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What do you girls think....

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I know you girls aren't doctors but I've been trying to figure this out...ok I had NO neck problems before implants...then 1 week after implants, I had a sharpe stabbing pain in my right shoulder...no neck pain really...then I had surgery on my neck c5 c6 with a cage...my neck pain got worse and then more in my neck area and not in the shoulder as much then after hematoma in left breast and having surgery my neck and upper back got worse then after have cap.contracture surgery on my right breast my neck pain got worse then after explant it's really bad.... I had an MRI but they can't seem to find anything...but the pain is bad...it comes and goes but its always there just sometimes worse than others... do you think the cage they put in my neck maybe causing this ? Wouldn't that show on an MRI ? After explant...my fatigue and brain fog has gotten a lot better and I really don't have much breast pain but the neck thing is bad... I just can't fiqure it out . Thanks KAREN

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