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binge eating and fibro

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hi, was glancing through the site and noted binge eating was mentioned.

Now I have fibro, chronic fatigue, allergies, depression, etc. recently

lost my 32 yr old son on New Years Day. He had spina bifida but dispite

no or very little hope when born he lived to b 32 and though his life

was rough through surgeries and doctors, and being paralyzed, and in

later life the scoliosis and kyphosis got so severe he was very

distorted in his stature. anyway, grieving has been awful and each day

it does not get easier. he was my life. planned my life around his.

he lived too far away for me to see him alot but every sports event he

was on phone with me text or talking. that is what I think is breakin

my heart. I cant hear his voice but know he is in heaven and not

disabled anymore. Sorry I get off track here. My eating binge

problem started when younger, had perfectionist mom and she called me

fat and I ate after everyone went to bed and then got yelled at the next

day for eating her food for her work lunch. To this day, at the age of

53, she is still in my mind, calling me lazy, fat, not happy with me for

marrying a farmer, etc etc. she passed away in 2005 and in 2006 I had

to stop working. carpal tunnel and L5S1 nerve root problem is what

disability is based on but the fibro, chronic fatigue, and everything is

what really keeps me sick. Winter is rough anyway, snow and ice and I

have SAD too. Thisspecial light doesn't seem to help.

what I wanted to ask was the binge eating part. I am doing it again,

after my husband goes to work at 10 pm. by the way he has MS and is

getting worse.

my shrink doesn't pay any attention. I went on special diet and was

treated with Bioset treatment for all my allergies, sensitivities etc.

but stress supposedly cause it to return. now my FMD wants to do LDA

shots for allergies. not regular allergy shots, I had all that before

too from allergies. This doc is holistic and knows cause he tested me

for all my allergies. I spent 500 dollars for the ELISA ACT tests too

but guess tht was a waste of money.

The binge eating. I am grieving, on medication that I dont like but

taking so I sleep cause if I dont sleep then I really do not function.

What can I do about the binge eating??? I know sugar is wrong, but eatin

it cause my husband is a sugarholic and chocoholic and I am nuturing

myself with it now!! I know it is wrong. but I do it late at night or

early morning and then get up next day feelin rotten in the stomach so

dont eat, and it is a vicious cycle. Many grains are on my list of

allergies, goat milk the only milk I think ok, most of the food I ate my

whole life I am allergic to and when I did eliminate years ago and went

through the Bioset treatment I did improve, and lost weight, etc.Now I

like back at square one again. The new treatment with LDA shots is 200

dollars a shot and of course insurance doesn't cover cause here in the

USA anything that works isn't covered but all the medications and stuff

is but they do not get us better. They just make drug companies richer

and keep us sick.

Dont know what Bee's diet is but I know my body does better with

protein, low carbs and veggies. Type O blood type r supposed to need

meat. I always needed it to feel satisfied. chicken and fish I love but

they dont fill me up. lately though it doesn't matter what I eat I end

up stuffin my belly with sugary or bread food and butter and I want to

stop. Goin to bible study and tryin to keep strong faith in the Lord

like my son had but his death has been tragic and a big shock to me. Us

fibro folks know what that does to us. I haven't been on my bioident

hormones cause i need blood work first and I keep forgetting to get it.

So that isn't helping me much. Basically I need to knock off this eatin

bad stuff, it is not nurturing me it is going to just make me sicker.

We do not have the money for me to get the LDA shots, etc at 200 bucks a

shot but I can't stand living my life sick for the rest of it. My

husband is working but he truly is getting much worse and if he gets

unable to work we will lose our home, animals that we have rescued,

everything. PLEASE can someone get me on the right track with the binge

eating. When younger I worked for doctor and I just used laxatives and

diuretics and sometimes diet pills cause

I had easy access and no one even knew about my binge problems. but no

wonder I have fibro and chronic fatigue and allergies and chem

sensitivities, and sometimes I think no one understands. See, I ate bad

stuff last night so today I suffer. Sorry I used to b transcriptionist

so my posts are too long. can anyone help me with the binging part

please. thank you. Penny

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Penny,

I firstly would like to say that I feel you are being to hard on yourself

right now. You have, and still are, going through traumatic times.

I don't know the answer to your binge-eating, I have a problem with

eating too much sugar and carbs myself, and am morbidly obese. I know

that when I've been on the Atkins diet in the past, this has worked for my

energy levels and pain and I have also managed to loose some weight, but I

have to be in the zone before I can do this. Right now I'm in a flare and it's

a job to write this reply to you, my arms are so heavy. I haven't the energy

to cook for myself and so am not eating correctly. I hope to be able to start

this diet again soon.....There's much controvercy over it, but It does work for

me.....I just need more will-power.

