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Re: Questions from Cindy regarding: Talk about a twisted story! - Dr. Feng mentioned

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Thanks Kathy! "Kathy L. ley-ston, R.N. - Executive Director" <kathy@...> wrote: Are you serious about Dr. Feng's position on breast implants? 1: Katzin WE, Centeno JA, Feng LJ, Kiley M, Mullick FG. Related Articles, Links Pathology of lymph nodes from patients with breast implants: a histologic and spectroscopic evaluation.Am J Surg Pathol. 2005 Apr;29(4):506-11. PMID:

15767806 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 2: O'Hanlon TP, Lawless OJ, Katzin WE, Feng LJ, FW. Related Articles, Links Restricted and shared patterns of TCR beta-chain gene expression in silicone

breast implant capsules and remote sites of tissue inflammation.J Autoimmun. 2000 Jun;14(4):283-93. PMID: 10882054 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 3: Feng LJ, Amini SB. Related Articles, Links Analysis of risk factors associated with rupture of silicone gel breast implants.Plast Reconstr Surg. 1999 Sep;104(4):955-63. PMID: 10654733 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 4: Katzin WE,

Feng LJ, Abbuhl M, Klein MA. Related Articles, Links Phenotype of lymphocytes associated with the inflammatory reaction to silicone gel breast implants.Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 1996 Mar;3(2):156-61. PMID: 8991629 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 5: Feng LJ, Mauceri K, Berger BE. Related Articles, Links Autogenous tissue breast reconstruction in the silicone-intolerant patient.Cancer. 1994 Jul 1;74(1 Suppl):440-9. PMID: 8004619 [PubMed - indexed for

MEDLINE] Re: [siliconeKids] Talk about a twisted story! - Dr. Feng mentionedRogene S <saxony01@...> Well...none of us knows for sure what the studies really do state... and I would think that we ALL would like to read these studies for ourselves to see exactly what part in all of this Dr. Feng DID play seeing she did alot of explants of these toxic devices and it would also be a good thing to note what other researchers were involved in all of this too---THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO LEAVE STONES UNTURNED...I would hope she/Dr. Feng would not have approved silicone gel breast implants with any type of research, but she is a plastic surgeon---NOT that I am saying she would approve silicone gel breast implants--- ....but on the other hand I know I would want to read for myself (NOT

rely on others to do for for ME) so I could come to MY OWN conclusion(s)...and I am sure that many others would too would want to get ahold of these studies that this article states....to INFORMED THEMSELVES FIRST HAND to what was really going on & what type of research made the decision of the FDA to approve this type of medical device for women's health, that clearly has massive problems. Something is fishy in the pond...What does Ilena, Sybil, KKJ, Zuckerman, Keelilng, and all of the other women think about this? Has anyone looked into all of this? If not, someone really needs to get the studies and put them out for all to read for ourselves, to make our own conclusions. Again, something is really fishy here. This needs to be looked into...because ALL STONES NEED TO BE TURNED OVER AND LOOKED AT!!!!Take care, Rogene S

<saxony01@...> wrote: Cinday, I felt exactly the same way - this is twisted! . . .notice they said 2 of 4 studies - then mentioned Feng, giving he impression she approvd of breast implants. I think NOT! I don't know anymore than what I read here though. Love, RogeneCINDY FUCHS-MORRISSEY <cfuchsmorrissey@...> wrote: Rogene, so does anyone have these studies to post out to all of us....so WE ALL can see the data...to see how so-called safe the devices may be & who all of the researchers were? This is more than just "twisted"....this is fishy. Really,

this needs to be followed up on.Take care, Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/news/1164189101118180.xml & coll=2 Everyone is raving about the all-new beta. Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business. I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private users.It has removed 19699 spam emails to date.Paying users do not have this message in their emails.Try SPAMfighter for free now!

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What a lame "article." This is the kind of cheap fluff that passes for "journalism" that I absolutely hate-- overgeneralized, subjective, no hard science, no clear references or links to the studies. The fact that the "article" implies (just by mentioning her name) that Lu-Feng is partly responsible for the reapproval of silicone implants is ludicrous. One only has to Google her to see how many studies she has been involved in, showing how implants are not safe. (Thanks, Rogene, for sending those links!)

