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, En bloc is the optimal choice. .. The surgeon may find it easier if some of the saline is drawn out with a needle first . .. But there are times when they can't do an en bloc . .. in that case, a capsulectomy (complete removal of the capsule) is what it takes to get rid of everything. Rogene

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This is written by an English Consultant Endocrinologist at Ipswich Hospital. Half way down she writes:-

Using the TSH as guidance, a TSH greater than 10 is worth treating. A TSH between 5-10 is a disputed area and the use of thyroid antibodies may be helpful here.

TSH > 10

No need to test for antibodies


TSH 5-10

No thyroid antibodies

Repeat and watch for symptoms

Thyroid antibodies present

Consider a trial of thyroxine using weight as a guide.

You will see that if there are thyroid antibodies present she would consider a trial of thyroxine.

Perhaps your daughters doctor should see this. She is obviously towing the party line of not treating until TSH is 10 or over, so there is nothing controversial for your daughter's doctor to worry about.

As far as ferritin low and iron high, low ferritin is a sign that if not treated the iron will go lower and become anaemia.

Doctors are also concerned about a condition due to overload of iron, so once again they exercise extreme and in my opinion, usually unnecessary caution.


I have just spoke to my daughter doc on the phoneeven though her ferritin is 29, she said her iron was high at 14.8.Is it worth getting ferritin increased, even with high iron?The doc also said that my daughter hasnt been diagnosed with hasimotos, even though she has high antibodies of 355.I thought that was hasimotos, seeing as its in the family. The doc says not.My poor daughter is suffering at the moment and no doc seems to want to help her. We are going to see dr peatfield at the end of may, but thats ages. Any advice appreciateda

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a, ask your chemist about either Galfer Syrup (mint chocolate

flavour)or Fersamal Syrup (orange flavour). They both contain ferrous

fumerate and, from experience, I can say they are very kind on the

guts and much better absorbed than pill form.

They are disgustingly sickly and you have to take care to clean your

teeth well otherwise you end up with black teeth!

I get mine on prescription so I'm not sure if you can simply buy the

stuff over the counter. Its worth asking though, especially as it

works so will be money well spent! My ferritin levels raised by about

2 points each week I took it at the 4 tsp per day. Now I'm only having

to take 2 tsp each day and will find out soon what my current ferritin

levels are.


> They wouldnt give me anything for my daughters low ferritin. I was

> hoping to get ferrous fumerate as it not so harsh on the bowels, she

> has enough problems already. Anyone have any thing they use that is

> good and easy to tolerate that I could buy over the counter?


> thanks

> a

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Your doctor needs to go bakc to medical school. Anybody who has antibodies of that amount has Hashimoto's and will definitely, one day, if not already will become hypothyroid because the antibodies gradually destroy the thyroid and it is thus unable to put out thyroid hormone.

Dr Peatfield says, with Hashimoto's there may be an adrenal component and we ought to correct that first. Probably take Nutri Adrenal up to 3 tablets daily and and after 3 weeks start utri thyroid up to 2 a day.

Luv - Sheila

PS - Dr Peatfield is here right now and that is why I cannot get onto my computer dureing the day.

Luv - Sheila

Im confused

I have just spoke to my daughter doc on the phoneeven though her ferritin is 29, she said her iron was high at 14.8.Is it worth getting ferritin increased, even with high iron?The doc also said that my daughter hasnt been diagnosed with hasimotos, even though she has high antibodies of 355.I thought that was hasimotos, seeing as its in the family. The doc says not.My poor daughter is suffering at the moment and no doc seems to want to help her. We are going to see dr peatfield at the end of may, but thats ages. Any advice appreciateda

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> Sheila

Do you mean nutri adrenal or nutri extra? I have Nutri adrenal extra

that I could give her as Im already on them.

thanks paula


> Dr Peatfield says, with Hashimoto's there may be an adrenal

component and we ought to correct that first. Probably take Nutri

Adrenal up to 3 tablets daily and and after 3 weeks start utri

thyroid up to 2 a day.


> Luv - Sheila


> PS - Dr Peatfield is here right now and that is why I cannot get

onto my computer dureing the day.


