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Need doctor referral in S. Florida

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I discovered your website and just signed up last night...I have

been experiencing severe brain fog and memory problems for the past

3 or 4 years and it is getting worse and throughout the day and I

find find myself sitting and staring at nothing at all. This is

affecting my job performance at work...and being in sales, I have to

be able to remember things...a lot of my success depends on my

energy level and ability to interact with others. I've had saline

implants for 13 years, Three or 4 years ago (when the problems

began) I was diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and a

neurologist put me on Ritalin but now it's gotten to the point now

where I simply cannot function without the ritalin and now your

website has me wondering IF I'm even ADD at all. Several months

ago, I started complaining of the severity of my symptoms to my ADD

doctor and he sent me for an MRI and other tests...referred to

several other doctors,... and the last one--a rheumatologist told me

I was " depressed " ... in other words, depression hurts ... I also

performed a mold test in my home thinking THAT might be the

problem. Yes I'm depressed... that's one of the symptoms of

mold...and I never thought to check INSIDE of my body for it! None

of the doctors could find anything wrong with me but I have to admit

I didn't even mention my implants to them because I was always told

saline was safe.

Also for the last 3-4 years my implants have not felt right in my

body which all makes sense now...I can't really explain why they

don't feel right...I'm not in pain or anything...they are just WEIRD

feeling...I've always had some capsular contractor but lately they

don't feel like they belong there. Perhaps my body is speaking to

my brain. It feels like I have two foreign objects sitting on top of

my chest. The implants did not feel like this in the past. I have

nearly all of the symptoms described. Brain Fog, Memory Problems,

Flu like aches and pains, tingling in my toes and now and a little

bit of numbness on at least four of them, tired, depressed, creepy

crawling feelings, trouble sleeping, cold hands and feet...and I

live in S. Florida where the climate is always warm.

Can somebody point me in the right direction...I want to get these

things taken out and am very frightened by the prospect of one of

these rupturing and releasing bacterial into my body during the

procedure. I need a referral on a doctor who thoroughly understands

this condition and can treat me after the removel. I live in the

Ft. Lauderdale area. Thanks for your help.


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