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Fwd: please post my words---Re: Urge you to write FDA by Aug. 23 re toxicity of mercury fillings.

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CINDY FUCHS-MORRISSEY <cfuchsmorrissey@...> wrote: Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 07:36:01 -0700 (PDT)From: CINDY FUCHS-MORRISSEY <cfuchsmorrissey@...>Subject: please post my words---Re: [siliconeKids] Urge you to write FDA by Aug. 23 re toxicity of mercury fillings.Rogene S <saxony01@...> Yes, this is all OK to post... ...you know Rogene & others, mecury fillings (like all dental composites) like breast implants, like genetically modified/genetically engineered foods all really need to be of great concern. I am concerned, but no need to press the panic button...as one will not be able to think clearly...so concern is good, panic is not. With me saying this, The general population is not being

really told the truth...and all I have to say on this is: The first faults are theirs that commit them; the second faults, theirs that PERMIT them. So we ALL need to not allow/not permit this to happen which I am glad to see that people ARE speaking out. None of should ever give up or give in when we want to truly make healthy lifestyle choices for ourselves, and our family members, our offspring AND for the generations to come! Really, in dentistry they really have NOT fully investigated ingestion references with an assessment of adult exposure or in children as well with the risks from components and degradation products of dental materials like they all want us to believe...again, the FDA is part of this problem as well, because they back (enable) what studies have been done as "ok". As everyone understands by now the FDA enables many...who damn the general population

as the general population is having their immune responses damned/exerted---"turned on" which IS NOT the cause of one's genetics, but caused by what one's genetics is unable to embraced when exposed...also, via the placental barrier through fetal cells. Personally, I believe that mercury fillings should be a concern just like plutonium. I understand dentists would not agree. But they are blinded...just like plastic surgeons are blinded to what they put into the human body like with breast implants. SO, it appears we all have a bunch of highly educated people with a very high level of education & degrees, in denial, like a drinker with a drinking problem. Denial is not good IF one really wants to better understand disease(s) at it evolves in humans in order for them to uphold their oath of First, do no harm. Of course dentists and their assistants need to be FULLY tracked & documented in a truly dispassionate manner as well, and followed to see what diseases they present with in their own lifetime...because they take "hits" from what they handle (mercury, x-rays...) daily in dentistry. Of course, no documentation means....no evidence. NOT TRUE says this very simple MISSOURI housewife...it really means the evidence was not tracked, documented in a truly dispassionate manner to learn more from their mistakes. AND...if patients have the variants of certain key genes that can NOT embrace mercury fillings you may see the horrors of hell opened up (a real Pandora's Box) with the patients health. I am aware that the American Dental Association maintain that the amount of mercury in a filling is too small to have an effect....BUT if the patient does have the variants of certain

key genes, there may be an expression/exerting --"turning on" of the immune response with health issues like cancers, birth defects and nerve damage & whatever else from dental material. A VALID QUESTION: Why do we really need mercury in the human body anyway with medicines/vaccines/dentistry/medical devices? Personally, sometimes I believe that the medical community (dentistry too) does this so they can create diseases to keep them in business..."business as usual"... Am I wrong? I doubt it because I have observed things (observed well) since I have been a kid. I have learned by observing one can close the door between possiblity and fact IF they have reverence for life (to uphold their oath of First, do no harm) when the human body does take "hits" that elevate/exert-turn on the human immune response, via the placental barrier through fetal cells with

medicine/vaccines/dentistry/medical devices--silicone gel breast implants, foods, personal care products and so forth... Look at all of the crapola WE ALL are taking "hits" of...like a "two hit" theory which I have personally questioned for years, for starters with breast implants as I noted the need -- great need to HLA-type patients IF one really wanted to understand "causation"of breast implant exposure. I did practice what I preached, got Hla-typed in 1998 in a fetal cells in scleroderma study ...and the same concern goes for effects and side effects of dental materials...genetics is the foundation, but not the "cause"...the cause would be the trigger/genetically offending trigger (in dentistry) that elevates-exerts-"turns on" the variants of key genes that could NOT embrace the ...(in this case) dental materials. One

other thing I have to say today...."Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she has laid an asteroid"... Lets all prove MARK TWAIN'S words wrong....Hens need to cackle loudly because we all have just laid an asteroid...and it hurt! As genetics is the foundation, but NOT the cause...the cause may be the genetically offending trigger that elevates-EXERTS-turns on the variants of key genes along with the time factor of exposure....as this goes for DENTAL MATERIALS as well. Take care, /CFM/ Fuchs-sey Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: OK to post? . . . Love, RogeneCINDY

