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Shoulder Problems

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I suggest that you go to www.google.com and do some research on " shoulder

bursitis " (with an without quotation marks). Surgery should only be your

last resort.

When my RA (or was it fibromyalgia?) started in 1999, X-rays were taken of

my left shoulder. The radiologist said, " Yes, yes, I can see the injury, "

and wrote a report to that effect. Very surprising, since I have never

experienced a shoulder injury.

Sincerely, Harald

At 11:00 PM 9/2/2004 -0500, you wrote:

>Hi, Ginny!


>Sally in Little Rock here.


>So sorry to hear about your shoulder-that's scary, huh?


>I would sure get a 2nd opinion from an orthopedic surgeon. Usually, the

>advice is to build up the muscle around the area, hopefully avoiding

>surgery. That's what I've always heard about knee surgery. Before you

>use (and poss hurt your shoulder more) get a 2nd opinion and ask about

>phys therapy.


>My heart goes out to you, Ginny!


>Good luck!



> > shoulder problems

> >

> > Just got off the phone with my rheumatologist- he had done an X-ray of

> my shoulder earlier today. I had a rotator cuff repair about 10 years ago, and

>had been doing fairly well. The last couple of months, tho, my shoulder

>had begun hurting a lot, mostly at night. Well, he said my shoulder looked

>bad. It's not sitting in the proper place, but has kinda created another

>place for the joint. There is almost no cartilage left, and he is

>surprised the pain isn't much worse. The plan for now is to try some

>muscle relaxants and see if that helps by relaxing the muscles (duh!)

>around the joint. He said if I was having a lot of pain, he would

>recommend a shoulder replacement. Needless to say, I'm not too happy. If

>anyone has any specific ideas for saving my shoulder, let me know. I do

>swim some and he said to continue with that, but no strength training

>machines. I forgot to ask about using a rowing machine, which I use some.

>Anyway, any ideas would be appreciated!!

>Thank you- Ginny

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  • 2 years later...

Kenda, my right side - shoulder included, gives me a " beep " of a

time. Has for a few years. Implant related. Will soon be

healed!...That's the attitude I must carry :) lol

I am concerned about my Mom right now. She just had an MRI on her

right shoulder. She is in so much pain, her pain killer that she

takes every 12 hrs. lasts for an hour or two and then she has to wait

for the next time.

Not sure what the doc's gonna propose...the MRI techs were making

comments, as they do, as to " oh, dear....what do you think you're

doc's gonna do about this? " My Mom queried, " About what? " Oh,

you'll just have to wait to talk to him. Doesn't that just make you

feel like ....o.k., o.k. smiling??? I turned that around quickly

now, didn't I?

Don't mind me...I'm in a semi-delirium from cold weather and the fact

that my thermostat broke on my car yesterday and I froze my little

(well, not so little anymore) tush (not to mention my big toes!)

driving home from 20 minutes north of where I live. It's been minus

28 degrees Celsius (sorry, I don't remember how to convert anymore

for you U.S. gals) Brrrrrrr! A couple more days of this and then

closer to 0 by Wednesday. Thank God!

Please pray for my Mom, girls or just do what you do

spiritually...she needs all the help she can get. She's 88 yrs. old

and just the most steadfast, stubborn little ole Ukrainian granny

I've every met. I'm going to spend Christmas with her this

year...just the 2 of us. We're looking forward to that.

Love & Light,

Sunny :)

In , Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:


> Hi Sandy,


> I have shoulder problems too and may need surgery in the near

future. One

> thing that is terrible for problematic shoulders is time spent on


> computer. When you are on your computer, be sure to sit properly

with good

> posture. Even with good posture, try to minimize your time spent

and be

> sure to stretch afterward. I just completed three months of intense

> physical therapy in hopes to avoid surgery. Not sure that it paid



> Kenda



> > ,

> >

> > Thank you for responding

> > How is a deep massage done

> > Your whole body?

> >

> > I have had shoulder surgery

> > for a torn rotator cuff

> >

> > Now it feels like my other shoulder

> > will need the same surgery

> >

> > I have lost range in both my arms

> > And I am just so weak

> >

> > Nobody can touch my shoulders, especially

> > my knees, no way would I survive that !!

> >

> > Any pressure to my knees is horrific

> > That is where that crawly feeling remained

> > during the time the implants were still in me

> >

> > No doctors can help me, I depend on my

> > computer and mouse to lead the way

> >

> > into a site called...

> >

> >

> > Now this is where the medical field.

> > needs to be if they really cared about us.

> >

> > They tell me I am the only one who has ever complained.

> > about having symptoms from saline implants?

> >

> > My only avenue is trying what all of you

> > have been doing to regain your health back.

> >

> > Something is terribly wrong, I am almost crippled

> > and in agony and worst of all I do not know where to start.

> >

> > Every test including the thyroid comes back very normal

> > So frustrating and nobody from the group lives close to me.

> >

> > I give up to easily,when I try something new.

> > I was never one to give in but I feel like I want to sometimes

> >

> > Besides the medical field turning their backs on me.

> > I feel like this poison has won it's battle over me to.

> >

> > I am so tired of being tired but

> > I still fight this because my son needs me

> >

> > Sandy`~

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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