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Mercury Fillings

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Oh, just lovely. So I've had a " double whammy " problem - silicone

gel implants PLUS mercury fillings. Well, I've got 2 of the culprits

gone. Now I have to work on my teeth. No finances! Help, me

God...why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer???? LOL

O.K.....I'd better practice what I preach and do a clearing on my

financial state right now. Oh, well...maybe God is just working on

my character. Heaven knows I need the work done!!!!! :) :)

Love you all,

Thanks for all your love & support,

Sunny :)

-- In , " stardancer222002 "

<stardancer222002@...> wrote:


> Hi,

> I had many of your symptoms 6 years prior to having McGhan double

> lumin implants....It was from having 12 molars filled with silver-

> MERCURY fillings. A year later, I felt like I had the flu every few

> days, multiple kidney infections--general malaise. Most of these

> ceased after removing the fillings! Of course, your troubles do

> coincide with implant surgery so I'm not negating the liklihood of

> the implants causing the problems, just a heads up in case my

> experience might help you.



> >

> > Hi .

> > Thank you.

> > Yes, my implants have been a complete nightmare and I've written

> about it

> > several times but I don't mind writing again if it will help

> someone.

> > I had them put in Dec. 1999. They were the smooth Saline filled

> McGhann

> > time-bombs. Within about a year I started to feel run down and

> emotionally

> > unable to cope. I was an avid runner and quite the athlete so

> this was

> > unusual. My boyfriend at the time dumped me because I was

> starting to have

> > trouble keeping up with life and didn't know why. I went through

> emotional

> > hell for a while but that was just the beginning. In 1995 I went

> to the

> > emergency room with symptoms of a stroke. I had a near syncope

> episode

> > followed by numbness and weakness on my right side. (I had been

> having

> > symptoms of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia for about 2 years


> they had

> > gone undiagnosed), I was barely functioning at this point anyway

> so when I

> > actually had a symptom that warranted investigation I was


> relieved.

> > However, my relief turned into a nightmare as my symptoms got

> worse and there

> > was no diagnosis in sight. At first they thought it was a stroke

> or a TIA.

> > Then, they thought it was MS. After going through the hell of

> spinal taps,

> > MRIs, multiple venupunctures for the sake of testing, there was

> still no

> > answer. There was nothing that they could say definitively, "

> Your diagnosis

> > is:___________ " . I had a neurologist actually came into my

> hospital room,

> > sit on the edge of my bed and say, " Well, we think it's MS but

> don't worry.

> > It's not the end of the world " That was fun. I was seeing


> in a

> > wheelchair wetting myself and he gets up nonchalantly and walks

> out leaving

> > me there to contemplate this alone! You gotta love it! Then

> comes the,

> > " perhaps you should seek some psychological counseling, Sometimes

> people are

> > sick because they believe they are sick, " I won't tell you what I

> would like

> > to do to every Dr. that I have heard that from. First, they ruin

> your health

> > and then they tell you it's all in your head. What do we expect,

> right? Oh,

> > you mean I shouldn't expect that? Could'a fooled me!! Anyway, I

> digress,,,,

> > After the initial incident I started to have trouble with depth

> perception,

> > proprioception and ataxia. I even had episodes of speech aphasia

> (You know,

> > when you can get out the words that are in your head, They either

> come out

> > mixed up, or sporadically or not at all. I had all of these.) I

> couldn't

> > drive, I was even afraid to ride in cars because my


> was so

> > distorted that the motion made me scared and sick. I was having

> trouble

> > walking due to the weakness in my leg muscles. I had spotty

> numbness and

> > tingling and loss of motor control. When I tried to walk I could

> only

> > shuffle without straightening out my legs or lifting my feet. I

> started

> > walking with a cane when I could walk. After firing my PCP and


> > neurologist I found another Dr. who actually found something that

> they had

> > overlooked and was able to treat that part of my symptoms. I had

> a positive

> > ANA. When I got treatment for this with steroids and

> hydroxychloroquine a

> > lot of my symptoms got better but this was not until I had become

> almost

> > totally nonfunctioning and had moved back in with my Mother at


> 31!! The

> > steroids calmed down the systemic inflammation and my ANA went

> negative but

> > the neurological symptoms kept persisting off and on. I have


> > hospitalized on 3 occasions with stroke-like symptoms, unable to

> walk, speak

> > and barely move my extremities at all. Every time, all the

> possibilities

> > were explored and everything came back negative. The last time I

> was

> > hospitalized, I think it was in Feb. of this year, I was unable


> move at

> > all, I was shaking violently, all of the muscles in my body were

> tight like a

> > banjo string, I had zero gag reflex, speech aphasia - I was a

> mess!!! This

> > was a spell that lasted many hours at various levels of severity

> and Drs.

