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I'm feeling better...it's only been like a week but since PT and I'm taking Kickboxing...I'm not as stiff or have as much fatique... I stil take 1 vicodin a day for pain but I'm feeling LOTS better...pray it lasts.

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Isn't kickboxing a bit aggressive, given as poorly as you have felt?


> I'm feeling better...it's only been like a week but since PT and I'm taking

> Kickboxing...I'm not as stiff or have as much fatique... I stil take 1 vicodin

> a day for pain but I'm feeling LOTS better...pray it lasts.

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Good for you, ! Easy with the kickboxing...don't go too hard on

yourself. I took Kung Fu 3x in my life...loved it. The last time I

took it, my instructor politely said, " With your chronic neck

condition and age, I would recommend you take Tai Chi. " My little

kid inside said, NOOOO! I love kung fu...he was right, though. Every

punch would aggravate my neck.

I hope you do well and have fun!!


Sunny :)


> I'm feeling better...it's only been like a week but since PT and

I'm taking

> Kickboxing...I'm not as stiff or have as much fatique... I stil

take 1 vicodin

> a day for pain but I'm feeling LOTS better...pray it lasts.


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Hi ,

Whatever works, do it. Just know your limitations and try not to push

yourself beyond them - if it makes you feel better, it's great. Do

they have different levels of kickboxing, like beginner, intermediate,




> I'm feeling better...it's only been like a week but since PT and I'm


> Kickboxing...I'm not as stiff or have as much fatique... I stil take

1 vicodin

> a day for pain but I'm feeling LOTS better...pray it lasts.


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wow kickboxing! how is that? I admire that - had you taken it

before? very cool.

-- In , Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:


> Isn't kickboxing a bit aggressive, given as poorly as you have felt?


> Kenda


> > I'm feeling better...it's only been like a week but since PT and

I'm taking

> > Kickboxing...I'm not as stiff or have as much fatique... I stil

take 1 vicodin

> > a day for pain but I'm feeling LOTS better...pray it lasts.


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I broke my ankle on my very first kickboxing class. That class was also my last!


Re: Cross your fingers....

-,wow kickboxing! how is that? I admire that - had you taken it before? very cool.-- In , Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:>> Isn't kickboxing a bit aggressive, given as poorly as you have felt?> > Kenda> > > I'm feeling better...it' s only been like a week but since PT and I'm taking> > Kickboxing.. .I'm not as stiff or have as much fatique... I stil take 1 vicodin> > a day for pain but I'm feeling LOTS better...pray it lasts. >

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, I think you are on to something important here. I'm so glad to

hear you are feeling better. I really think that movement is vital to

recovering from implants--stretching, bending, moving the skin and

muscles with massage, deep breathing either breathing exercises or

just deeper than normal breathing from getting your heart rate up.

Especially important from my own experience and other women's as well,

is moving the chest and shoulders. Somehow it seems to keep the

silicone which is settled in the chest and nearby areas from forming

those 'masses,' that cause some women problems and sometimes must be

removed surgically. It also seems to discourage the silicone from

settling into the lymph nodes, flushes it out somehow and keeps it

moving in the circulation where the body can use methods it has to

remove 'litter' from the body fluids and flush it out through the

kidneys. The 'problem' is overdoing and experiencing a recurrance of

original symptoms such as pain and fatigue, which is discouraging and

tends to keep the person from continuing on with a movement program.

I think when that happens, and it will, it's important to rest up a

bit, but get back to moving as soon as possible, taking it a little

easier perhaps for awhile, but never stopping!! What you are doing is

obviously good for you. If you get some return of pain and fatigue,

don't give up! That's the main thing. Don't give up!



> yea but they are taking it easy with me and believe it or not I feel


> not 100 % but better


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Diane - I agree 100% . . .We must keep moving, regardless. Finding the balance between what we can do and can't do is essential. FM really sets in when one is not moving.diana crocker <dwcrn@...> wrote: , I think you are on to something important here. I'm so glad tohear you are feeling better. I really think that movement is vital torecovering from implants--stretching, bending, moving the skin andmuscles with massage, deep breathing either breathing exercises orjust deeper than normal

breathing from getting your heart rate up. Especially important from my own experience and other women's as well,is moving the chest and shoulders. Somehow it seems to keep thesilicone which is settled in the chest and nearby areas from formingthose 'masses,' that cause some women problems and sometimes must beremoved surgically. It also seems to discourage the silicone fromsettling into the lymph nodes, flushes it out somehow and keeps itmoving in the circulation where the body can use methods it has toremove 'litter' from the body fluids and flush it out through thekidneys. The 'problem' is overdoing and experiencing a recurrance oforiginal symptoms such as pain and fatigue, which is discouraging andtends to keep the person from continuing on with a movement program. I think when that happens, and it will, it's important to rest up abit, but get back to moving as soon as possible, taking it a littleeasier perhaps

for awhile, but never stopping!! What you are doing isobviously good for you. If you get some return of pain and fatigue,don't give up! That's the main thing. Don't give up!Cheers,>> yea but they are taking it easy with me and believe it or not I feelbetter > not 100 % but better>

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