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Looking Into The Mirror Before and After Saline Implants.. Kendra, and Group

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I cannot read with my son and I was never like this before implants

I will start reading and than go into a phase of a deep sleep and totally


what I just read, it's so useless and I believe it has to do with my inners


haywire on me. Trust me my deep sleep scares my son to death

When I log on to the computer and start reading the same thing will happen

I have never slept so much in my life!

I just went to the eye docter and my vision is very good

I think I had some form of toxic shock.

I could hardly move my legs, arms turn my neck,

and head which felt like a solid brick, I could not even brush my hair

or walk I became bedridden when the implants were in me

I started losing touch with the world that is when I was explanted.

Dam Nightmare Those Saline Implants Are

Or Any Implant For That Matter

Sad when mom can't function

Especially when your children depend on you!!

I know it's related to implants I have given up

reading the newspaper,books because of going

into a deep sleep.

I do believe I have a fungal issue

somwhere in my organs/stomach

because I am just so BLOWN UP

and listening to what all of you are saying

Most likely it's fungal

Makers Diet - What do you eat??

I hope it's cheap !!

There are some foods that you ladies mention

I have never heard of

I am very weak and fatigued w/ shallow rapid breathing

I hope Makers diet is easy to make.

Because I Am So Sick

I work a part time job


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The Maker's Diet can be expensive - with all the supplements. But you can go a long way to following it by cutting out the junk and eating meals cooked (or raw) from scratch. There are a number of foods that contain the organisms that, once colonized in your gut, will keep fungal problems in check. You can make some of them yourself - like Keflir. . . I'd suggest getting the book - reading it through, then start by making one change every few days. Gradually change over to a new way of eating. That way you'll make it a way of life - Not just a trial, doomed to failure because it's too stressful making so many changes at once. Depending on how many prepared, processed foods you're eating now, you may actually save money. Rogene Sandy Verticelli <dusty.com@...> wrote: I cannot read with my son and I was never like this before implantsI will start reading and than go into a phase of a deep sleep and totally forgetwhat I just read, it's so useless and I believe it has to do with my inners goinghaywire on me. Trust me my deep sleep scares my son to deathWhen I log on to the computer and start reading the same thing will happenI have never slept so much in my life!I just went to the eye docter and my vision is very goodI think I had some form of toxic shock.I could hardly move my legs, arms turn

my neck,and head which felt like a solid brick, I could not even brush my hairor walk I became bedridden when the implants were in meI started losing touch with the world that is when I was explanted.Dam Nightmare Those Saline Implants AreOr Any Implant For That MatterSad when mom can't functionEspecially when your children depend on you!!I know it's related to implants I have given upreading the newspaper,books because of goinginto a deep sleep.I do believe I have a fungal issuesomwhere in my organs/stomachbecause I am just so BLOWN UPand listening to what all of you are sayingMost likely it's fungalMakers Diet - What do you eat??I hope it's cheap !!There are some foods that you ladies mentionI have never heard ofI am very weak and fatigued w/ shallow rapid breathingI hope Makers diet is easy to make.Because I Am So SickI work a part time


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I use alot of the Garden of Life products and follow the principals of the Maker's Diet. Let me state this, it is very expensive at first, but now I don't see my doctor as much anymore. I only see him once a month for laser acupuncture treatments.(which are covered by my insurance). Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: The Maker's Diet can be expensive - with all the supplements. But you can go a long way to following it by cutting out the junk and

eating meals cooked (or raw) from scratch. There are a number of foods that contain the organisms that, once colonized in your gut, will keep fungal problems in check. You can make some of them yourself - like Keflir. . . I'd suggest getting the book - reading it through, then start by making one change every few days. Gradually change over to a new way of eating. That way you'll make it a way of life - Not just a trial, doomed to failure because it's too stressful making so many changes at once. Depending on how many prepared, processed foods you're eating now, you may actually save money. Rogene Sandy Verticelli <dusty.comcomcast (DOT) net> wrote: I cannot read with my son and I was never like this

before implantsI will start reading and than go into a phase of a deep sleep and totally forgetwhat I just read, it's so useless and I believe it has to do with my inners goinghaywire on me. Trust me my deep sleep scares my son to deathWhen I log on to the computer and start reading the same thing will happenI have never slept so much in my life!I just went to the eye docter and my vision is very goodI think I had some form of toxic shock.I could hardly move my legs, arms turn my neck,and head which felt like a solid brick, I could not even brush my hairor walk I became bedridden when the implants were in meI started losing touch with the world that is when I was explanted.Dam Nightmare Those Saline Implants AreOr Any Implant For That MatterSad when mom can't functionEspecially when your children depend on you!!I know it's related to implants I have given upreading the

newspaper,books because of goinginto a deep sleep.I do believe I have a fungal issuesomwhere in my organs/stomachbecause I am just so BLOWN UPand listening to what all of you are sayingMost likely it's fungalMakers Diet - What do you eat??I hope it's cheap !!There are some foods that you ladies mentionI have never heard ofI am very weak and fatigued w/ shallow rapid breathingI hope Makers diet is easy to make.Because I Am So SickI work a part time jobSandy~ -

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It is great news to hear that you are able to cut back on your doctor visits! I hope you are finding much more joy in life, and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as you've been healing.

God bless you!


Re: Looking Into The Mirror Before and After Saline Implants.. Kendra, and Group

I use alot of the Garden of Life products and follow the principals of the Maker's Diet. Let me state this, it is very expensive at first, but now I don't see my doctor as much anymore. I only see him once a month for laser acupuncture treatments.( which are covered by my insurance).

Rogene S <saxony01 (DOT) com> wrote:

The Maker's Diet can be expensive - with all the supplements. But you can go a long way to following it by cutting out the junk and eating meals cooked (or raw) from scratch. There are a number of foods that contain the organisms that, once colonized in your gut, will keep fungal problems in check. You can make some of them yourself - like Keflir. . .

I'd suggest getting the book - reading it through, then start by making one change every few days. Gradually change over to a new way of eating. That way you'll make it a way of life - Not just a trial, doomed to failure because it's too stressful making so many changes at once.

Depending on how many prepared, processed foods you're eating now, you may actually save money.


Sandy Verticelli <dusty.comcomcast (DOT) net> wrote:

I cannot read with my son and I was never like this before implantsI will start reading and than go into a phase of a deep sleep and totally forgetwhat I just read, it's so useless and I believe it has to do with my inners goinghaywire on me. Trust me my deep sleep scares my son to deathWhen I log on to the computer and start reading the same thing will happenI have never slept so much in my life!I just went to the eye docter and my vision is very goodI think I had some form of toxic shock.I could hardly move my legs, arms turn my neck,and head which felt like a solid brick, I could not even brush my hairor walk I became bedridden when the implants were in meI started losing touch with the world that is when I was explanted.Dam Nightmare Those Saline Implants AreOr Any Implant For That MatterSad when mom can't functionEspecially when your children depend on you!!I know it's

related to implants I have given upreading the newspaper,books because of goinginto a deep sleep.I do believe I have a fungal issuesomwhere in my organs/stomachbecause I am just so BLOWN UPand listening to what all of you are sayingMost likely it's fungalMakers Diet - What do you eat??I hope it's cheap !!There are some foods that you ladies mentionI have never heard ofI am very weak and fatigued w/ shallow rapid breathingI hope Makers diet is easy to make.Because I Am So SickI work a part time jobSandy~


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