more ill then

their contact with the outside world had become lesser and lesser, until one day

that person was pretty much forgotten about

He said, here at this church we do already have a strong group of people that do

visit the sick and folk that are caring and we do do our best (and he is right

they do have good people that do this and this was one reason why I was

attending there) but, he said there is always somebody that falls through the

net, somebody we just do not know about

He said, I do not find out about this until it is too late, and this is a double

whammy because not only might I end up being the only person present, I also

have to know that I did not know this person was all alone.

He then said, we cannot always get it right, but it does make a difference to

have folk here at a funeral service. the person that has died is our bother or

sister just as much as anybody else, and even if we get it wrong when they are

alive, just to get it right for that one day is important too

Do you know something, that day I really snapped out of my self pity. I had lost

my family and they probably would not have on that day attended my funeral, if

it would have been that day, but all of a sudden I really could not care less

Just knowing that this group of people, that I did not know that well, would

visit me if I ever did get housebound with my husband, was like the most magical

gift anybody could have given me. And I actually realised on that day that loads

of people will actually be at my funeral, and I decided then to start planning

it, and it is somewhat like you are describing what I have written down, but I

have included a lot of hymns because I know that when my children see these good

folk turn up at my funeral, this could have a real impact on their spiritual


They do not attend church often, my two and they are not of the same faith as

me, but the more they see of the love I get from my church friends, the more

they ponder on it

Love you

Love Joanne


To: " fibromyalgiacured " <fibromyalgiacured >

Sent: Monday, 20 February 2012, 2:04

Subject: Re: Re: Tina : the Serenity prayer/Wayne Dyer/


Not meaning to sound morbid to anyone...someone got shocked at my plans.

But am not having a funeral. Instructions are bury me in the cheapest coffin

available right away. Any prayers can be said before or after. As for flowers,

if you won't give them to me while alive, why do I want them when I'm dead. 

No point in being extravagant over a dead me.


To: " fibromyalgiacured " <fibromyalgiacured >

Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 5:46 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Tina : the Serenity prayer/Wayne Dyer/



Just had to make a comment here.  What your priest said about carers having

less people show up at their funeral than other people.  It would be my

preference not to have a funeral anyway.   I think if people don't really care

about me while I'm alive then why bother coming to my funeral.  I know that the

funeral is actually for the family.  Therefore, whatever they choose to do when

I die will be O.K.  Even in the end we will be trying to make others happy.




To: " fibromyalgiacured " <fibromyalgiacured >

Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 4:26 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Tina : the Serenity prayer/Wayne Dyer/



I know, I have had more of them than I have of all the others in my life. And

every time I tried to get back on my feet from the last nightmare, another one

turned up, and then another and then another............................... and

then another!!!!

But you know what, it is not about them, it is about us!!!!

My great gran was told she had syphilis, it now emerges that was probably

vaccines from the war. Her family disowned her

She was given antibiotics and her daughter, my gran was never well. She ended up

in mental hospitals and a story as long as your arm

Her mom, the lady with the so called syphilis, could not take care of her and so

she was abandoned at 6. This is the gran with all the health problems, including

mental health problems

Her daughters, all have reactive arthiritis, which is associated with syphilis,

but they do not have syphilis. The eldest of these got MS

My mom is the only one not affected in those ways, she is an alcoholic

I may have the reactive arthiritis, my symptoms are the same as my aunt, the

doctors ignore this tell me it is fibro, and here in England fibro is still a

psychological condition, hense the reason I do have never had any welfare

benefit even when I could not walk, and I now also do not have help from the


My sister was vaccinated and got diabetes immediately after. My mom told them it

was the vaccines and she was told she was a paranoid unstable mother

On my dads side we have the Parkinsons due to the food, and no doubt treatments

they have all had. We are all chemical sensitive.

And there are at least a zillion other things some of which I know you already


And it is them, and it is not us

I have been told since being small it was all me, in one form or another, and

simply just ran around like an headless chicken from being small trying to solve

it all. I was the only one brainy enough to figure out anything, and each time I

did I had some clown telling me I was wrong or stupid or too sensitive, too much

of a worrier and all the rest

But, seriously, I did, I know I nearly died with all this. Was it a stroke, is

it Parkinsons? I really do not know, but I have hit the cross bar more then


The sick and vulnerable in my family still need me now

From being tiny I have looked after the sick every single day of my life. Not

one day off. Not one day off

I am fortunately healthy now, but I am generally dressed like a tramp and I do

not look the part, as in how I would need to look to take all these lot on

Plus I do not have the physical mental or emotional strength to fight them. I am

well but could not do it. I never will be able to.

