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Greens vs. Blood Thinners

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Kenda, that's the frustration about natural vs. drugs. The doctors

say to stay away from natural blood thinners cuz they won't mix with

the one you're on. The goal for me has been to wean off all drugs

and use the natural approach, without the serious side effects. It

really scares me the power some doctors have - I truly hope to see

the day they offer a choice - greens OR blood thinner in a drug form.

When I've done my holistic sessions, I run across SOOO many fear-

ridden people who say almost robotly... " but my doctor SAID " . It's

like a plague! They are truly afraid to do anything their doctor

doesn't o.k. It really saddens me to see them give away their own


I have just the right kind of medical doctor for me.....I go in and

tell him what I think and feel about my body, and then ask for his

opinion, and then we decide together what the next step will be.

Thank God. I feel respected by him. That's what we all deserve.

Boy, oh, boy I'm really going through the " au naturelle " since my

explant, aren't I?? It just feels so awesome to be me again, and get

back to a drug-less life again!!

Again, I have to say there is a time and place for allopathic

medicine and procedures. I've had 2 life-saving surgeries as has my

grandson . Mine could have been prevented by healthy eating and

less stress. 's was a kidney obstruction from birth.

Love & Prayers,

Sunny :) xo

Love & Healing Prayers,

Sunny :)

> >>>>

> >>>> Thank you for this, Kenda. We have a doctor here who won a

> >> case

> >>> in court regarding CFS. I am not sure if I have CFS, but for

> > me

> >> it is

> >>> the pulling down pain in my back rib cage that destroys my

> >> life. I

> >>> was up at 5AM, and now my day is over because I can no

> > longer

> >> sit. It

> >>> feels like something is pulling my upper back downward! The

> >> pain is

> >>> so bad, and we are at a loss as to what is causing this...I

> >> have had

> >>> this condition for so many years. The doctors have told me

> > that

> >> I

> >>> have chest wall damage from the ruptured implants. Do any of

> >> you have

> >>> this condition?

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>

> >>> I do... I am 31 now, but was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue

> >> Syndrome

> >>> at the same time as my fibromyalgia diagnosis -around age

> > 24.

> >> Just

> >>> like the prior post implied... people see you go from being

> > a

> >>> healthy, active person to being cripled. The fatigue is so

> >> great, it

> >>> not only affects your physical capabilities, but you can't

> > even

> >> TALK

> >>> enough to maintain a social life. I can't even talk on the

> >> phone with

> >>> my friends or family. I can become exhausted carrying on a

> >>> conversation for more than 10 minutes. If I converse 30-60

> >> minutes -

> >>> I'm ready for bed. When you get tired, your throat gets sore

> >> and your

> >>> eyes swell up. (I'm pretty sure that's in keeping with the

> > CFS

> >>> symptoms---but I know they are for sure my symptoms I

> > notice.)

> >> I was

> >>> recently diagnosed with malnurishment due to malabsorption

> > in

> >> my

> >>> stomach, and this on top of the CFS has caused me to keep a

> >> sore

> >>> throat for months. It feels like strep, but isn't---it's

> > from

> >> pure

> >>> exhaustion.

> >>>

> >>> It's hard for people to understand. I have friends and

> > family

> >> who

> >>> think " OK, I understand you don't feel like going out and

> > doing

> >>> anything because you don't feel well ---so I'll just come

> > visit

> >>> you... or we can just go have dinner. " They can't comprehend

> >> that

> >>> even TALKING to them creates exhaustion.

> >>>

> >>> Life becomes a constant struggle for energy.

> >>>

> >>> I haven't posted for a while, but my other diagnosis are:

> >>> Fibromyalgia, Pseudotumor Cerebri, Cluster Headaches,

> >> Migraines,

> >>> Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroidism, PID, Polycystic

> > Ovaries,

> >> and my

> >>> labs go back and forth for Lupus and Sjogren's Syndrome.

> >> (Currenly,

> >>> my ANA is negative. It goes back and forth about every year

> > or

> >> two.)

> >>>

> >>> My rib cage stays swollen and inflamed with knots, by the

> > way.

> >> (I saw

> >>> this mentioned.)

> >>>

> >>> God bless you all... sorry I haven't kept up or posted in a

> >> while,

> >>> but I've been miserable the past few months. You're all


> >> in my

> >>> prayers though!!!!

> >>>

> >>> Brigite :)

> >>>

> >>

> >

> >


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