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Bugs permitted in food? Gag! . . .Rogene

There were roaches everywhere...gross

You could even see the roaches embedded in the food

I better not say the name of the food company that I had worked for but we named it roach hotel,

Real fast I would disrobe right outside of my apartment and immediately wash my clothes

The exterminators came in one night and covered the machines in plastic

They kept all employees in the cafeteria while this was being done

That is when I found out that so many bugs are allowed in food...Gross

They fell in droves over the plastic so I was told by one of the bosses

I found out that roaches love flour bags it is dark and tasteful

Food processing factories that use flour bags well just use your imagination..... Gross

I could go on and on with more details but you get the picture ?

These roaches were everywhere you would look just about

I did not know how much longer I was going to take this

But when I reached that point they closed the plant down

When they broke ground and bulit new big homes

I always wonder hmmmm.... Where did those roaches go

I also worked in a butter factory and their mixer was located in the garage and the fly's were for free

I was just a kid back than and I understood it was wrong... Gross

Now I have no idea what is lurking in my fat belly and my knees are so messed up

All because of those Safe Saline Implants !!!...grrrr


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