> > pumped me full of anti-seizer medication and anti-anxiety

> medication and some

> > type of migraine headache steroid! By morning I was walking and

> talking and

> > able to swallow and they sent me home but I continued to be weak

> for several

> > days. I have lived my life for years feeling sick, weak, tired,

> wondering if

> > I'm going to have the strength to handle each day, afraid to plan

> anything in

> > case I have an " episode " , afraid I might not be able to walk half

> the time,

> > and basically afraid to live!! I have had chronic stiffness and

> pain in my

> > neck and shoulders which had gotten much worse right before my

> explantation

> > surgery and had progressed to frequent migraines. I have been

> unable to run,

> > workout, finish school, get a real job or progress at all in my

> life because

> > I have just been trying to survive dealing with all of this alone

> with my 2

> > beautiful children who have had to watch me suffer through all

> this. I was

> > told by every Dr. I ever saw that none of this could possibly be

> related to

> > my breast implants as there were no studies that show they are

> dangerous or

> > that women who have saline implants develop systemic illnesses


> more often

> > than women who don't. It's funny though, my illness never had


> real

> > diagnosis except Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (due to +ANA)


> this never

> > explained any of the neurological problems. My rheumatologist

> told me that

> > not only were my implants not the problem but if I had them

> removed I would

> > be psychologically scarred and it would not help. My neurologist

> asked my if

> > I was sexually active and when I told him, no, he said, " Maybe

> that's your

> > problem. " Does any of this sound familiar to anyone else out

> there? I mean,

> > how many ways can I be humiliated, really? Thank you. May I have

> another?...

> > But, I digress again,,,*lol*.

> > There is a good end to this horror story. My current PCP did

> listen to me

> > and referred me to a PS who she thought might be able to help


> See, the

> > problem was getting my HMO to pay. I, being a single mother,

> didn't have the

> > resources to have an explantation even though I have wanted and

> known that I

> > have needed one for years. And, to my surprise, my PS was able


> get my HMO

> > to pay for the explantation along with a complete capsulectomy


> a biopsy

> > of the right and left pectorals major. When I asked him how he

> did it he

> > said that he was unable to present any scientific evedence to the

> insurance

> > company so he did some research online (following up on what I


> done) and

> > collected a volume of annecdotal evidence which he presented

> as: " She might

> > be that one in a million...) I was so extatic that I didn't care

> about

> > recruiting him to my side. However, when I asked him why there

> have never

> > been and " scientific " studies done to prove that saline breast

> implants are

> > safe and effective to the purpose for which they are marketed he

> said, " you

> > are the study. " You gotta love it! I just about fell over. Not

> at what he

> > said, because I think I had already figured that out, but that he

> could sit

> > there and look me straight in the eyes and tell me this without

> flinching.

> > Now for the happy ending: I had my explantation done on June 4,

> 2002. I

> > feel great! The first symptom that went away was the neck

> stiffness and

> > headaches. Then, the chronic throbbing pain in my hands and

> feet. I have

> > not had any other neurological symptoms except a little numbness

> (like

> > asleep) feeling in my lower legs and feet when I walked on the

> treadmill for

> > an hour the other day! I just kept going and pushed through it

> and it went

> > away! I wake up early and feel good now. I'm no longer taking

> the

> > prescription pain medication every morning, going back to bed and

> waiting for

> > it to kick in so I can get up and function! I feel motivated,

> confident and

> > hopeful about the future! And, you know what? Most everyone


> that they

> > can't really notice the difference in my size! Of course, after

> not running

> > and working out for years I have gone from a size 3 to a size 8


> I know

> > that part of it will go away when I get back down to my regular

> weight but I

> > don't care!!! I am so happy to have my life back!! All of my

> family and

> > friends are ecstatic for me too. My PS did send my implants and

> biopsy

> > material to pathology to be analyzed but I haven't heard anything

> yet and I

> > imagine that I won't if I don't keep pushing for the info.

> > That's my 'little' story. I hope that something in it can help

> someone else

> > in some way.

> > Love from Newport Beach.

> > Lorri

> > P.S. My AOL account is closing. Please change my Email address on

> the list to

> > lorri.lotr@

> > Thanks.

> >


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