But this thing is also the poison from them, and this is the bigger poison,

because they do harm them we love, and us with their scientific madness, but the

thing that really is their legacy is what they do to good women, and good men


I do not know the answer regarding this, but I know that the madness of it all

has affected me and affected the other good people in my family more than


Right now it is my dad and hubby that need me most, when I was younger it was

the children, one day it will be the granchildren and on and on this story goes

and will go

I am always going to be that person. regardless of if things go well or go bad,

that person is still going to be me. I am going to be caring for the sick until

the day I die

My priest told me that carers often have the least people present at their

funerals. If that does not tell you it all

But this does not matter, because, there is no way all this can be going on

without their being a higher thing going on too. and it is knowing that that has

helped me blow the bubbles away. I have to be sane and healthy because tomorrow

and the next day, and the day after that, and every day that I am here on this

planet I am going to be looking after folk

You see it is not about all them it is about me, and this madness I know happens

to everybody that has a good heart, and it is not as powerful as the man on our


Love you

Love Joanne


To: fibromyalgiacured

Sent: Sunday, 19 February 2012, 19:52

Subject: Re: Tina : the Serenity prayer/Wayne Dyer/


And god grant me,forgiveness,because the anger I feel for these

cocky,arrogant,worthless SOBs with their worthless college education.Modern

medicine is a joke.A money making racket.

> > >

> > > Tina

> > >  

> > > I know my fear issues came from the way I was treated when I was young and

the many things that had gone wrong in my adult life. And also, because I was

intelligent and I was usually the only person in my life they ever actually new

what was going on

> > >  

> > > Most of the folk around me were either oblivious because they were drugged

up, or drunk or had mental impairment or were just arogent and did not really

care what was happening as long as their life was OK

> > >  

> > > I was always worrying, in a way I had to, nobody else could be bothered

to, and I was also angry and resentful. not with the mentally impaired but very

much with the drugged up drunk and arrogent, and God too if i am honest, I just

could not understand how and why these lot were so selfish and how God could let

this world me like this

> > >  

> > > the conversations in my head basically centred around this. I would watch

the news, and documentaries and read newspapars and frankly research everything.

I was not doing all this to put the fear of Hell into me I was doing this

because i wanted and needed answers. All these folk around me were insane to say

the least, and I wanted to know how I could help them get well so that I would

not have to be so wound up all the time worrying about all these things that

were going on in the world, my world, that everybody else was telling me to

chill out about Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

> > >  

> > > This is how it was, day in day out.

> > >  

> > > I looked after the sick, the mentally impaired, the lonely, the sad, the

vunerable, the needy, the tired, the addicted, the down trodden, the lazy, the

everything. Everywhere I looked there was complete and utter madness, and no

matter how much I went on and on and on about what was very clearly in front of

me and them too for that matter, it always ended up the same!!!!! Patronising

people telling me not to worry and not to let things get me down, just be happy

and all the rest............................. Honestly this was like living in

crazy town!!!!!!!

> > >  

> > > LOL

> > >  

> > > It is hard to explain how I got myself from there to here. But I did

> > >  

> > > One thing I did do was start admiting my helplessness, my true inability

to change any of these folk or the situation.

> > >  

> > > This prayer that I picked up at Alanon helped me

> > >  

> > >  

> > > God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

> > > Courage to change the things I can,

> > > And wisdom to know the difference

> > >  

> > > You know something Tina, you know why I think we end up so worrisome as we

do, I really do think the reason is that we are intelligent and very loving


> > >

> > > Like I said, earlier most folk live in their own bubble. There are a

million reasons why they are like that. Sometimes it is by choice and sometimes

they simply cannot help it, but with us it is like we cannot stop worrying about

all them LOL

> > >

> > > Listen, it does come, the freedom comes, out heart do find peace, we do

find away to live in this mad world and not be tormented by it

> > >

> > > This guy Wayne Dyer, he has over time helped me a lot with this

> > >

> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRYjPVEFOgg & feature=related

> > >

> > > Love joanne

> > >  

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > From: " tinasmith448@ " <tinasmith448@>

> > > To: fibromyalgiacured

> > > Sent: Sunday, 19 February 2012, 17:25

> > > Subject: Re: tina: Joyce Meyer Magazine

> > >

> > >

> > >  

> > >

> > >

> > > Thankyou.I think,Trusting God when you don`t understand,is so far my

favorite of her sermons,but I have not watched that many yet.The one on attitude

adjustment was also good.I need some to conquor my fears.

> > > April: Joyce Meyer

> > >

> > >  

> > >

> > > April

> > >

> > > Joyce helps me more than anybody

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Love joanne

> > >

> > >

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I just want to be cremated.No service.Not that many would come anyway.I don`t


April: Joyce Meyer

> > >

> > >  

> > >

> > > April

> > >

> > > Joyce helps me more than anybody

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Love joanne

> > >

> > >

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