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back from appt/atlanta....shari

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Hello all

I am back form my trip to Atlanta to see Dr. Kolb. I saw her on Friday afternoon - yes she is injured - she broke her shoulder - she can have office appts but can use both hands and can not operate for a while.

Anyways - I quite a few answers as to why I am still ill 3 years after explant..... several I already knew - I was just waiting on a doctor to tell me them.... the candida... the neurotoxins.... I didn't realize the extent of my contamination - I have it pretty bad so I have a ton of blood tests to get done today and some meds to get filled....

Also - she thinks I still have a good portion of my capsule left in my left breast and she also thinks it has fluid inside and it is infected - this I have been wondering about as it is getting larger and starting to look much different than the other breast - it is also feeling heavy - almost like when the implant was still in or when I was lactating.... she felt a lot of strange tissue in the area - thinks it is leftover shells-scar tissue-junk - other things I can't remember - medical terms.... she also found a lymph node in my armpit that is enlarged and hard as a rock... she said this will have to be removed and sent to pathology. She said it is probably full of silicone shell from the textured implants... this was a little of a shock although I am not sure why as I have seen this many times before - I just didn't expect it w/ me since I have already had surgery.... Another issues brought up was the lack of drain use with my explant - this could have very well lead to the contamination and/or infection in the area as I have posted before after my explant, my left breast kept filling with fluid - like a hematoma or something and had to be manually drained w/ a syringe twice... she said that a new capsule could have formed around this infection as well.... I had rib cartilidge infections for months after my explant that was never properly treated which she explained was probably a warning sign that there was something in there and that I probably should have been re-opened at that point to remove the infected tissues and fluid as now it probably contains mold, etc....

We talked for a long time - well over 3 hours about all my illness - what they are and why they are probably there... I can not remember all of it - just that now I most likely need additional surgery and need it soon.... as I mentioned in an earlier message to another member - I will go to Dr. Kolb even tho she is not on my Insurance and it will cost more due to travel, etc., as she really seemed to understand my situation and what was wrong with me, etc... I have never had a doctor spend that amount of time talking to me an answering all of my questions - never and I have seen a many... she also strongly believes the neurotoxins are the cause of my seizure attacks.....

anyways - for those friends who were wondering how my long awaiting appt went on Friday - this was it.... good but scary... but I am ready - I want this mess gone. let her take them off if she has to - I want my health back.



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