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POST: # 1 News.. note from Me, articles and other POST to follow

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Kathynye@... wrote: From: Kathynye@...Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 09:09:54 EDTSubject: POST: # 1 News.. note from Me, articles and other POST to followKathynye@...Hello All,I am back from vacation and family obligations. I tried to pick some of the important info and also request from others. It has taken me a long time to try to get this in some order. I do have a request of my own.When you send me something to POST, please send it in 10 pt Arial. I don't mind bold, underlines, but different color fonts and background take up so much time for me to convert in to 10 pt Arial and white background. I try to make the POST as neat and uniformed as possible. Just a request to help me save time.If I missed something

please forward it to me again. I had hundreds to filter through and am sure to have missed some. Any questions or request are, as always, welcomed.Kathy Nye============================================breast implants news:Breast implants linked to suicide, but not cancerhttp://www.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/08/18/breast.implants.reut/CNN -

USANEW YORK (Reuters Health) -- A large Canadian study adds to evidence that women with breast implants do not face a higher risk of cancer or other major diseases ...See first POST below to see article...KNSilicone breast implants may soon be backCNNMoney.com - USA... first time since 1992 - the year Bill Clinton was elected, Gotti was convicted, and Los Angeles spiraled into riots - silicone breast implants may once

....See 2nd POST to read full article and comment by Ilena... KNBreast implants save Israeli's life in rocket attackhttp://today.reuters.co.uk/news/articlenews.aspx?type=oddlyEnoughNews & storyID=2006-08-15T112834Z_01_L15146988_RTRIDST_0_OUKOE-UK-MIDEAST-IMPLANTS.XMLReuters.uk - UKJERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli woman's breast implants saved her life when she was wounded in a Hizbollah rocket attack during Israel's war with the Lebanese ...Eye on Health: Implants and Cancerhttp://www.wrcbtv.com/news/index.cfm?sid=2893WRCB-TV - Chattanooga,TN,USANow more than a quarter million American women a year get breast implants for cosmetic reasons alone. And five years after her implants ...Breast implants: The new Kevlar?http://blogs.kansascity.com/crime_scene/2006/08/breast_implants.htmlKansas City Star -

MO,USAPhoto: Since 1992, most breast implants used in the US have been filled with saline instead of silicone. But what is their stopping power? ...Silicone breast implants are returninghttp://c1.zedo.com/jsc/c1/ff2.html?n=162;c=105/1;s=76;d=16;w=720;h=300;t=UndertoneNetworks.com;3764299Bradenton Herald - FL, United StatesWhen silicone gel-filled breast implants were pulled off the market in 1992 amid a storm of health concerns,

controversy and subsequent lawsuits, many thought ...============================================================Subj: Canadian Study says breast implants linked to suicide, but not cancer Date: 8/19/2006 12:15:35 AM Eastern Standard Time From: wisgroup_leader@... Posted on CNN this evening. . .Breast implants linked to suicide, but not cancer NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -- A large Canadian study adds to evidence that women with breast implants do not face a higher risk of cancer or other major diseases, but they may have a higher-than-average rate of

suicide.Among the more than 40,000 women in the study, those who'd received cosmetic breast implants had lower-than-average risks of dying from breast cancer, heart disease and a host of other major diseases.The findings, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, are in line with those of several past studies. Despite concerns that implants might be a risk factor for cancer or other major illnesses, researchers have generally found lower risks among breast implant recipients."To some extent, what you're seeing is a screening effect," said Dr. on of the Public Health Agency of Canada in Ottawa.That is, women who undergo elective invasive surgery are necessarily in good health, and may have lower-than-average risks of various diseases.Together with past studies, the new findings should be generally reassuring to women with implants, according to on, whose colleague at the health agency, Dr. J.

