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Re: Tina 3

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As far as my son`s seziures,when he was about 4 moths old he started having

seziures.They were febrile.He was on phenobarbitol for awhile.it didn`t help.I

finally took him off meds as they didn`t work at was rotting his teeth.Made him

lethargic,and very aggressive.After cleaning up his diet,and doing some other

therapies,such as chelation,and anti viral,candida,he was seziure free fro about

6 years,and then they started again around puberty.Now,I seem to have them

pretty well under control.I do think he is photo sensitive and this triggers

seziures.I think the ketogenic diet is more for epilepsy,but I may be wrong.I

worry about the mercury in the fish.He doesn`t seem to be able to digest nuts

and seeds very well.I give him creamy peanut butter and sometimes other nut

butters.He seems to have lots of food issues and real problems digesting.I have

been struggling with diet for him for 11 years.He has problems gaining weight.I

have problems getting the

weight off.The blood type diet seems to help me loose weight.Been on it for

about a month.Helps my allergies,sinus problems,and asthma.If I eat meat and

potatoes,I gain weight.I did loose weight on the atkins diet about 8 years

ago.When i tried to do it again,it wasn`t working.I do think,I am unable to

digest meat,Messing up my kidneys,and my son seems to have this issue as well.I

am not sure what his blood type is,but since he seems to not be able to digest

meat,I think,he may be blood type A.I want to get him tested.Thankyou for your

replys.Take care.

Subject: Tina 3

To: fibromyalgiacured

Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2011, 7:03 PM




I am biased towards the ketogenic diet because I have seen so much success with

it and I myself have had enormous success with it. But I am right now scratching

my head thinking what other diet you may be able to do. There are others and

honestly, when I get a minute I will share on them


But right now, because it is what I am familiar with the ketogenic stuff is

still swirling around my head


So this is what I am thinking. I will post what comes into my head and

eventually something will grow out of this I am sure. Certainly your friend may

benefit, but hopefully you and your son will too


Now this is what I understand regarding the kidney thing. High protein diets

like the Atkins diet ae not usually recommended. They can be in certain

cercumstances, but I am not an expert.


the ketogenic diet is not high protein, it is moderate protein. On Bees diet we

can only eat meat, but on the standard ketogenic diet they eat different stuff,

sometimes meat, fish, eggs etc, but sometimes nuts and seeds


The amount of protein is usually less than 25% of the diet. The carbs are

usually less than 5 % and the rest around 70% is fat


Now I cannot tell you if this is safe for your child, but what I can do is refer

you to a site where you may be able to find out other folks opinions, including

a few doctors and medical folk. Here too they may be able to tell you a doctor

that would be able to help you more with this. It is the Atkins site. Here they

have professionals on their community board that know plenty of stuff about all

this. I go to them sometimes when I need to know more




Anyway, no worries if this diet is not right fo you. I will over the next couple

of week post more about what I know. It just takes me some time sometimes, my

head only works as it works, but I will keep posting because I do know there are

other folk here that have asked me for similar info. So even if it is no good

for you, it may help them


Love Joanne

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