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Re: PLS World Data

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The previous message had the wrong file attached!!!

Attached is the world wide in formation about PLS Data Base, the total numbers

shown is less than the total in the complete Data Base, this is because a lot of

people did not tell me where they live, because we would like to see if the

graphic location is involved, it would be helpful if every body includes that

information. We will also ad the blood type to the data base, to see if there is

a link to PLS.

Best regards,


Reyerse Web Master

freyerse@... tel:

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I'm wondering if we couldn't put a request in to Joe (Synapse) and

Levy for them to ask if anyone is not in your database if they

could mail it in to you? They would need an input form. What do you

think? I'm curious what the numbers would be if non computer users

put their info in. Just a thought.

> The previous message had the wrong file attached!!!


> Attached is the world wide in formation about PLS Data Base, the

total numbers

> shown is less than the total in the complete Data Base, this is

because a lot of


> people did not tell me where they live, because we would like to

see if the

> graphic location is involved, it would be helpful if every body

includes that

> information. We will also ad the blood type to the data base, to

see if there is


> a link to PLS.


> Best regards,


> --

> Reyerse Web Master

> freyerse@t... tel:

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