As I don't feel up to starting it right now, I'm listening to a lot of


music and trying not to be so hard on myself with how little is getting done.

There's lots on you-tube, it's good to find some personal time for healing.

I am sorry Penny to learn of the loss of your son...sharegroups can help with

the grief process. Take some time out without putting so much pressure on

yourself, in a few months time you may be in a stronger position to focus and

really go for it.

Sending you healing, love, light and gentle hugs.

binge eating and fibro

hi, was glancing through the site and noted binge eating was mentioned.

Now I have fibro, chronic fatigue, allergies, depression, etc. recently

lost my 32 yr old son on New Years Day. He had spina bifida but dispite

no or very little hope when born he lived to b 32 and though his life

was rough through surgeries and doctors, and being paralyzed, and in

later life the scoliosis and kyphosis got so severe he was very

distorted in his stature. anyway, grieving has been awful and each day

it does not get easier. he was my life. planned my life around his.

he lived too far away for me to see him alot but every sports event he

was on phone with me text or talking. that is what I think is breakin

my heart. I cant hear his voice but know he is in heaven and not

disabled anymore. Sorry I get off track here. My eating binge

problem started when younger, had perfectionist mom and she called me

fat and I ate after everyone went to bed and then got yelled at the next

day for eating her food for her work lunch. To this day, at the age of

53, she is still in my mind, calling me lazy, fat, not happy with me for

marrying a farmer, etc etc. she passed away in 2005 and in 2006 I had

to stop working. carpal tunnel and L5S1 nerve root problem is what

disability is based on but the fibro, chronic fatigue, and everything is

what really keeps me sick. Winter is rough anyway, snow and ice and I

have SAD too. Thisspecial light doesn't seem to help.

what I wanted to ask was the binge eating part. I am doing it again,

after my husband goes to work at 10 pm. by the way he has MS and is

getting worse.

my shrink doesn't pay any attention. I went on special diet and was

treated with Bioset treatment for all my allergies, sensitivities etc.

but stress supposedly cause it to return. now my FMD wants to do LDA

shots for allergies. not regular allergy shots, I had all that before

too from allergies. This doc is holistic and knows cause he tested me

for all my allergies. I spent 500 dollars for the ELISA ACT tests too

but guess tht was a waste of money.

The binge eating. I am grieving, on medication that I dont like but

taking so I sleep cause if I dont sleep then I really do not function.

What can I do about the binge eating??? I know sugar is wrong, but eatin

it cause my husband is a sugarholic and chocoholic and I am nuturing

myself with it now!! I know it is wrong. but I do it late at night or

early morning and then get up next day feelin rotten in the stomach so

dont eat, and it is a vicious cycle. Many grains are on my list of

allergies, goat milk the only milk I think ok, most of the food I ate my

whole life I am allergic to and when I did eliminate years ago and went

through the Bioset treatment I did improve, and lost weight, etc.Now I

like back at square one again. The new treatment with LDA shots is 200

dollars a shot and of course insurance doesn't cover cause here in the

USA anything that works isn't covered but all the medications and stuff

is but they do not get us better. They just make drug companies richer

and keep us sick.

Dont know what Bee's diet is but I know my body does better with

protein, low carbs and veggies. Type O blood type r supposed to need

meat. I always needed it to feel satisfied. chicken and fish I love but

they dont fill me up. lately though it doesn't matter what I eat I end

up stuffin my belly with sugary or bread food and butter and I want to

stop. Goin to bible study and tryin to keep strong faith in the Lord

like my son had but his death has been tragic and a big shock to me. Us

fibro folks know what that does to us. I haven't been on my bioident

hormones cause i need blood work first and I keep forgetting to get it.

So that isn't helping me much. Basically I need to knock off this eatin

bad stuff, it is not nurturing me it is going to just make me sicker.

We do not have the money for me to get the LDA shots, etc at 200 bucks a

shot but I can't stand living my life sick for the rest of it. My

husband is working but he truly is getting much worse and if he gets

unable to work we will lose our home, animals that we have rescued,

everything. PLEASE can someone get me on the right track with the binge

eating. When younger I worked for doctor and I just used laxatives and

diuretics and sometimes diet pills cause

I had easy access and no one even knew about my binge problems. but no

wonder I have fibro and chronic fatigue and allergies and chem

sensitivities, and sometimes I think no one understands. See, I ate bad

stuff last night so today I suffer. Sorry I used to b transcriptionist

so my posts are too long. can anyone help me with the binging part

please. thank you. Penny

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Hi Penny,

just read this post too. I had to go very low carbs, and much higher fat, but

just moderate protein, before I lost most all my suger cravings. I do not keep

the stuff at my house, and live alone, and know it is harder when other people

have it around. Perhaps they are willing to hid it for the most part. It is hard

to hid ice cream. I take a 1000 mg C 4 times a day, and B complex twice a day,

and a 50 mg niacin that flushes, and the other supplements Bee mentions. Those

will help you resist. Niacin that gives a flush, in higher doses helps

depression quite a bit. Bee says you can take 400 mg a day.As for losing a loved

one, I lost my mom and a sister in death a few years ago. It is hard, but I am a

firm believer the resurrection hope the Bible gives us.




