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Re: Restoring my gut bacteria

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Hi Joanne,

Yes, so true, along w/fermented foods, there are different strains of bacteria

that one can take to help build good flora in the gut, relatively quickly.

Sometimes, depending on whether there are absorption issues or not, one might

need the extra help.

We have had many clients w/your issue and by alternating these different

strains in capsule form as well as diet, they are doing quite well now. However,

I should say that being conscientious eternally about one's diet is what will

help keep one's flora where it needs to be, as well as a few other factors,

which I'm sure that many are probably already aware of.

Unfortunately, one of our clients although managed to get back to 100% balance,

started to rest on her " feeling much better & finally healed " laurels, as a

result she is dealing w/an imbalanced gut again. So the aforementioned in the

previous paragraph, can't be stressed enough.

Not sure if you are interested, but if you are you can research the following

formulas containing the different strains of bacterias through Nature's

Sunshine. I've use different companies and maybe you already have your own that

you deal with. However, I really like their, probiotic eleven, acidophilus &

bifidophilus flora force.

I really believe that health def. starts in the colon.

Take Care,



> A while ago I had dysbiosis which basically meant my gut was over run with

bacteria. at that time I believed the germ theory and did what the doctors told

me to do about this and I took plenty of antibiotics


> Anyway, this condition never actually improved and over time it turned into

systematic candida too


> Anyway to cut a long story short I found the ketogenic diet and this more or

less sorted this for me but now I find mysel in a position that when I try to

get off the diet the dysbosis and the candida return, along with all my fibro



> I dont mind too much being on the ketogeenic diet because it is keeping me

well when i am on it but the folk on the Weston Price forum that I visit have

told me that fibro can be cured completely when the bacteria I destroyed with

those antibiotics are re-established.


> To do this I am using femented foods and raw foods, my favourite being raw

cream from raw milk


> I will when I get time share more about how I am refilling my gut with

bacteria but for now here is a blog from the Weston Price Foundation where Sally

allon explains why raw milk is better


> Oh yes, I forgot to mention. When i drink pasturised milk I need to supplement

with the enzyme Lactase but with the raw milk I do not. that is because raw milk

contains lactase and pasturised milk does not


> there is a fair few more things I am hoping to share with you all about milk

but I have to go out now, but anyway here is the video




> Love Joanne







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