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RE: Pregnant women with placental infection have doubled risk ofrecurrence - Nov. 30, 2006

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sey <fuchsmorrissey@...> wrote: From: " sey" <fuchsmorrissey@...>kathy@..., keeling.m@..., ParfumGigi@..., saxony01@..., pamgd1977@..., MALLEN@..., dz@...CC: ilena.rose@..., dpettitt@...Subject: RE: Pregnant women with placental infection have doubled risk ofrecurrence -Nov. 30, 2006Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 14:44:34 +0000 I really wonder how many of these moms had BREAST IMPLANTS (any type/silicone gel or saline with silicone shell) ...but of course like with many reserachers they are ONLY LOOKING at what they want to see...and fail to take in the INDEPTH medical history of patients....so I doubt that the medical history of these pregnant women who presented with

placental infection gave their ENTIRE medical history....because THEY WERE NOT ASKED...don't ask, don't tell...which NOT GETTING THE PREGNANT PATIENT's INDEPTH medical history IS NOT good medicine....and this continues on year, after year, after year....after generation, after generation....YOU WANT TO TALK BACTERIA, GENETIC COMPONENTS and so forth? Look at breast implant exposure and THE VARIANTS OF GENES being exerted/"turned ON" ....via the placental barrier in FETAL CELLS as well..... I truly believe at this point by observing that those with all of the higher education, and medical degrees truly may be more wisdomless than the normal person on this earth....THEY LACK COMMON SENSE along with NOT GETTING A ENTIRE MEDICAL HISTORY ON A PATIENT...No, you need agree, but RESEARCHERS ARE NOT GETTING THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF ALL PATIENTS THEY STUDY. TAke care, From: utswnews@...Reply- utswnews@... utswmednews@..., utswnews@...Subject: Pregnant women with placental infection have doubled risk ofrecurrence - Nov. 30, 2006Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 08:19:09 -0600>>>>>Pregnant women with placental infection have doubled risk of recurrence>>Media Contact: Aline McKenzie>214-648-3404>aline.mckenzie@...>>DALLAS – Nov. 30, 2006 – Pregnant women who develop an infection of the placenta or nearby membranes in their first pregnancy have twice the risk of getting it

in their second pregnancy, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found.>The infection, called chorioamnionitis, occurs in 0.5 percent to 10 percent of births. It can cause bleeding and widespread infection in the mother and infect the fetus as well, possibly resulting in cerebral palsy. If the infection develops during gestation, the baby must be delivered immediately, sometimes prematurely, to protect its health. Mother and child can then be treated with antibiotics.>The longer the time between the amniotic sac (waters) breaking and birth, the higher the risk for the infection at the time of birth. The infection can also take root before the waters break.>The study, which involved reviewing the records of 28,410 women who gave birth at Parkland Memorial Hospital, indicates that there may be one or more intrinsic risk factors that predispose women to the infection, the researchers report. Those might be the genetic makeup of their immune

response or stronger bacteria in their genital tracts, they said.>“We do believe that there probably is a genetic component that predisposes women to intrauterine infection,” said Dr. Laibl, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at UT Southwestern and lead author of the study. “We also believe that certain women could be colonized with bacteria that are more virulent and more likely to cause infection.”>The report, appearing in the December issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology, is the largest clinical study to address the topic, Dr. Laibl said.>The researchers focused on women who had vaginal deliveries of a single baby in their first pregnancy. Of those, 10 percent developed chorioamnionitis.>The women who developed the infection in their first pregnancies tended to have longer labors, premature water breaking, labor induction, use of internal monitors and longer second stages of labor, among other factors, compared with

noninfected women. All of these differences were statistically significant, the researchers said. These factors are known to increase the risk of chorioamnionitis at the time of birth because they allow more opportunity for bacteria to migrate from the genital tract to the uterus, Dr. Laibl said.>In the second pregnancies, which were included whether they were vaginal or by Caesarean section, 2,891 deliveries were analyzed. Five percent of women who had had chorioamnionitis in their first pregnancy developed it again, while 2 percent of women who did not have it in their first pregnancy developed it in their second. The difference was statistically significant, even after accounting for those known risk factors for chorioamnionitis, such as length of labor, Dr. Laibl said.>“Circumstances do play an important role,” Dr. Laibl said. “But once you factor that out, the women who got the infection the first time were still more prone to