Of course the article doesn't mention any of the research showing that silicone is found in the lymph nodes of implanted women, or how the immune system of implanted women is stimulated as if to fight a foreign body, creating antibodies (hello, autoimmune disease!)

The fact that Feng was involved in a study on the safety of breast implants doesn't implicate her in their approval--I am sure, given her history, that she would have done all she could to prove their risks.

It's interesting how this whole subject is so jacked up and sensationalized in the media-- it's not hard to understand why. It has a sexy/nasty vibe about it (it's about getting big boobs, right? and their inherent implications-- satisfying men, and society's shallow and unreasonable standards of beauty), and it's about Big Money-- for corporations and plastic surgeons. It just isn't sexy to write about sick women.

Just wait-- it won't be long before we see billboards with cleavage up to the ears and the words, "Got Boobs?"


The whole issue so sensationalized.

Re: [siliconeKids] Talk about a twisted story! - Dr. Feng mentionedRogene S <saxony01 >

Well...none of us knows for sure what the studies really do state... and I would think that we ALL would like to read these studies for ourselves to see exactly what part in all of this Dr. Feng DID play seeing she did alot of explants of these toxic devices and it would also be a good thing to note what other researchers were involved in all of this too---THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO LEAVE STONES UNTURNED...I would hope she/Dr. Feng would not have approved silicone gel breast implants with any type of research, but she is a plastic surgeon---NOT that I am saying she would approve silicone gel breast implants---

.....but on the other hand I know I would want to read for myself (NOT rely on others to do for for ME) so I could come to MY OWN conclusion(s)...and I am sure that many others would too would want to get ahold of these studies that this article states....to INFORMED THEMSELVES FIRST HAND to what was really going on & what type of research made the decision of the FDA to approve this type of medical device for women's health, that clearly has massive problems.

Something is fishy in the pond...What does Ilena, Sybil, KKJ, Zuckerman, Keelilng, and all of the other women think about this? Has anyone looked into all of this? If not, someone really needs to get the studies and put them out for all to read for ourselves, to make our own conclusions.

Again, something is really fishy here. This needs to be looked into...because ALL STONES NEED TO BE TURNED OVER AND LOOKED AT!!!!Take care, Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote:


I felt exactly the same way - this is twisted! . . .notice they said 2 of 4 studies - then mentioned Feng, giving he impression she approvd of breast implants. I think NOT!

I don't know anymore than what I read here though.


RogeneCINDY FUCHS-MORRISSEY <cfuchsmorrissey > wrote:

Rogene, so does anyone have these studies to post out to all of us....so WE ALL can see the data...to see how so-called safe the devices may be & who all of the researchers were? This is more than just "twisted"....this is fishy.

Really, this needs to be followed up on.Take care,

Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote:

http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/news/1164189101118180.xml & coll=2

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CINDY FUCHS-MORRISSEY <cfuchsmorrissey@...> wrote: Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 10:41:35 -0800 (PST)From: CINDY FUCHS-MORRISSEY <cfuchsmorrissey@...>Subject: Re: [siliconeKids] Re: Questions from regarding: Talk about a twisted story! - Dr. Feng mentionedsaxony01@... Hi Rogene! This is good that we now have these studies posted for ALL of us to note. So, there is no reason for anyone to be concerned about Dr. Feng's position with this issue.... now we know that those in the media may have their own hidden agendas and present information & twist words in ways to possibly mislead a reader & /OR make them think differently....but I am sure you feel the same way I do...and that is when in