> hi, was glancing through the site and noted binge eating was mentioned.

> Now I have fibro, chronic fatigue, allergies, depression, etc. recently

> lost my 32 yr old son on New Years Day. He had spina bifida but dispite

> no or very little hope when born he lived to b 32 and though his life

> was rough through surgeries and doctors, and being paralyzed, and in

> later life the scoliosis and kyphosis got so severe he was very

> distorted in his stature. anyway, grieving has been awful and each day

> it does not get easier. he was my life. planned my life around his.

> he lived too far away for me to see him alot but every sports event he

> was on phone with me text or talking. that is what I think is breakin

> my heart. I cant hear his voice but know he is in heaven and not

> disabled anymore. Sorry I get off track here. My eating binge

> problem started when younger, had perfectionist mom and she called me

> fat and I ate after everyone went to bed and then got yelled at the next

> day for eating her food for her work lunch. To this day, at the age of

> 53, she is still in my mind, calling me lazy, fat, not happy with me for

> marrying a farmer, etc etc. she passed away in 2005 and in 2006 I had

> to stop working. carpal tunnel and L5S1 nerve root problem is what

> disability is based on but the fibro, chronic fatigue, and everything is

> what really keeps me sick. Winter is rough anyway, snow and ice and I

> have SAD too. Thisspecial light doesn't seem to help.


> what I wanted to ask was the binge eating part. I am doing it again,

> after my husband goes to work at 10 pm. by the way he has MS and is

> getting worse.


> my shrink doesn't pay any attention. I went on special diet and was

> treated with Bioset treatment for all my allergies, sensitivities etc.

> but stress supposedly cause it to return. now my FMD wants to do LDA

> shots for allergies. not regular allergy shots, I had all that before

> too from allergies. This doc is holistic and knows cause he tested me

> for all my allergies. I spent 500 dollars for the ELISA ACT tests too

> but guess tht was a waste of money.


> The binge eating. I am grieving, on medication that I dont like but

> taking so I sleep cause if I dont sleep then I really do not function.

> What can I do about the binge eating??? I know sugar is wrong, but eatin

> it cause my husband is a sugarholic and chocoholic and I am nuturing

> myself with it now!! I know it is wrong. but I do it late at night or

> early morning and then get up next day feelin rotten in the stomach so

> dont eat, and it is a vicious cycle. Many grains are on my list of

> allergies, goat milk the only milk I think ok, most of the food I ate my

> whole life I am allergic to and when I did eliminate years ago and went

> through the Bioset treatment I did improve, and lost weight, etc.Now I

> like back at square one again. The new treatment with LDA shots is 200

> dollars a shot and of course insurance doesn't cover cause here in the

> USA anything that works isn't covered but all the medications and stuff

> is but they do not get us better. They just make drug companies richer

> and keep us sick.


> Dont know what Bee's diet is but I know my body does better with

> protein, low carbs and veggies. Type O blood type r supposed to need

> meat. I always needed it to feel satisfied. chicken and fish I love but

> they dont fill me up. lately though it doesn't matter what I eat I end

> up stuffin my belly with sugary or bread food and butter and I want to

> stop. Goin to bible study and tryin to keep strong faith in the Lord

> like my son had but his death has been tragic and a big shock to me. Us

> fibro folks know what that does to us. I haven't been on my bioident

> hormones cause i need blood work first and I keep forgetting to get it.

> So that isn't helping me much. Basically I need to knock off this eatin

> bad stuff, it is not nurturing me it is going to just make me sicker.

> We do not have the money for me to get the LDA shots, etc at 200 bucks a

> shot but I can't stand living my life sick for the rest of it. My

> husband is working but he truly is getting much worse and if he gets

> unable to work we will lose our home, animals that we have rescued,

> everything. PLEASE can someone get me on the right track with the binge

> eating. When younger I worked for doctor and I just used laxatives and

> diuretics and sometimes diet pills cause

> I had easy access and no one even knew about my binge problems. but no

> wonder I have fibro and chronic fatigue and allergies and chem

> sensitivities, and sometimes I think no one understands. See, I ate bad

> stuff last night so today I suffer. Sorry I used to b transcriptionist

> so my posts are too long. can anyone help me with the binging part

> please. thank you. Penny


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