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PS is NASTY! Shocking comments...

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you will not believe what I just endured - all I wanted to do was to

rush home and post this.

Today was my post-op. The assistant took off my deep bandages and

the bra, and there they were! a bit smooshed, but perky, cute

little A cups. Much better than I thought they'd be. And they will

only get better!! I felt like I was reunited with an old friend.

She was explaining how to dress the stitches in the nipple, with

gauze and ointment, when the ps opened the door. " Stand up " was how

she greeted me. She proceeded to look thru the bag of camis I

bought and after telling me to get shelf ones and non shelf ones,

she picks a flimsy tshirt one and tells me to wear this. She seemed

very angry as she tossed them around. I made a comment that my

breasts will fluff out, and she said beligerantly 'I don't know!

this is how you could be! Since you never gave me your pre-op pics,

I don't know what you'll like it - this right one looks lower than

the left anyhow " Moving on, I asked about the operation, how it

went, did she encounter anything unusual...and she said 'well, when

it was over, we all stood over you and cried'. I made a face and

said " Cried? Why? " She gave me a pitying look and replied 'because

you had such a beautiful result and NOW look at you'.

I swear on my soul that is the truth. I was so stunned - I realized

I had been threat from the moment she met me, and the truth was she

knew nothing about healing from explant! Women like me threaten her

very livlihood and she and the assistant stood there in stony

silence as I took in the most offensive thing I have ever been

told. Strangely, it didn't bother me on a vanity level (on a

professional level, yes, it did) I smiled and said 'I have a

beautiful " Result " now - this is as I was made and supposed to be'.

She replied 'well, life is all a series of choice, honey', and I

also sugar-sweet smiled and replied 'oh believe me, I am learning

that every day'.

My boyfriend reminded me of a conversation between him and the ps

before i was wheeled off to surgery - the ps prodded me to tell the

nurse why i wanted them out and that I was 'very unusual - quite

atypical'. I just said 'I am over them, I want to be myself' (like

I wanted to get into this as I am about to go under!!) - My

boyfriend said 'small breasted women are gorgeous! Look at Audrey

Hepburn,look at " and the ps got very defensive and interupted

him 'oh, no, I didn't say you couldn't be beautiful, I am just

saying that there is myths out there about implants being unsafe,

and especially after that Connie chung piece ran in 98.' I

thought 'oh crap, she has been harboring all this resentment towards


Even the massage lady seemed perplexed by choice. But do you know

what? I was not alone, nor was I affected by this. It was such a

powerful experience, I felt all of your support, my darling

boyfriend's, and God's presence in making me KNOW I was again

beautiful as I should be. I will not soon forget this day.

SO, I fear, dear ladies, that she doesn't know diddilly after all

about healing. And, could she/would she sabotage my healing by

having me wear a tshirt only?

1) I believe you all wore your sports bra at nite too? I am

thinking of following the way most of you did

2) I would never go see her again, but she wants to see me EVERY

time I come for massage to make sure they are healing ok. My

stitches (I didn't know I was gonna have any, and they are the kind

you must rip out) come out in one month. After that, I may never go

back, and do the lymph massage at another clinic.

3) I wonder if there is any way to not go to her again? Any

thoughts? I am still tired and not sure WHAT to put on - ie when

we went over train tracks, it hurt.

My head is spinning. I knew she was an egomaniac, but I never

thought it would take this turn. I am reminded of Wayne Dyer's

quote " you must learn to be independant of the good opinion of other

people "

So, I extend my gratitude to you all, for arming me with the

information and bolstering my spirits so much that in the face of

this nasty woman, my belief in myself never wavered. Consider it a

small victory for " our side "

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