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Online Health & Nutrition Newsletter

Vol. 6 Issue 2a - " Spirit of Health "


Copies of the paperback

version sell for $7.00 or less and are usually available from online


like www.amazon.com.

To give you an idea of what the book is like, and hopefully

interest you in obtaining a copy and reading it, a couple of excerpts from

the first portions of the book are presented here.




" When I was a medical school student in the early days of the century,

the study of nutrition was very sketchy; even today most doctors are

painfully ignorant of the real advances in nutritional science. I began

to suspect the close relationship between health and proper eating

habits when, early in my career as an overworked young doctor,

my own health broke down. I have always been a man of great curiosity

and as I investigated deeply the chemistry of food along new lines,

I came to the conclusion that I, personally, must give up the use of drugs

and henceforth rely solely on food as my medicine. It wasn't long until

(after repeated verified results) I discarded drugs in treating my patients.

" My colleagues, at the time, thought I had lost my mind. But time has only

strengthened my belief.

" Today we are not only in the Atomic Age but also the Antibiotic Age.

Unhappily, too, this is the Dark Age of Medicine--an age in which many

of my colleagues, when confronted with a patient, consult a volume which

rivals the Manhattan telephone directory in size. This book contains

the names of thousands upon thousands of drugs used to alleviate

the distressing symptoms of a host of diseased states of the body.

The doctor then decides which pink or purple or baby-blue pill to prescribe

for the patient.

" This is not, in my opinion, the practice of medicine.

" Far too many of these new " miracle " drugs are introduced with fanfare

and then revealed as lethal in character, to be silently discarded for newer

and more powerful drugs, which allegedly cure all the ills to which the flesh

is heir.

" I discarded drugs partly because I began to re-examine an old, old medical

truism--that nature does the real healing, utilizing the natural defenses of

the body. Under the proper conditions nature, if given the opportunity, is

always the greatest healer. It is the physician's role to assist in this


co-operate with nature's forces; to play a supporting role instead of star of

the show. Nature does not follow Madison Avenue's " Feel Better Faster " but

takes her time, slowly, as a tree grows, a little more each day. Nature never

rushes to get a sick man or beast on his feet; she also demands a slow and

steady convalescence. Sick animals rest or sleep and refuse all food until

nature has healed them.

" Isn't it proper, then, to expect that nature can do the same thing for the


human if only she is given the opportunity?

" Because I believe this so deeply, I have been in disagreement with doctors

who stuff the sick, exhausted man with powerful toxic drugs and then are

forced to use other drugs to " remedy the remedy, " as it were. Instead I " fast "

the patient on simple vegetable broths or diluted fruit juices in order to

give the exhausted body organs an opportunity to discharge their waste


and heal themselves.

" Call me " controversial " if you will; I have taken the revered Louis

Pasteur off

his pedestal. Years of laboratory observation and experimentation have

taught me that germs do not cause disease. Germs are merely a concomitant

of disease, present in every sick individual but able to multiply in a sick


because of disturbed function.

" Every new concept developed in medical science points the way to a new area

awaiting further exploration. Discarding both the use of drugs and the germ

theory of disease opened the way for me to explore new methods of

eliminating the stagnating waste products from the body. Briefly stated, my

position is: improper foods cause disease; proper foods cure disease. In

upholding this thesis, I have been in disagreement, at times sharp, with

organized orthodox medicine.

" While seeking additional methods to aid in this elimination of toxins, I

began a study along original lines, here and in Europe, of just how I could

use the endocrine glands, particularly the liver, adrenal, thyroid and


glands. From there, my medical curiosity led me to a study of the harm done

to the body by various stimulating foods and non-foods, such as salt.

" The average American predilection for doughnuts and coffee, hot dogs with

mustard, ice cream, fried meat, French-fried potatoes, pie a la mode, together

with between-meal sweetened cola drinks, candy bars and coffee breaks,

synthetic vitamins and aspirin cannot make for health. And they cannot make

for a pure cholesterol. Long before cholesterol became a household word I was

interested in its role in the body. Here you will find a unique approach to

the cholesterol problem and also how to build a pure cholesterol which wears

well in the arteries.

" In these pages you will discover which foods are helpful and which harmful

and how the body reacts to both in health and in illness. You will notice

that, though

there are suggestions about eating or not eating (for when not to eat is often

more important than what to eat), there is no cure-all diet suggested for

whatever ails you.

" As a child of four back in Cincinnati, Ohio, I announced to my parents one

day that I wanted to be a doctor. For over fifty years now I have been a


not a specialist, merely a general practitioner. I have treated motion picture

stars and coal miners; politicians and professional men; farmers and Pasadena

society dowagers; I have brought thousands of healthy babies into the world,

including my own children and grandchildren. A decade ago, I thought I might

retire and devote myself to my hobbies--music, reading, sculpture, mountain

climbing and wild animal study--so I closed my Pasadena office and built a

glass-walled house on a sea Cliff, high above the sun-warmed Pacific. But

patients from near and far (even from abroad) sought me out in a steady

stream seven days a week, to learn how proper food, individually selected

for their particular ills, will cure them. If I have helped them back to


I am well rewarded, for in the process I have become not only a counselor

but a friend.

Henry G. Bieler, M.D.

Capistrano Beach, 1965





1 The Cure Is Worse than the Disease

2 Your Body: A Do It Yourself Repair Shop

3 Disease Has Many Faces

4 Cornerstones in My House of Health

5 Digestion: First Line of Defense Against Disease

6 The Liver: Second Line of Defense Against Disease

7 The Endocrine Glands: Third Line of Defense Against Disease

8 You--Under the Doctor's Eye



9 When Disease Strikes Children

10 Cholesterol and the Troubled Heart

11 Defects in Kidneys and Blood Pressure

12 Your Weight: Too High or Too Low?

13 From Appendicitis to Women's Ailments


14 Proteins Are Body Builders

15 Proteins Can Be Body Killers

16 Vegetables as Do It Yourself Therapy

17 Milk and Yeast as Food and Medicine

18 Salt and Stimulation vs. the Good Diet

236 pages.


We hope you enjoyed this Newsletter and will find it useful.


For a free copy of the " Live Food Diet Program " -

(alkaline producing foods and recipes), in email form -

send your request to www.healthfree@...

Best wishes,

Ron Radstrom

e-mail: healthfree@...

website: http://www.healthfree.com

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