Villeneuve, led the study.But the research also confirmed another finding that several studies have now uncovered: Women with breast implants commit suicide at a higher-than-average rate."These findings agree fundamentally with those of past reports," on said. "The one thing that lights up is this increased suicide risk."Though this study could not dig for the reasons, on noted that other studies have found poorer self-esteem and elevated rates of depression and other psychiatric disorders among women who opt for breast augmentation.The current findings are based on data from 24,558 women who received breast implants between 1974 and 1989, and 15,893 women who had other types of plastic surgery during the same time period. The researchers tracked deaths through 1997.Compared with rates for the general population, women in both surgery groups were about one-quarter less likely to die of cancer, and their risks of death from other

major diseases were similarly lower.Women with implants were, however, 73 percent more likely than those in the general population to commit suicide, while women who had other forms of plastic surgery also had an elevated suicide rate.The risk was not dramatic, on noted, as few women in the study committed suicide -- including 58 of the more than 24,000 breast implant patients.Still, he said it "seems reasonable" to suggest plastic surgeons refer implant seekers for mental health consultation when they suspect the patients are at high risk of a psychiatric disorder or suicide.http://www.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/08/18/breast.implants.reut/index.html =============================================================Subj: CNN: Silicone breast implants may soon be back Date: 8/16/2006 3:57:44 PM Eastern Standard Time From: ilena.rose@... Note from Ilena: I can hear the BI Industry licking their chops in anticipation. Interesting note ... at the bottom of this article was a link to "doubts" the industry put on the platinum issue ... but nothing about the almost useless 'studies' done by the manufacturers which only included a small percentage of the women they were supposted to be studying. Here's that link ... http://www.nj.com/printer/printer.ssf?/base/news-8/11554444054100.xml & coll=1 Mentor was faulted by members of an FDA advisory panel and healthgroups last year for losing track of patients enrolled between 1992and 2002 in its Adjunct Study, with the company able to follow up on only about 19 percent of the women three years after surgery, and about 11 percent at five years. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~http://money.cnn.com/2006/08/16/news/companies/silicone/ Silicone breast implants may soon be backAllergan and Mentor are both poised to profit if the FDA does lift its 14-year ban. By , CNNMoney.com staff writerAugust 16 2006: 2:51 PM EDTNEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- For the first time since 1992 - the year Bill Clinton was elected, Gotti was convicted, and Los Angeles spiraled into riots - silicone breast implants

may once again be available in America. Allergan (up $1.42 to $113.27, Charts ), which owns breast implant maker Inamed, and rival implant maker Mentor Corp., (Charts ) are both trying to get silicone implants back on the U.S. market. They've each filed applications with the Food and Drug Administration for new, improved implants, and now they're waiting to see if the agency will lift its 14-year silicone ban. There seems to be little doubt that the FDA will

ultimately approve the silicone-filled implants, which could double the $350 million U.S. market for implants, currently dominated by saline. The question is exactly when, and how. The FDA banned silicone implants for most women back in 1992, because of growing concerns about ruptured shells and leaking gel. Since that time, only women requiring post-mastectomy reconstructive surgery have been permitted to use silicone-filled implants in the U.S. Women who want implants for cosmetic purposes have had to be content with the less-popular saline-filled implants, or willing to jet off to the thriving silicone

markets in Europe and South America. Allergan and Mentor, both based in California, currently sell silicone implants to overseas markets, but the international arena only accounts for about a quarter of the companies' implant sales. Both Allergan and Mentor received "approvable" letters last year from the FDA, a step in the regulatory process that is generally seen as a move towards final approval in the U.S. Since then, analysts and insiders have been trying to guess when the agency will make its final decision, and there are bold signals that approval could come this year."I think it's imminent," said Amit Hazan, analyst for Suntrust Humphrey. "The companies have been in discussions with the FDA [about] conditions for approval, and my impression is that the discussions are pretty much over, that the FDA has gotten everything it needs." Hazan said that a finding on July 31 by a U.S. Senate committee is the strongest sign yet that FDA approval could happen

any day. After a 10-month investigation, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee cleared the FDA's recent review of the new applications for silicone implants from both Allergan and Mentor. This finding clears the way for the FDA to makes it decision. "To me, that means the Senate has given a green light to the FDA to approve the product," said Hazan.Approval this year?Spokespersons for Allergan and Mentor declined to discuss with CNNMoney.com their dealings with the FDA, or to provide any sales estimates.But Gal, analyst for Sanford C. Bernstein, said that Allergan and Mentor have both included revenue from silicone implants in their earnings estimates for

