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Re: Deb Needs Some Help

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If you are sick from your implants it is so important to get them out properly. If you go back to a MD, I don't think they are licensed to do such a procedure, not sure though. I would not understand why anyone who was sick from implants would want to leave bio-toxins in there body. If you are sick, you need en-bloc procedure, removal of all surrounding capsule. It takes a very skilled surgeon to do this. I looked at it like this when I needed removal, I figured my first PS didn't do it right, I was so sick. I only wanted the best touching me the second go round. I would not let a regular PS touch me again, if they are not specialist in the area of my breast and total well being and treatment, they will not touch me again. It is important for sick women from breast implants to go to a doctor whom believes the truth behind breast implants. Most MD will not even tell you that breast implants are making you sick. Do you have saline or silicone? If saline most MD will say oh no "safe" salt water. I been there and done that with enough quacks that the smartest thing to do is go to someone who knows what is wrong with you number one. You may pay a bit more for a specialist, but if you continue getting sick from implant for the rest of your life, how much really do you save. If you get proper explant you may have a great chance of getting well someday. It is a no brainier if you look at it that way. I paid a lot to get mine removed, $12,000.00, verses like $1200.00 at a PS, but I may be well someday. I don't regret that decision at all, I do feel better since explant and I have not had that nasty low grade fever since removal. To me that alone is worth the buck. I am just asking you to please seek a professional and don't let these breast implants take your health completely for the rest of your life. I will pray for you and hope you find the right surgeon and get them out of your body. God Bless!!!!!!!!!


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I don't think it's a good idea to have a regular MD take them out,

not because they don't care but because it needs to be done by one of

the FEW plastic surgeons who will admit they're dangerous and do the

job right. From what I understand, they need to be removed " en

bloc " , meaning the capsule around them is removed too. Personally, I

have no faith in any of the male plastic surgeons I've seen, who will

lie straight to my face and tell me they're safe when we all know

they are not! I don't know where you live but I would recommend Dr.

Kolb in Atlanta, GA, or Dr. Feng in Cleveland, OH. They are

not afraid to be honest with you and I need to make an appt. with Dr.

Feng myself (I live in PA). My situation is complicated though

because I was born with a birth defect called Poland's Syndrome so I

might have to go back to wearing a prosthesis like I did as a

teenager if Dr. Feng can't do some type of flap surgery, using some

of my own tissue to create a breast on my left side. I've had so

many complications and infections over the years (I'm 46 and started

having reconstuctive surgery when I was 25. It's been one problem

after another and now, after all the hell I've been through to get

this chest, I want them taken out. It's an ugly botched mess anyway

so it can't get any worse. I'm also on SS Disability with a

diagnosis of fibromyalgia but I'm sure my permanent pain and illness,

and my weakened immune system, are at least partially caused by these

implants, even though I have no proof.

I know it's frustrating but just try to remember things could be

worse.....you could end up like me, facing the possibility of wearing

a prosthesis. I keep hoping for some miracle but I know there's a

very good chance I won't be able to have any kind of tissue transfer

due to my history of infections. I've already had a failed TRAM flap

and even though there are other options for tissue transfers, it

might not work even if Dr. Feng is willing to try it.

Just remember one main thing: don't trust the plastic surgeons,

especially the males, to tell you the truth. Implant are not safe

and don't let anybody tell you they are. Good luck.


--- In , <waltjenking@...>



> Hey guys,


> Deb wrote to me and I wasn't sure how to answer her so I figure I

would post this letter she sent me. She said posted once asking this

question so hopefully someone can help her. Thanks



> Hi ,


> I posted something on the site the other day and didn't a

response from anybody. It was about getting a regular MD to take

these out. I can understand the importance of having board certified

put these in, but can't imagine why it would need much symetrical

skill to take these out.


> Besides that, most MD's back in the 90's would argue tooth and

nail about not getting them put in in the first place..and seems like

they would be more of an advocate for us and more open to hearing

what we have to say about our symptoms.


> Do you know if anybody commented. call me sometime.


> Deb




> ---------------------------------

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Good suggestion Dianne! It's a shame that these doctors don't counsel a woman to accept what God has given them, rather than think they can improve on God's work - then end up causing more disfigurement. I know that Plastic Surgeons CAN do incredible work with birth defects - but there appears to be a huge difference in the type of surgery these doctors do. Is there a difference between Cosmetic and Plastic? How does one know? In the end . . . it's seldom what other people think of us that's important, it's what we think of ourselves! I hope you can find a surgeon who can get you out of the mess you're in right now! Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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