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Here's My 25 Cents Worth!

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, I believe there's such a thing as spiritual

attack...Christians call it persecution...others may call it " the

dark side " ....when a person is postive and full of light, like you

certainly are, it naturally attracts the opposite, sometimes. This

topic is not often talked about.

During my holistic healing training, and in my personal experience,

looking at the " whole " picture includes spiritual, very importantly

so. I would stay clear away from her. There are healthier choices

for you...and you deserve to be treated well! Although my 3 favorite

words in the Bible and in life, in general, are God is Love, I have

a " pray for and stay away from " list. I've come across alot of power-

wielding, controlling professionals in my time, and I would simply

report them and look for someone loving. Cuz they're out there.

Something that hurt for me to find out was just because someone had a

degree, or college, or university training, that still leaves them

human....with issues unhealed. I was pretty naive when I first

sought help through psychiatry. And as I've said many times, to me

wholistic means alternative & allopathic working together.

That's my 25 cents worth!

Bless you a bunch,

Sunny :):) xo

> >

> > As a nurse one thing I know about surgical billing is the the fee


> > the surgical procedure also covers the physician requested

> > post-operative visits and care. They cannot code for separate


> > and charges to get paid over and above the stated surgical fee.

> > ~~

> >

> > --- In , " Sunny " <wellnessnow@>


> > >

> > > , sounds to me like she wants to get paid for alot of

> > > unnecessary appointments.

> >


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