2006, a sign that the companies are confident they'll have the products on the U.S. market within months."Both companies are guiding that they will get approval before the end of the year," said Gal. He estimates that Mentor and Allergan will each total about $200 million in silicone implant sales in 2007, in addition to $140 million each in saline sales. Approval would most likely result in a stock price spike for both companies, analysts say, with the biggest bump going to Mentor, since its business is more heavily dependent on implants than Allergan, which also sells wrinkle remover Botox and is developing the dermal filler Juvederm

..Also, Mentor has submitted a more advanced type of breast implant with the FDA, called Style 410 and nicknamed "Gummy Bear." Style 410 is comprised of numerous gel pieces that are clustered together like the rubbery candies, and its approval could result in more sales for Mentor and make the company more competitive. Gal said that Mentor, currently trading at about $47 per share, could see its stock price rise by $3 to $5 per share with the approval of silicone implants. In the last month, the company's price has jumped about 13 percent as investors anticipate FDA approval. "With Mentor, 85 percent of their revenue is [breast implants]," said Haresco, analyst for Merriman Curhan Ford. "That's why it matters so much to Mentor's stock that it gets approved. If it doesn't happen by the end of 2006, Mentor's stock is

really going to get hurt." Even if the FDA approves the implants right away, the agency might require the companies to do expensive follow-up check-ups that could cut into profits, said Haresco. That might be the only way the FDA could justify putting silicone back on the market for the general population. Unlike other analysts, Merriman's Haresco isn't so bullish about the FDA approving silicone this year."Everybody said it's going to happen in 2005, then everybody said it's going to happen in the first half of 2006, and now everybody's saying second half of 2006," said Haresco. "But I doubt that they would rush this. I am not one of the voices that's saying it's going to happen any day now. It'll happen when it happens." The analysts interviewed for this story do own stock in the companies mentioned here, though Merriman Curhan Ford does make a market in Mentor. Silicone breast implant study questioned ==========================================================Subj: REVISED: Dow Corning Claimants ~~ Letter/petition to Judge Hood ~~ Sign online, fax or mail Date: 8/8/2006 9:46:17 AM Eastern Standard Time From: ilena.rose@... Dow Corning Claimants ~~ Letter/petition to Judge Hood ~~ Sign online, fax or mail MESSAGE FROM SUSAN AYERS -- Dear friends,We are writing again to let you know two things about the message at http://www.BreastImplantAwareness.org/JudgeHood.htm (see revisions)(1) If you cannot send a fax, or mail a signature form to Judge Hood, you can send your information by email. Please be sure to give the information listed below, so we are able to submit it for you, otherwise we can't include it.

Ultimately, you sending your true signature to Judge Hood by fax or mail is much better. If by email, send TO: hecate1@... SUBJECT: Electronic signature___________________________________________________Your "electronic signature" (your email address) --FIRST and LAST NAME --ADDRESS (# / street / city / state / zip) --(2) Signing on to this letter/petition will not hold up claims processing. As we understand, by reading newsletters and pleadings made by the Claimants' Advisory Committee, claims are currently being processed with this more harsh change to what we agreed upon when we voted on the Plan . Claims are being processed this very unfair way, even though CAC began submitting pleadings on this issue

just about six months after the Plan became effective. As Judge Hood contemplates her decision, w e are able to send our voice from the sidelines as we agree with CAC and add some perspectives, which have not been presented to Judge Hood. It is best for us to win this fight to stop this unfair change in processing right away, so CLAIMS CAN BE PROCESSED MUCH MORE QUICKLY UNDER MORE FAIR GUIDELINES. (This will include claims being processed more quickly for all those who were also in the Revised Settlement Program (RSP) because they've already been approved, and should "pass through" more readily instead of having the standard for claims changed on them and administered more harshly as well). Now it's easier than ever for you to stop in your tracks right now and send me your electronic signature, or better yet, send me an email and let us know that you have sent your own fax with handwritten signatures from you and your