> Luv - Sheila


> Im confused



> I have just spoke to my daughter doc on the phone


> even though her ferritin is 29, she said her iron was high at


> Is it worth getting ferritin increased, even with high iron?


> The doc also said that my daughter hasnt been diagnosed with


> even though she has high antibodies of 355.

> I thought that was hasimotos, seeing as its in the family. The

doc says

> not.

> My poor daughter is suffering at the moment and no doc seems to

want to

> help her. We are going to see dr peatfield at the end of may, but


> ages. Any advice appreciated

> a







> --------------------------------------------------------------------




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HI a

Dr Peatfield recommends Spatone. You can buy this from your local health food store.

Luv - Sheila

Re: Im confused

>> http://www.tcnclinicians.com/content/default.asp?contentID=523> >thanks lilian. I will give a copy of that to my daughters Doc.They wouldnt give me anything for my daughters low ferritin. I was hoping to get ferrous fumerate as it not so harsh on the bowels, she has enough problems already. Anyone have any thing they use that is good and easy to tolerate that I could buy over the counter?thanksa

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H a

Dr Peatfield Said Nutri Adrenal, though I can't see why she shouldn't try NAE. Starting off at say, half a tablet and building up slowly.

Luv - Sheila

Im confused> > > I have just spoke to my daughter doc on the phone> > even though her ferritin is 29, she said her iron was high at 14.8.> Is it worth getting ferritin increased, even with high iron?> > The doc also said that my daughter hasnt been diagnosed with hasimotos, > even though she has high antibodies of 355.> I thought that was hasimotos, seeing as its in the family. The doc says > not.> My poor daughter is suffering at the moment and no doc seems to want to > help her. We are going to see dr peatfield at the end of may, but thats > ages. Any advice appreciated> a> > > > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------> > > No virus found in this incoming message.> Checked by AVG. > Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.0/1344 - Release Date: 26/03/2008 08:52>

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.1/1346 - Release Date: 27/03/2008 10:03

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Yes, Spatone IS good and is easily absorbed. I used to throw mine in

with a glass of orange juice or mix it with high-dose soluble vit C.

Even though the amount of iron in Spatone looks a lot less than that

found in iron pills, it is much more readily absorbed.

However, if your ferritin levels are very depleted as mine were,

Spatone helps but doesn't raise the levels quick enough. You could try

taking a lot more sachets initially BUT this works out horrifically


Boots possibly still have the buy 3 for the price of 2 offer, which

makes it a bit less costly to buy Spatone.

My personal strategy is to keep taking the prescription liquid iron

until the ferritin is up to a good high level and then to use Spatone

to maintain that level. Spatone unfortunately isn't available on




> HI a


> Dr Peatfield recommends Spatone. You can buy this from your local

health food store.


> Luv - Sheila

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Hi a,

Haven't used iron supplements since pregnancy as eon ago, but

taking high dose vit C will both help absorption of the iron and help the

bowels .

Subject: Re: Im confused

They wouldnt give me anything for my daughters low ferritin. I was

hoping to get ferrous fumerate as it not so harsh on the bowels, she

has enough problems already. Anyone have any thing they use that is

good and easy to tolerate that I could buy over the counter?




Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing


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Hi a,

Unfortunately until the TSH goes above the reference interval

which can be as high as 10.0 docs are unlikely to treat, despite symptoms

being present. This seems unnecessarily cruel to me as this can take years.

Antibodies if present over 50 ( I think that's the usual limit) do indicate


Seeing Dr P I think is the sensible option at this point, but won't get her

the NHS diagnosis that leads to free NHS meds.

In the meantime I suggest that your daughter starts on the suggested vits

and minerals- zinc, selenium, vit C vits B lots of info on

http://www.ithyroid as well as on the TPA site.

Subject: Im confused

I have just spoke to my daughter doc on the phone

even though her ferritin is 29, she said her iron was high at 14.8.

Is it worth getting ferritin increased, even with high iron?

The doc also said that my daughter hasnt been diagnosed with hasimotos,

even though she has high antibodies of 355.