FUCHS-MORRISSEY <cfuchsmorrissey@...> wrote: A concern I have had for years...was ingestion references... with like the toxicity of mercury fillings...were they really ever done on adults and children...and were ingestion references with the toxicity of mercury filling ever really fully tracked over the many years? And if they were, then show the results...simple...show the many years of results of safety and acceptable risks. OH, AND was there ever tracking when the dentist and his workers (his/her assistants) were exposed to mercury in the labs or with handling of this? You know the dentists and their assistants ARE taking "hits" too...but nobody in the Dental Association or the FDA fully tracks this either...What we don't know will hurt us... REMEMBER---"The art of being

wise is the art of knowing what to NOT overlook". Of course, in my family we have dentists & I do tend to seek & find & ask questions, like I have with silicone gel breast implants which also elevated---EXERT--TURN ON the variants of certain key genes that can NOT embrace the exposure...and I have been concerned about the toxicity of mercury fillings too, like I have been concerned about silicone gel breast implants....WE ALL should be very concerned...as many in dentistry like other divisions of medicine are NOT being forthcoming to the general population. REMEMBER---"The first faults are theirs that commit them; the second faults, theirs that PERMIT them."...this goes for everything in medicine/vaccines/DENTISTRY and medical devices---like breast implants as well....so with this being said, "the choice IS YOURS". Listen to what I have to say...because I have observe well over the

years. This is what I personally believe from observation over many years...and nobody needs to agree with me...but I will stand strong in what I have to say. Take care, CFM/ Fuchs-seyRogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: Charlie Brown <charlietoxicteeth (DOT) org> wrote: From: "Charlie Brown" <charlietoxicteeth (DOT) org>"Charlie Brown"

<charlietoxicteeth (DOT) org>Subject: Urge you to write FDA by Aug. 23 re toxicity of mercury fillings.Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 18:06:43 -0400 Urge you to write FDA by Aug. 23 re toxicity of mercury fillings. Up until this Wed., Aug. 23, the Food and Drug Administration is accepting written comment re the neuro-toxicity of mercury fillings. FDA is having a two-day public meeting on Sept. 6 and 7. But written comments are due August 23. Anyone may comment.Please file comments with FDA – do so immediately –

to .Adjodhafda (DOT) hhs.gov. Provide your name and address, as well as other details about yourself as you desire. (If you have questions, call Mr. Adjodha at 301-827-5283, ext. 123.) For details of event, see http://www.fda.gov/oc/advisory/accalendar/2006/cdrh12518dd09060706.html; talking pts. below. Don’t let this event pass you by. If you ever wanted to tell the government about mercury fillings, now is your chance. You have until the end of the day

this Wednesday, Aug. 23 Charlie Brown, 8/20/06 G. Brown, National Counsel, Consumers for Dental Choice 1725 K St., N.W., Suite 511, Washington, DC 20006 Ph. 202.822-6307; fax 822-6309, charlietoxicteeth (DOT) org, www.toxicteeth.org TALKING POINTS: FDA should order dentists to tell people about the mercury. The word “silver fillings” is deceptive. Mercury fillings are no longer needed -- alternatives are available. Why does FDA want to be behind the rest of the world in protecting children? Mercury is a neuro-toxin that harms the developing brains of children and fetuses. Ban amalgam now! Ban amalgam for children and pregnant women now! --No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.3/423 - Release Date: 8/18/2006 --No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.3/423 - Release Date: 8/18/2006 Want to be your own boss? Learn how on Small Business. Want to be your own boss? Learn how on Small Business.

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