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Kia- Glad you are staying we need you and want you hear..............


DH- Rick Sr.- 30

DS- Ricky- 12

DD- Brittany-10

DD- Clarissa-9

FD- le - 5


Hi everyone, I am not going to unsubscribe. I am just so defeated cause I

don't have the money for the TR. I want so much after the ordeal that I went

through last month is to get this done and over with. I can't take to much

more of this honest I can't. Kia

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Kia, I am glad that you decided to stay with us, we miss you!

in MI

DD 4/91

DD 6/94

TL 6/94

TR 4/02

EDD 3/03


Hi everyone, I am not going to unsubscribe. I am just so defeated cause I

don't have the money for the TR. I want so much after the ordeal that I went

through last month is to get this done and over with. I can't take to much

more of this honest I can't. Kia

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  • 5 months later...

My name is Dawn, I was informed of this site by Barb(from Texas). My 8 year old daughter has had 2 liver transplants, the diagnosis that took her there was PSC. Her last transplant was Jan.2002. I would like to join this group if possible as there is not a lot of support where I live. Thank you.

H Dawn,

Welcome to the group, but sorry to hear about you daughter. This is a tremendous group, very caring and supportive as you'll find. If you have any questions or worries ask away and someone will be able to help you.

Love Barbara (UK)

Small-duct psc 30yrs.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

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  • 4 years later...


Thanks for the intro! :)

I was dx back in, '2003, and it has been an adjustment for sure!

This is a very supportive group, that I found out very soon after I


God Bless,


-- In mscured , Mark wrote:

It's nice to meet you, (cyberwise anyway!lol)

Sounds like you are very strong person, which is what we all need

when the tough times hit us!!






> Subject: Hi


> I would first like to express my thanks at being a part of the

group. A little about me. I was diagnosed with MS in July 2005. I was

going through a separation and divorce at the time and had just

started a new career and new job as an ER nurse.


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hi, ~

because you experienced an attack after new car purchse (pymts = stress), have

you considered anti-depressants to assist with stress? in turn, perhaps

alleviate attacks?

i just started celexa, for depression; however, was strongly resisting pills,

for a year! most anti-Ds carry weight gain risk. but, with Celexa, i've lost 10

lbs, w/in 3-weeks. prior to celexa, i was slowly jogging 3-miles/daily, w/ no

weight loss effects & depression remained.


Boryski wrote:


I feel for you and hug you .....:-)

As you I was diagnosed and had no symptoms. I knew nothing about MS, and my

doctor knew even less. She had the balls to call me in the evening and

advise me that I had MS from the MRI that I had done a week or so before.

When I asked her what this meant she had no idea.

So I did some reading. I will suggest that you read the books my Montel

. They are informative as well as inpsiring.

Being as I never did have an attack prior to being diagnosed, I had no idea

what to expect and the docs that I was seeing could also not tell me what to

look for.

On the night of my 41st birthday I had my first attack. I thought that it

was just a nasty head ache, but I soon learned that it was not. The pain

was so intense that it felt like someone had a needle stuck through my eye

to the back of my head. It hurt so much that I was moaning and groaning in

my sleep. When I finally got out of bed, I threw-up from the pain. It was

nasty. I even then thought nothing of it. I still thought that it was

head ache. I took a couple of Tylenol and hit the sofa to try and fall back

asleep as I did not wanna keep my spouse up all night....when he got up to

go to work in the morning I realized that I had fallen asleep through the

night. The pain was gone but I was not feeling too good. I then noticed

that my face, lips and tongue were numb. Yep I had an attack. I went to

the Emergency and sat there for 6 hours. Then I met a wonderful doctor who

specializes in MS patients. He put me on Prednizone...4 doses (one dose for

4 consecutive days) by intervenous. I seemed to bounce back quite quickly

but did notice that I had some very dizzy spells. We call them MS Moments

in our house.

I was then on the road to recovery until July, when I had another attack. I

was walking through walmart on a sunday afternoon and knew that something

was going on because I was having issues with my right leg, and sure enough

I was having another attack. This one effected the whole right side of my

body, but this time there was no headache like the time before. My gate was

gone. As I was on holidays I rested a lot and decided to not go to the

lake. Instead I stayed home and rested and rested. There were days that I

did not get out of bed to do anything. Once again my doc put me on

Prednizone. I love that stuff as it sure helps in getting me back on my

feet. When I was sick in July I was having serious issues walking and had

fallen a few times, so I needed the aid of a cane. I hate the damn thing

but it does help some times.

I have found that when I consume products with Nutri sweet or Splenda that

it does effect how I feel. So I avaoid them all together. It is better to

have a glass of nomal coke or pepsi. The only symptoms that I have today is

the left side of my torso and leg are hypersensitive. Being as I did not

feel well enough to shower in the mornings as I thought I would fall over, I

figure I am doing ok. I KNOW that stress plays a big part of it. A HUGE

part. I think that the reason I had my attack in July is because I bought a

new car, and was freaked out to have payments....crazy huh?????