getting it in their second pregnancy.>“The patient’s doctor should be vigilant about infection regardless of her previous pregnancy outcome. That being said, there is no additional treatment to be done for the patient just because she had chorioamnionitis before.”>Research on a cytokine called tumor necrosis factor-alpha, or TNF-alpha, points to a genetic link. Women with one variant of a gene for this cytokine have a threefold risk for chorioamnionitis. Scientists have also found links between other immune-related genes and chorioamnionitis.>UT Southwestern researchers involved in the study were Dr. Jeanne Sheffield, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology; Drs. and McIntire, both associate professors of obstetrics and gynecology; and Dr. Wendel Jr., professor of obstetrics and gynecology.>>###>About UT Southwestern Medical Center>UT Southwestern Medical Center, one of the premier

medical centers in the nation, integrates pioneering biomedical research with exceptional clinical care and education. Its more than 1,400 full-time faculty members – including four active Nobel Prize winners, more than any other medical school in the world – are responsible for groundbreaking medical advances and are committed to translating science-driven research quickly to new clinical treatments. UT Southwestern physicians provide medical care in 40 specialties to nearly 89,000 hospitalized patients and oversee 2.1 million outpatient visits a year.>>Physicians care for patients in the Dallas-based UT Southwestern Medical Center; in Parkland Health & Hospital System, which is staffed primarily by UT Southwestern physicians; and in its affiliated hospitals, Children’s Medical Center Dallas and the VA North Texas Health Care System. UT Southwestern programs are offered in Waco, Wichita Falls, , Plano/Frisco and Fort Worth. Three

degree-granting institutions – UT Southwestern Medical School, UT Southwestern Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and UT Southwestern Allied Health Sciences School – train 4,000 students, residents and fellows each year. UT Southwestern researchers undertake more than 2,500 research projects annually, totaling more than $340 million.>>###>>This news release is available on our World Wide Web home page at>http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/home/news/index.html>>To automatically receive news releases from UT Southwestern via e-mail,>subscribe at www.utsouthwestern.edu/receivenews >_______________________________________________>utswnews mailing list>utswnews@...>http://lists.utsouthwestern.edu/mailman/listinfo/utswnews Stay up-to-date with

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parfumgigi@... wrote: , and friends, I read the, UTSW news this morning. My, husband has been in a; UTSW study and they were more than through in obtaining his complete medical history. We have to remember, UTSW was one of the research centers involved with putting Breast Implants in women a couple years ago. It may have been, Inamed's they used in there studies. Did, UTSW ever publish there breast implant study? Children born with Cerable Palsy an other birth defects are now being allowed to bring suit. Perhaps one day, children born to mother's with Implants will also. I'm, in agreement many physican's don't do proper indepth medical histories on women with breast implants; or report negative findings on them; or their children born with medical problems. Many of these fetues conditions could be treated before they were born with; the advanced technology in fetal diseases and the progression in surgery/test to save high risk enfants to be born normal by "Angles". Dedicated obgyn's around the clock that have become "high risk specialits" in this area. Who, safe un born children's lives, if it means operating to correct defects before they are born. Most of the precious infants (with the help, total dedication,

superior knowledge in all areas of medicne, the abilites to never give up, go that extra mile for an answer that would work. This" Angel" who deliverd both of our miracles (that were never supposed to live or be born with deffects) were attended to with the ut most knowledge available in the world. an a hand and heart full of love and dedication to un born children that aren't normal. The word breast implant for now, dooms women's and children's chances to receive un bias opinions and most often medical care. We, won't ever know how many, women really had breast implants. I know many never told; nor filed a Med Watch report. I, didn't up date mine, nor did thousands of other women because the Med Watch site doesn't work most of the time. My computer hasn't/isn't working is why I haven't sent you guys news.

Again, Perhaps Children exposed to toxic chemicals as un born children will be allowed to bring suit one day too!

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