question, get the studies and READFOR OURSELVES to make our OWN CONCLUSION. This is why I contacted KKJ, so that she could put the studies out for everyone to read. Also, this is great because now newcomers can know what the studies are that Dr. Feng is involved with ....and those of us who have been aroundthis hell can have our minds refreshed with these studies. If you want you may post my e-mail. Thanks so much for all you do. Great job with all you do too! Take care, CINDY FUCHS-MORRISSEY <cfuchsmorrissey@...> wrote: Thanks again Kathy for posting these for ALL of us to see and READ for ourselves! As I am sick and tired of the twisted information that is put forth to readers in media or on the internet and then twisted....when it concerns breast implants. This really gets old.... So Kath, thanks for taking the time after I contacted you & YOU took the time to putthis information out so that things are NOT swirling around about Dr. Feng's research. This way WE ALL can read it/the research for ourselves. Appreciated. Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: Thanks Kathy! "Kathy L. ley-ston, R.N. - Executive Director" <kathytoxicdiscovery> wrote: Are you serious about Dr. Feng's position on breast implants? 1: Katzin WE, Centeno JA, Feng LJ, Kiley M, Mullick FG. Related Articles, Links Pathology of lymph nodes from patients with breast implants: a histologic and spectroscopic evaluation.Am J Surg Pathol. 2005 Apr;29(4):506-11. PMID: 15767806 [PubMed - indexed for

MEDLINE] 2: O'Hanlon TP, Lawless OJ, Katzin WE, Feng LJ, FW. Related Articles, Links Restricted and shared patterns of TCR beta-chain gene expression in silicone breast implant capsules and remote sites of tissue inflammation.J Autoimmun. 2000 Jun;14(4):283-93. PMID: 10882054 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 3: Feng LJ, Amini SB. Related Articles, Links Analysis of risk factors associated with rupture of silicone

gel breast implants.Plast Reconstr Surg. 1999 Sep;104(4):955-63. PMID: 10654733 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 4: Katzin WE, Feng LJ, Abbuhl M, Klein MA. Related Articles, Links Phenotype of lymphocytes associated with the inflammatory reaction to silicone gel breast implants.Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 1996 Mar;3(2):156-61. PMID: 8991629 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 5: Feng LJ, Mauceri K, Berger BE. Related Articles, Links Autogenous tissue breast reconstruction in the

silicone-intolerant patient.Cancer. 1994 Jul 1;74(1 Suppl):440-9. PMID: 8004619 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Re: [siliconeKids] Talk about a twisted story! - Dr. Feng mentionedRogene S <saxony01 > Well...none of us knows for sure what the studies really do state... and I would think that we ALL would like to read these studies for ourselves to see exactly what part in all of this Dr. Feng DID play seeing she did alot of explants of these toxic devices and it would also be a good thing to note what other researchers were involved in all of this too---THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO LEAVE STONES UNTURNED...I would hope she/Dr. Feng would not have approved silicone gel breast implants with any type of research, but she is a plastic surgeon---NOT that I am saying she would approve silicone gel breast implants--- ....but on the other hand I know I

would want to read for myself (NOT rely on others to do for for ME) so I could come to MY OWN conclusion(s)...and I am sure that many others would too would want to get ahold of these studies that this article states....to INFORMED THEMSELVES FIRST HAND to what was really going on & what type of research made the decision of the FDA to approve this type of medical device for women's health, that clearly has massive problems. Something is fishy in the pond...What does Ilena, Sybil, KKJ, Zuckerman, Keelilng, and all of the other women think about this? Has anyone looked into all of this? If not, someone really needs to get the studies and put them out for all to read for ourselves, to make our own conclusions. Again, something is really fishy here. This needs to be looked into...because ALL STONES NEED TO BE TURNED OVER AND LOOKED AT!!!!Take care,

Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: Cinday, I felt exactly the same way - this is twisted! . . .notice they said 2 of 4 studies - then mentioned Feng, giving he impression she approvd of breast implants. I think NOT! I don't know anymore than what I read here though. Love, RogeneCINDY FUCHS-MORRISSEY <cfuchsmorrissey > wrote: Rogene, so does anyone have these studies to post out to all of us....so WE ALL can see the data...to see how so-called safe the devices may be & who all of the researchers were? This is more than just "twisted"....this is fishy. Really, this needs to be followed up

on.Take care, Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/news/1164189101118180.xml & coll=2 Everyone is raving about the all-new beta. Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business. I am using the free version of

SPAMfighter for private users.It has removed 19699 spam emails to date.Paying users do not have this message in their emails.Try SPAMfighter for free now! Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business.