As times goes on you are going to have to rely on your hubby for support. I

know my hubby drinks too much also so I can relate. I grew up with

alcoholics an I prefer not to drink to a stupor. My grandfather died in an

accident because of it so I hate it.

My thought is always: I have MS, but it don't got me!!!!!!!! (Think

postitive and good things will come of it!!)

As I am new to this group also I thought that I might lend a bit of history

and advice to you.

1. Eat healthy. It is not always easy and I wish I could always practice

what I preach.

2. If you are over weight loose some weight...and again with this I wish I

could and would practice what I preach.

3. Have YOU time...even if it is in bed reading. Save some time out of

each day for you.

4. Meditate: Trust me it does the body good.

5. Take care of yourself, cuz no one else will. Your body is your temple

and treat it as such. Lather some lotion on yourself after a nice warm

bath, you deserve it!!!!!

6. No matter how bad it gets, you will get better.

7. If you need someone to dump on ......send me an email....:-)

Hope that all of this helps.........................my birthday is less than

a month away so I am wondering what to expect this year!!!

Your friend with MS,


I would first like to express my thanks at being a part of the group. A

little about me. I was diagnosed with MS in July 2005. I was going through a

separation and divorce at the time and had just started a new career and new

job as an ER nurse. I wasn't sure how this diagnosis would affect me. I was

immediately put on Rebif injections and thankfully have not has a relapse

since I got out of the hospital. I was always an active person, and I still

am. I think that is one of my problems, I don't know when to stop. Luckily I

learned and at least changed my job. I quit working in the ER and went to

work for a home health agency. I am now a case manager and work in the

office except for the one weekend every other month I have to work on call

and go out. I haven't been sick as much since. The first year when I was in

the ER I had bronchitis 9 times and pneumonia 5, strep 3 and viral gastritis

once, and that was from October to January.

I have since gotten remarried, I was talking to someone when I went into the

hospital and our first face to face meeting was in the hospital when he came

to see me. I guess what is hardest for me is I have lived in a little bit of

denial. I know I have MS but I haven't taken it as seriously as I should

have. I am 35 and feel fine except for getting dizzy going up stairs. And

now I am a little scared. I feel ok but I am worried because my husband is

an alcoholic and I wonder what is going to happen when he kills his liver or

what will happen the day I have a relapse and pass out at home and he can't

do anything because he is passed out.

Again I want to thank everyone for the warm welcomes and wishes. And I want

to return those warm wishes.


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I think the toxins in the new car materials may be causing the symptoms. The out

gassing could go on for years. Formaldehyde is often a resultant gas.

rani fenier wrote: hi, ~

because you experienced an attack after new car purchse (pymts = stress), have

you considered anti-depressants to assist with stress? in turn, perhaps

alleviate attacks?


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  • 4 weeks later...


My understanding is that brown rice and quinoa are OK. Also, if you are

able to buy wheat and gluten free bread where you live. It doesn't

taste very good though.

Check out the Multiple Sclerosis Resource Center website and links to

the Best Bet Diet, which will go into more detail.

Here is a link to it:




> I AM ON LDN 4.5 MG .

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It was my impression that many Indian foods used rice. To avoid

gluten I've been eating variations of Dal Bhat, which is lentils and

rice. I also get Indian food in those heat sealed foil pouches. Cook

a 1/2 cup or so of rice, throw the foil pack into boiling water, put

some green-ish vegetable things on the side, it's a meal.

For breakfast I get soy yogurt and mix it up w/ wheat free granola.

Just today, while buying a 1/2 dozen yogurts, started thinking that

wheat free likely does not mean gluten free.

There are a couple of Indian groceries close to me. I'll likely start

using them some more. In my old neighborhood there is a very Asian

grocery story, maybe Cambodian, I used to shop at. The store owner

recognizes me whenever I go in. I sincerely doubt if there are any

wheat products in there.



> I AM ON LDN 4.5 MG .










> ---------------------------------

> Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away.



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  • 9 months later...

Just wanted to introduce myself. I live in ct with my 25 yr old son who

has mild cerebal palsy and my patrner.

I suffer from multple back problems. I have discs which are pressing on my

spinal cord and causing constant nerve pain, suffer from recurrent { every few

weeks ]

I sciatic shingles, hada fusion in my neck 3 yrs ago, fibro. , ect, ect. I am on

a lot of narcotics, which barely touch my pain.

Sleep is difficult even with the help of 2 sleep medications. I am depressed and

isolated, pain is my constant companion and enemy.

At times i am overwhelmed with hopelessness. i miss the vibrant, active woman i

once was. Reading your entries has made me feel less alone. Thank you.

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--- " nancybellman " wrote:


> Just wanted to introduce myself. I live in ct with my 25 yr old son


> has mild cerebal palsy and my patrner.


> I suffer from multple back problems.

Hello ,

Welcome to the group, although I'm sorry for the pain that brought

you here.

Depression is a common result of having chronic pain. If you're not

having your depression treated, please talk to your doctor about the

options. Untreated depression can actually make the pain feel much


Meanwhile, join in here as much as you need to - you can vent, share,

ask questions or offer support to others. It all helps!

Cheryl in AZ


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