family. Best of Luck to Us All, Ayershecate1@...Contact person for letter/petitionP.S. We have received some OUTSTANDING LETTERS. If we may post what you write, please let us know!=============================================================Subj: Mycobacterium infection ... post breast implants / lung transplant Date: 8/8/2006 4:11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time From: ilena.rose@... Sent from the Internet (Details) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed & cmd=Retrieve & dopt=AbstractPlus & list_uids=16890122 & itool=pubmed_DocSum Mycobacterium abscessus Chest Wall and Pulmonary Infection in a Cystic Fibrosis Lung Transplant Recipient. JL , Palmer SM . Division of Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.Mycobacterial infections are increasingly recognized in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients before transplant; however, knowledge about the clinical significance or

spectrum of infections observed with mycobacterial infections in lung transplant recipients is still evolving. Herein, we report a case of infection with Mycobacterium abscessus in a CF lung transplant recipient. Despite aggressive treatment before and peri-operatively with anti-mycobacterial therapy, the patient developed skin and soft tissue infection of the incision and of bilateral breast implants, eventually leading to disseminated pulmonary infection and death. This report highlights the potential for M abscessus to cause post-transplant disease in CF patients undergoing lung transplant, despite peri-operative anti-mycobacterial therapy. Thus, pre-transplant colonization with M abscessus should be

viewed as a strong relative, if not absolute, contraindication to lung transplantation. The combination of the virulent pre-transplant pathogen M abscessus and foreign bodies in the chest likely acted synergistically to contribute to the unfortunate outcome in this patient. PMID: 16890122 [PubMed - in process]============================================================Subj: Fw: Trials of silicone breast implants raise concerns Date: 8/13/2006 5:46:35 PM Eastern Standard Time From: carwol@... Sent from the Internet (Details) So much for the data presented by either of the manufacturers to the FDA...We have heard much about Mentor's fudging on the truth -- now it some of the rest of it comes out!!! We know that Inamed has a manufacturing facility in Guadamala -- the question was asked at one of the panel hearings "Who is going to make inspection tours of

facilities in Guadamala --the FDA???"For those of you who have not yet written your comments to the FDA (link sent last week) -- include this information about Inamed, as well as that about Mentor --please....Carolyn Trials of silicone breast implants raise concerns... expressed for years by women's health advocates and consumer groups about missteps and problems associated with clinical studies of silicone breast implants. ...Inamed, intentionally excluded there previous ill breast implant victims, from all the studies they presented to the, FDA! http://www.nj.com/news/ledger/index.ssf?/base/news-8/11554444054100.xml & coll=1THE PUEBLO CHIEFTAINWe need to write some rebuttals to the, PS's pack of lies to get the newGummy bear implants approved. These new gummy bear implants contain the sameToxic gel. It's, just banned, and stranded to make the gel thicker. 2006 Guidelines For Liposuction Surgery Released By American

....Medical News Today (press release), UK - 12 hours agoThe American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS) is pleased to release its 2006 Guidelines for Liposuction Surgery. Liposuction continues ... THE PUEBLO CHIEFTAINPueblo Chieftain, CO - 13 hours agoThirty years ago, cosmetic plastic surgery wasn't a topic of everyday conversation. It was still

somewhat foreign to the public at ... Mommy Makeover Safety Confirmed by Plastic Surgeons<<<< They still aren't telling the women the known side effects of breast implants, an on the children! PR Web (press release), WA - Aug 12, 2006“Mommy makeover†has become a popular term for mothers who want to restore their figures through several plastic surgery procedures. ... More Than SKIN DEEP: Puebloans Take Advantage of Cosmetic ...International News Service, Australia - 3 hours agoBy Amy , The Pueblo Chieftain, Colo. Aug. 13--Thirty years ago, cosmetic plastic surgery wasn't topic of everyday conversation. ... 2006 Guidelines for Liposuction Surgery Released by American ...<< who else, but, the; PS's and BI corps want these toxic devices approved so badly? And have spent our money to sway the, FDA's wrong decision and there scientists testimonies! Kessler, is the last head of the; FDA that had some sense concerning the toxic effects of

silicone breast implants! PR Newswire (press release), NY - Aug 11, 2006CHICAGO, Aug. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS) is pleased to release its 2006 Guidelines for Liposuction Surgery. ...

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