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From: " sey" fuchsmorrissey@...Subject: A HEADS UPDate: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 20:01:00 +0000 ***wanted you to have a copy of this...do what you want with what I have to say....but I am just giving YOU a heads up...that's all. CFM Hey ___________, thanks...I will leave your name on...I did not know if I should remove it or what. I am ALWAYS so grateful for all of the information that is sent out. I have to tell you for those women who like to search things out information (like you or I tend to do) they really need to start searching gene types (like on google or whatever else) with silicone breast implants and lets say: DR13, DR15, or DR51, and DR53 and other gene types of interest...but

when searching just search one gene type at a time like with breast implants/silicone gel breast implants/silica/silicon/silicone....and so forth. A HEADS UP~~~I am getting information on this (from my searches on the computer) as there are researchers doing the studies on gene types with silicone gel breast implants showing problems...like, no kidding. By the way, there are more gene types not mentioned to date with breast implant exposure...so time will tell what they are. Like I have stated for well over a decade, since 1992/93-- that genetics is a foundation, but NOT the cause...the variants of certain key genes will NOT be able to embrace the genetically offending trigger, in this case the chemical adjuvancy of breast implant lot numbers & time factor of exposure. See, the researchers messed up from the beginning (from the ALPHA) EXECEPT

for the plasmacytoma in genetically susceptible mice study that came out in 1994 with Drs. Potter and Fred & a few other MM studies that were done, that I have....I understood the myeloma study at some point AFTER I really began to note things and put things together, (to explain & say) that people may have certain key genes that are elevated/exerted...some patients exposed to silicone gel breast implants may be exeted/"turned on" to the evolving disease of multiple myeloma--this is what that 1994 myeloma study was saying.... BUT I SAW that the problem was much greater than that....early 1990's---my concern with silicone gel breast implants was indeed a "two hit" theory which in the early 1990's the theory of a "two hit" was only used really for cancer(s)...not really with disease of autoimmunity. This is what I noted from what I researched out...and let me tell you this is all far

more complicated than what I am disclosing in what I have unearthed as a past 1976 breast implant patient...but this is my short version. I have a long winded version going more in depth..but not today. (Also, please note what I have to say about Dr. Leroy Young and his past study on DR53...he dropped the ball to go further IN HIS RESEARCH in genetics for a reason...please continue to read my words) Short version: See_____, it really does not matter which disease is exerted because of the key factors that are brought together to make up the disease(s)/syndromes or whatever....as women (as well as offspring) have been exposed to various chemical adjuvancy of breast implant....not all breast implants are equal...but an issue IS (a factor was ALWAYS) humans do have the variants of certain key genes (many genes) that will not be able to embrace the trigger/the exposure....so one may note different disease(s)/syndromes evolve, that may

not appear to be classic & then factor in the catalysts (platinum for starters) ... Actually, the real point here is in the (what I care to term) the ALPHA--in the beginning, which is the expression in the first place of the human body being exerted/"turned on" by the adjuvant--which really damns protein...who cares about disease, which I have tended NOT to focus on the disease part, just the first step---...the point IS this device (breast implant/lot numbers) is extremely capable of clicking things into gear...flipping the switch on with autoimmunity which after that happens ALL hell can break loose....does break loose after the variants of certain key genes are exerted/turned on and factor in the catalysts as well (like platinum for starters) then you really have a real mess. I just have not had time or felt well to put all of this together to send out about breast implants & HLA types, (like with the

information that is out there with the information about certain key gene types that ARE expressed/exerted/turned on with silicone gel breast implants....but the research is THERE...seek and find...there is not alot, but there is research there. RUN THE SEARCH like I am suggesting in this e-mail..... so if you know of others (like myself, LIKE YOU TOO) who love to seek and find , suggest to them to try searching out silicone and a various gene types, silicone gel breast implants and a gene type, breast implants and a gene type or even run several gene types together and see what comes up....the information/the research is there about CERTIAN /key HLA-types and breast implant exosure. I am not kidding. You may want to disclose this suggestion (in my above e-mail) to others who may want to spend their time looking into this information by searching ...and you may want to send my

