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Christmas Spirit of Love!

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Thanks, Patty...love is definitely what we need all year 'round not

just at Christtime.

The recent posts regarding 's experience, to me, have been

part of a healing process. I don't see any topic that goes for

awhile, to allow expression, is bringing anyone down. When I see

people try to " shut down " conversations because of their own

uncomfortability, it reminds me of alot of our childhoods...don't

make waves...don't upset (in this case) the good doctors, etc.

I trust your ability to moderate effectively, and I'm sure if any

posts are inappropriate or too nasty, you will screen them.

God Bless You for your consistent and loving service on this

wonderful site -- an avenue to hurting women to join together to heal

and to have a voice.

Love & Hugs for you and yours,

Sunny :) p.s. this afternoon I babysat 3 of my grand-angels and we

had lots of fun...Christmas Kid Songs, dancing, play-dough, Old

Lassie and Rin Tin Tin T.V. Shows. Boy, my grandsons were asking me

if they were in black & white when I was a kid. Times sure have

changed, eh?


> It's okay...I know how our messages will overlap...I just want to

avoid that dark spiral downward that happens if I don't pipe up right



> I am listening to beautiful Christmas music right now....it's so

inspiring, so touching, so calming! Thank God that we have this

hope...that there is more to life than this existence, and that there

are beautiful things in life to look forward to, experience and share!


> My husband went shopping with my daughter, leaving me at home with

my youngest son. I think we are going to play in the kitchen and

bake up some Christmas memories!


> Hugs, and may we all experience the joy of this season!

> Patty



> Re: Reviewed ALL of recent postings...


> I'm sorry, Patty, I had already responded to 's post before


> your post to push past it.


> Kenda Recent Activity

> 5New Members

> Visit Your Group


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Thanks for your vote of confidence. It's not an easy job, that's for sure! And I am incredibly grateful for the other moderators, especially Rogene. What would this group be without Rogene?????!!Patty

Re: Reviewed ALL of recent postings...> > I'm sorry, Patty, I had already responded to 's post before reading> your post to push past it.> > Kenda Recent Activity> 5New Members> Visit Your Group >

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