I thought that was hasimotos, seeing as its in the family. The doc says


My poor daughter is suffering at the moment and no doc seems to want to

help her. We are going to see dr peatfield at the end of may, but thats

ages. Any advice appreciated



Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing


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Hi Tracey,

Maybe drinking this through a straw would help it get past the


a, ask your chemist about either Galfer Syrup (mint chocolate

flavour)or Fersamal Syrup (orange flavour). They both contain ferrous

fumerate and, from experience, I can say they are very kind on the

guts and much better absorbed than pill form.

They are disgustingly sickly and you have to take care to clean your

teeth well otherwise you end up with black teeth!



Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing


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Tried that. It is very sticky and you lose a lot of it on the straw.

The trick I use is to take my fizzy Vit C at the same time. Not only

does it help with absorbing the iron, it washes the sticky stuff off

the teeth at the same time! And then I go off and brush my teeth, to

be sure.

If anyone has black staining on their teeth already, try rubbing the

thick end of a wooden dental stick over each tooth. The end of the

stick goes black as it absorbs the stain. For some reason this is much

more effective than brushing, even with harsh toothpaste (which you

don't want to do if you have weak enamel).



> Hi Tracey,

> Maybe drinking this through a straw would help it get

past the teeth

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Hi a, sorry to hear about your daughter, she needs you to keep on to the doctor for a referral to a specialist .antibodies over 10 means she has hashimoto`s disease.sheila has a link to this which i posted to her .! to get these antibodies down try her with selenium this will get them down a bit and give her some relief .200mg per day.hope this helps angel.

for Good helps you make a difference

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Hi Sheila, a question on antibodies. Is there a " magic number " that

defines you as having Hashimoto's disease? Last one I had was 139

but my sister's is just 13 which is a long way off from a's

daughter's 355.

Thanks Irene


> Your doctor needs to go bakc to medical school. Anybody who has

antibodies of that amount has Hashimoto's and will definitely, one

day, if not already will become hypothyroid because the antibodies

gradually destroy the thyroid and it is thus unable to put out

thyroid hormone.


> .....................................


> The doc also said that my daughter hasnt been diagnosed with


> even though she has high antibodies of 355.

> I thought that was hasimotos, seeing as its in the family. The

doc says

> not.

> My poor daughter is suffering at the moment and no doc seems to

want to

> help her. We are going to see dr peatfield at the end of may, but


> ages. Any advice appreciated

> a







> --------------------------------------------------------------------




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>Its really sad that my daugher wont be able to get free meds from the

NHS. I have no faith in the NHS whatso ever. I have been hypo for 18

years and they havent helped me at all. I am so angry with the nhs, I

cant even speak to anymore NHS doctors without rage bubbling up. I cant

let my daughter go through this, so if I have to pay for her meds then

thats the way it has to be.

You health is your wealth



> Seeing Dr P I think is the sensible option at this point, but won't

get her

> the NHS diagnosis that leads to free NHS meds.


> ------------------------------------


> Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

> consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing

> medication.

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Hi Irene

Off the top of my head I cannot remember but I think if you have antibodies more than 10 (or why does 37 ring a bell?) - these count. If somebody knows the true answer, please let Irene, and all of us know what this is.

luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila, a question on antibodies. Is there a "magic number" that defines you as having Hashimoto's disease? Last one I had was 139 but my sister's is just 13 which is a long way off from a's daughter's 355.Thanks Irene>> Your doctor needs to go bakc to medical school. Anybody who has antibodies of that amount has Hashimoto's and will definitely, one day, if not already will become hypothyroid because the antibodies gradually destroy the thyroid and it is thus unable to put out thyroid hormone.> > .....................................> > The doc also said that my daughter hasnt been diagnosed with hasimotos, > even though she has high antibodies of 355.> I thought that was hasimotos, seeing as its in the family. The doc says > not.> My poor daughter is suffering at the moment and no doc seems to want to > help her. We are going to see dr peatfield at the end of may, but thats > ages. Any advice appreciated> a> > > > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------> > > No virus found in this incoming message.> Checked by AVG. > Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.0/1344 - Release Date: 26/03/2008 08:52>

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.1/1348 - Release Date: 28/03/2008 10:58

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