e-mail out to others, to plant a seed in their mind to search in other various areas on key gene types and breast implants/silicone gel breast implants/silicone, silica, silicon....this is what I personally do daily and have for many years to gain more wisdom. I have been doing alot of this over the years as I planted a seed many years ago about HLA-typing and breast implants, fetal cells---microchimerism/chimerism, HERVs, ALUs, jumping genes & various triggers/genetically offending triggers beside breast implants----to spawn research, to help humanity (breast implant exposed or not).... ........many researchers took the seed planted and used it for their own disease(s) of research that may be of interest to them...and some have looked far more into HLA-types associated with breast implants, which is something I felt should have been done from 1992 on...the medical

community/plastic surgeons/the companies all dropped the ball...and the lawyers, well they just wanted to make a buck...not uphold one's oath of First, do no harm. I have been saying the same thing since 1992/1993 and I am not going to stop...I saw something and did have my voice heard to better understand evolving disease as it is expressed/exerted. I WILL STATE: Alot of time with breast implant research HAS been lost WHEN one needed to apply my concerns about genetics/the variants of key genes and breast implant exposure when I was saying this back in the early 1990's about genetics and breast implants....actually genetics and breast implant problems is one of the easiest things to see...the connection of causation between genetics/HLA-types and silicone gel breast implants really is much more easy to see IF one really wants to see the truth. ...Personally I BELIEVE, from observing over

the many years....this is why Dr. Leroy Young /Washington University, in St. Louis probably stopped looking futher into DR53 & breast implant exposure when HE noted the connection....something (genetics/susceptibility--THE VARIANTS OF key genes and breast implants) I had questioned before HE /that decitful old plastic surgeon even did the study on DR53--- Personally, I do not trust Dr. Leroy YOUNG at Washington University/St.Louis...as he only wants to make a name for HIMSELF---not uphold one's oath of First, do no harm--- ...he knew that the connection between genetics as a foundation along with the varaints of certain key genes (like with DR 53 for starters) & silicone gel breast implant exposure may be/ WAS a nail in HIS coffin, in the coffin of the breast implant companies & the Division of Plastic Surgery too.... as genetics is a foundation, but

NOT the cause with silicone gel breast implant exposure. This is probably why is went on a path with soy breast implants,to get attention away from the truth... which soy breast implants totally backfired & was a WASTE OF TIME, funding and getting to the truth about breast implant exposure and the REAL suffering women and kids are doing....because good old Dr. Leroy Young knew that silicone gel breast implants WERE a real problem with genetics/the variants of key genes....and he saw this. This is greatly needed and this is something I have been saying since 1992/93 to look at genetics/and breast implant exposure---so have the women who are good at this (when it comes to seek and find/with searching out information) PLEASE search the gene types/the certain key genes that right now (to date) are known to be a foundation for the expression of triggering breast implant exposure when

entangled with the human immune response.... (there are more genes types not even known to date which will be known in the future---I JUST WANTED TO INFORM YOU OF THIS)...... OH and remember, not only did I preach this, I did practice what I have been preaching with having MY own family HLA-typed in 1998 when was considered the "index person" in a fetal cells in scleroderma study ...the HLA-typing results spoke in great volumes. There is even more to the story...but this is enough for now. Trust me on this, OK? I have told the truth all along that breast implant women DO have the variants of certain key genes that may be expressed/exerted/turned on by the chemical adjuvancy of breast implant lot numbers, children too may present with various health issues as well...and NOBODY wanted to go down on this path in 1992/1993/1994/1995/1996---2006. I told Dr. Fred , he

listened to my plight of this theory on genetics and silicone gel breast implants on what I told him back in 1992/93/94/95/96.... and so forth.... and he did what he wanted to do... to make a name for himself too. Which at least he did see...from the seed that I planted...and I have tried very hard to plant this same seed in the minds of others to oneday uphold ones oath of First, do no harm with breast implant exposure. Well, they better do the research on genetics/the variants of key genes being exerted, IF they want to better understand evolving disease in the women/ children who have been exposed to breast implants & uphold their oath of First, do no harm.CFM

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