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New PCD-Nightmare, but may turn out good!

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Just got home from the new PCD appointment.

I had walked in there with a list of my symptoms, a description of

En Bloc Procedure, the original copy of my Gyno's referral for a

mammogram that stated Fibrocystic breast disease and breast pain,

the paperwork from the rheumatologist stating that I had

Fibromyalgia and widespread pain, and then a list of the referrals I

needed for doctors and my insurance.

I thought all this would be helpful to the new doctor.

So they put me in a room, and when Dr. (the PCD) walked in, he

did not introduce himself at all. He STORMED in the room very rudely


" Ok, so you want a referral for TennCare to pay for removal of

implants due to breast cancer, right? "

I was shook up by how rude he was right off the bat-for all I knew,

he wasn't even the doctor I was there to see!

I said " No-I didn't have breast cancer-I just got the implants 16

years ago and I believe they are leaking and I'm having a lot of

health problems and need to have them removed. "

He said " So you think you can just waltz in here and get a referral

and TennCare will pay for them? HA! "

I said " Well, yes-I've already talked to them and they said they

would pay for the removal, as long as I had proof they were making

me sick "

He said " I don't know you from Adam! And on top of that, breast

impants are VERY SAFE! They do NOT cause health problems, and the

FDA has put silicone back on the market because they are SAFE! They

will NOT pay for removal because this is COSMETIC! "

I tried to show him my piece of paper I had brought with all my

symptoms, I tried to tell him how sick I've been the last few years,

I tried to tell him about this group, I tried to tell him about my

friend who is now on disability because of the same symptoms as me,

who also has imlants, I tried to tell him everything I've read

online and in books, etc.

I tried to tell him about the thousands of sick women with implants-

he said " That's just a coincidence! NOT from implants! "

He would not listen, but he said " I'll HUMOR you and give you a

referral for this surgeon...but you'll be running back to me crying

because TennCare won't cover it! "

I was at the end of my rope by this time, and I started crying right

there in his office.

He had no right to be so mean to me right off the bat like that!

So he walks out and his nurse walked in. She was a black girl in her

late twenties named Tamera.

She was AWESOME!

Ends up that this girl had her breast removed when she was 13 years

old, due to breast cancer! She had one Silicone breast implant and

was having problems with a lot of pain in her shoulder and was

consulting with surgeons to have her implant removed when she had

the money saved up.

She had them put in when she was 13 years old, and a size 32A...she

had grown into a 36DD and wore a prosthesis (sp?) to even them out.

She told me that that mean doctor did not own the clinic-she said

the manager/owner was there if I wanted to complain about him-she

said several other people had complained about how rude he was to


So I went back to the manager's (Jean) office and told her about how

rude this doctor was. I told her that he had no right to act like

this to me-I was sick and just wanted to have my implants removed

and wanted some referrals!

(and the nurse Tamera) sat there and called Dr. Koleyni,(the

plastic surgeon that my Gyno had set me up an appointment with) and

made sure that he took my insurance.

She did not know what En Bloc was, and after I gave her the

definition I had brought with me, she asked the doctor if he did

that procedure, and he said he could do it that way, Yes.

She called my insurance company, who said they would pay for it, as

long as I had proof that they needed to be removed.

The nurse, Tamera sat down and wrote a referral to TennCare stating

that this was URGENT and that my implants WERE LEAKING AND RUPTURED

(she did this for me with no MRI!) and needed to be removed


She had to find a " code " for insurance purposes, and the book she

was going by did not have En Bloc listed at all, so she

put " Capsulectomy " which was as close as she could find. She said

there has got to be another name for it, but we could not find it in

the book.

The manager said that she wished more people would come to her about

this doctor (people just complained to the nurses, not her) because

she would have a reason to fire him then!

Tamera told me to call her back on Monday or Tuesday-she would know

something from my insurance company by then, because she had put

URGENT on all the paperwork for me!

Both Tamera and the owner/manager of the clinic hugged me and said

they would help me get this taken care of and to please come back to

them-they would make sure that doctor acted right next time! LOL

Everything is hopefully going to fall into place now-I've taken the

first steps!

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