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Thanks Bindi - you said it all. They may not think so, but IMHO, those who think breasts are overly important are the biggest boobs of all! Rogenefreebindi <bindi@...> wrote: What a lame "article." This is the kind of cheap fluff that passes for "journalism" that I absolutely hate-- overgeneralized, subjective, no hard science, no clear references or links to the studies. The fact that the "article" implies (just

by mentioning her name) that Lu-Feng is partly responsible for the reapproval of silicone implants is ludicrous. One only has to Google her to see how many studies she has been involved in, showing how implants are not safe. (Thanks, Rogene, for sending those links!) Of course the article doesn't mention any of the research showing that silicone is found in the lymph nodes of implanted women, or how the immune system of implanted women is stimulated as if to fight a foreign body, creating antibodies (hello, autoimmune disease!) The fact that Feng was involved in a study on the safety of breast implants doesn't implicate her in their approval--I am sure,

given her history, that she would have done all she could to prove their risks. It's interesting how this whole subject is so jacked up and sensationalized in the media-- it's not hard to understand why. It has a sexy/nasty vibe about it (it's about getting big boobs, right? and their inherent implications-- satisfying men, and society's shallow and unreasonable standards of beauty), and it's about Big Money-- for corporations and plastic surgeons. It just isn't sexy to write about sick women. Just wait-- it won't be long before we see billboards with cleavage up to the ears and the words, "Got Boobs?" Bindi The whole issue so sensationalized. Re: [siliconeKids] Talk about a twisted story! - Dr. Feng mentionedRogene S <saxony01 > Well...none of us knows for sure what the studies really do state... and I would think that we ALL would like to read these studies for ourselves to see exactly what part in all of this Dr. Feng DID play seeing she did alot of explants of these toxic devices and it would also be a good thing to note what other researchers were involved in all of this too---THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO LEAVE STONES UNTURNED...I would hope she/Dr. Feng would not have approved silicone gel breast implants with any type of research, but she is a plastic surgeon---NOT that I am saying she would approve silicone gel breast implants--- ....but on the other hand I know I would want to read for myself (NOT rely on others to do for for ME) so I could come to MY OWN conclusion(s)...and I am sure that many others would too would want to get ahold of these studies that this article states....to INFORMED THEMSELVES FIRST HAND to what was really going on & what type of research made the decision of the FDA to approve this type of medical device for women's health, that clearly has massive problems. Something is fishy in the pond...What does Ilena, Sybil, KKJ, Zuckerman, Keelilng, and all of the other women think about this? Has anyone looked into all of this? If not, someone really needs to get the studies and put them out for all to read for ourselves, to make our own conclusions. Again, something is really fishy here. This needs to be looked into...because ALL STONES NEED TO BE TURNED OVER

AND LOOKED AT!!!!Take care, Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: Cinday, I felt exactly the same way - this is twisted! . . .notice they said 2 of 4 studies - then mentioned Feng, giving he impression she approvd of breast implants. I think NOT! I don't know anymore than what I read here though. Love, RogeneCINDY FUCHS-MORRISSEY <cfuchsmorrissey > wrote: Rogene, so does anyone have these studies to post out to all of us....so WE ALL can see the data...to see how so-called safe the devices may be & who all of the researchers were? This is more than just "twisted"....this is fishy. Really,

this needs to be followed up on.Take care, Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: http://www.cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/news/1164189101118180.xml & coll=2 Everyone is raving about the all-new beta. Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business.

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Very well said, Bindi! I wonder if Dr. Feng will write a letter to

the paper to clarify her involvement? It isn't this way in Europe,

is it? I am a big fan of French films, and you never see much of the

implant look in them. It seems they have a better understanding

that breasts are only one part of the female anatomy. I feel so

much better being small again - and I am small! I also just chopped

my hair, so people will not know where to look at me when I get back

to work. Guess you could say I am downsizing all around, hehe.



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