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Alzheimers and Dimentia - B12 shots

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Rogene, I really respect your daughter for the work she does.

I watched a medical show the other night that talked about the

awesome results with B12 Shots for patients with Alzheimers or

Dimentia. An MD was discussing his experienc while he worked in a

psychiatric hospital. He said it was astounding, and very quick


My Auntie Tille has dimentia, she's in a nursing home in Calgary. My

cousin has her on some natural therapies, along with her meds, and I

got excited when I saw this. She is just withering away. It's so

sad for my Mom, her only living immediate family member, 2 years

younger than her at 86 yrs. old. Also, difficult for my cousin,

because that's how her Dad died a few years ago. It seems like her

Mom is following in his footsteps.

It's a tough call with people dying...I always pray for God's will to

be done, so I don't interfere with his plan. It's just really tough

to watch people suffer, isn't it?

Love ya lots,

Sunny :) xo

-- In , Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:


> My daughter uses infrared with Azheimer's patients. Sometimes it's

tough to know when they have aproblem - but she's seen patients go

from wheelchairs to walking around in as little as five

treatments, . . no placebo effect there! A study showed improvement

in peripheral neuropathy in as little as one treatment.


> What's sad is that, because infrared therapy was catching on so

with the senior crown, they quit covering treatments under Medicad.

Because they benefit the patients so much, my daughter uses it

anyway. . . Long standing diabetic wounds, bed sores and peripheral

neuropathy respond well also.


> What's nice is that there are no limitations on number of

treatments, and it's passive so a patient doesn't need to be attended

during treatment. That's not to say a pad can be put on and forgot

though (as in sleeping on a pad) . . .Little red spots will start

occuring if it's left on one spot too long.


> You'd do well to read up in the benefits of infrared therapy

online. I love my FAR infrared sauna . . . Whole body treatments. -

much more expensive than pads or lights. I'd recommend the sauna over

the pads for anyone who can afford it and who doesn't get sick from

heat. Since my cast is off, I'll be using it daily to speed the

healing of my arm.


> Rogene


> jumpony <ltolkin@...> wrote:

> Hi Rogene, Can you tell us anything else about the

infrared heating pads. What kinds of ailments does your daughter

think they help? Does it really work better than a regular heating

pad? They are pretty pricey, so I'm just checking before splurging.

> Thanks

> Laurie

> On Nov 28, 2006, at 9:51 AM, Lea wrote:





> Thank you dear Rogene:


> We were looking for a new heating pad, and because of your

advice, we will look for this type. has to go our later today

and he will look for the infrared. I hope that we can find it in one

of the stores.


> Honey, so happy that you have the cast off...stay well, love


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`



> Re: CFS is real!



> --- In , " Lea " <devans@>


> >

> > Thank you for this, Kenda. We have a doctor here who won a case

> in court regarding CFS. I am not sure if I have CFS, but for me it


> the pulling down pain in my back rib cage that destroys my life. I

> was up at 5AM, and now my day is over because I can no longer sit.


> feels like something is pulling my upper back downward! The pain is

> so bad, and we are at a loss as to what is causing this...I have


> this condition for so many years. The doctors have told me that I

> have chest wall damage from the ruptured implants. Do any of you


> this condition?

> >

> >


> I do... I am 31 now, but was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue


> at the same time as my fibromyalgia diagnosis -around age 24. Just

> like the prior post implied... people see you go from being a

> healthy, active person to being cripled. The fatigue is so great,


> not only affects your physical capabilities, but you can't even


> enough to maintain a social life. I can't even talk on the phone


> my friends or family. I can become exhausted carrying on a

> conversation for more than 10 minutes. If I converse 30-60 minutes -

> I'm ready for bed. When you get tired, your throat gets sore and


> eyes swell up. (I'm pretty sure that's in keeping with the CFS

> symptoms---but I know they are for sure my symptoms I notice.) I


> recently diagnosed with malnurishment due to malabsorption in my

> stomach, and this on top of the CFS has caused me to keep a sore

> throat for months. It feels like strep, but isn't---it's from pure

> exhaustion.


> It's hard for people to understand. I have friends and family who

> think " OK, I understand you don't feel like going out and doing

> anything because you don't feel well ---so I'll just come visit

> you... or we can just go have dinner. " They can't comprehend that

> even TALKING to them creates exhaustion.


> Life becomes a constant struggle for energy.


> I haven't posted for a while, but my other diagnosis are:

> Fibromyalgia, Pseudotumor Cerebri, Cluster Headaches, Migraines,

> Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroidism, PID, Polycystic Ovaries, and


> labs go back and forth for Lupus and Sjogren's Syndrome. (Currenly,

> my ANA is negative. It goes back and forth about every year or



> My rib cage stays swollen and inflamed with knots, by the way. (I


> this mentioned.)


> God bless you all... sorry I haven't kept up or posted in a while,

> but I've been miserable the past few months. You're all ALWAYS in


> prayers though!!!!


> Brigite :)


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