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CINDY FUCHS-MORRISSEY <cfuchsmorrissey@...> wrote: Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 18:23:41 -0700 (PDT)From: CINDY FUCHS-MORRISSEY <cfuchsmorrissey@...>Subject: Re: [siliconeKids] A HEADS UPsaxony01@... **Please post...also I want to say that it is greatthat Dr. Leroy Young did the studies on genetics,finding the gene DR53, but when HE SAW A GENETIC PROBLEM as a foundation...why did he not continue todo studies IF HE really wanted to uphold his oathof First, do no harm with silicone gel breast implantsto get a silicone gel breast implant that really wassafe that could be embraced by the human body? I have never understood this about him...except hesaw a real problem & with this finding, the FDA

would NOTapprove silicone gel breast implants.. IF more researchhad been done...I believe this was a reason for him to not go further with his genetic research...BUT I would bet anythingin the years to come after silicone gel breast implants areFDA approved he or another plastic surgeon will go further tomake a name for themselves...that is what this is all about.But soon, because of this massive coverup the FDAis going to approve silicone gel breast implants only toopen a big, fat, huge, massive Pandora's box for new faces in both the adult breast implant patient and theoffspring of that patient WITH DIFFERENT CHEMICAL ADJUVANCY that what women and children were exposed to with silicone gel breast implants of the past.Since when is it a great idea toEXERT/turn on the human immune response? Yet, this isexactly what silicone gel breast implants do...which can be

extremely damning to those who have the varaints of genes/key genes, genetic susceptibility WHICH IS NOT"the cause" of one's genetics, but the "cause" of thegenetically offending trigger being placed within the humanimmune response and the time factor of exposure... Question: Are there any purebreds humans on the face of this earth?If so, I would love to meet them & note their HLA-typing. Yeah, I have a real problem with all of this cover up & with those on the so-called FDA/IOM blue ribbon panels & with the our Senate and Mr. Bush, our president toofor backing those who allow this to happen in our society!!! You know, its best to oneday craft/tailor the chemical adjuvancy of breast implant lot numbers (shell aswell as the gel) ...craft/tailor the chemical adjuvancyof breast implant lot numbers to

those variants ofcertain key genes....AND IF THIS could NOT bedeveloped to craft/tailor a breast implant to embraceone's genetics then at least have the ethics, characterand class to forwarn patients, so that they would notopt/make that choice for a triggering so-called medical device. This was all so simple to grasp, and fix, prevent, but because money got in the way of good medicine, now many are made to suffer in the complete mockery ofmedicine in the USA....This is shameful. Again, "the first faults are theirs that COMMIT them; thesecond faults, theirs that permit them"...We should NOT PERMIT them to COMMIT them....please listen to what I have been saying for years about breast implant exposure,genetics/HLA-typing and so forth. CFM

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