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Re: Financial problems/

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Hi Kaylene-

Yes, I have a case worker. They must be very overloaded.

I had to go in to ask about my food stamps recently, they were behind crediting

them to me. About all she could do for me is food stamps because I'm living with

Mom & Dad and they are both still alive and have income from SS.

I can get help with housing, but for now it is better here where I'm at until I

get some kind of an income of my own. I agree, bankruptcy looks like the

solution. It is wonderful to get the responses I have from members here.

I only told about my past life as way of introduction. I am sure you

are right, I'm still grieving, and I probably sound whiny, but I need

a hand up to move on in order to let it all go.

I'm hoping the SSDI will come through and do it for me. If not, I don't know how

I'll go on. My new life is so devoid of healthy relationships, of worthy work or

purpose. I'm trying. I started volunteering a few hours a week with children.

They make me smile.

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> My question is, I have an appointment with social security because I

really am in bad shape physically and financially. They told me it can

take 3 months. Does anyone have any suggestions or pointers? I'd

appreciate it and best of luck to you all!


>  Lynn


Hi Lynn-

Thanks for the welcome. You can apply for social security disability

online. You don't have to wait for an appintment.

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Wow. Thanks. Your perspective is admirable. I can live with that.

Thanks. Really.


> I intend that if I should go beyond impaired mobility to totally

> disabled, that I will remain as cheerful as possible because my God

> doesnt measure us according to our successes in this life.


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ladyluvvylinda wrote:

>> My question is, I have an appointment with social security because I

> really am in bad shape physically and financially. They told me it can

> take 3 months. Does anyone have any suggestions or pointers? I'd

> appreciate it and best of luck to you all!

Go to the office as they have knowledge of resources and you might be

able to qualify for an emergency SSI program, my neice did this but

only found out about it by going down there. Bennie

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