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parasites: good or bad?

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I was told by a doctor that we need parasites and not to worry about

doing s parasite cleanse. I also watched a video online about a

woman with chrones disease that actually drank a solution containing

a parasite and it cured her problem. Me personally I don't know but I

don't really think we need all of them. He told me to take ionic

silver water daily if I was concerned about them as it's suppose to

kill them down to the microscopic level.Which I thought was a little

strange since he said we need them. I was just wondering if any of

you had completed a parasite cleanse and felt better for it? Also did

you ever see them in the toilet? s book states if you didn't

have sleeping problems before, you would have after killing them. Has

anybody experienced this?

Always interested,


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Nicki, the only helpful parasites I ever read about were leeches and maggots and

to be used externally. Neither of which I hope to employ! By definition IMO a

parasite is something that should not be getting a free meal and a free ride at

my expense. Even the microscopic ones I've seen pictures of looked pretty darn

evil and ugly....not something you want to keep. I've used colloidal silver in

attacking candida ( a fungal parasite), and great herbal preparations for

different types. And now the Primal Defense, which I feel is killing off

parasites and candida that the herbal remedies did not kill. When parasites die

they excrete poisons and it is part of detoxification that will make you often

feel quite uncomfortable. Just my ideas and experiences. of

Dewberry Hill

I was told by a doctor that we need parasites and not to worry about

doing s parasite cleanse. I also watched a video online about a

woman with chrones disease that actually drank a solution containing

a parasite and it cured her problem. Me personally I don't know but I

don't really think we need all of them. He told me to take ionic

silver water daily if I was concerned about them as it's suppose to

kill them down to the microscopic level.Which I thought was a little

strange since he said we need them. I was just wondering if any of

you had completed a parasite cleanse and felt better for it? Also did

you ever see them in the toilet? s book states if you didn't

have sleeping problems before, you would have after killing them. Has

anybody experienced this?

Always interested,


" People are like stain glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is

out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there

is alight within. " -Kubler Ross

" Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that

followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. "

Holy Bible


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In a message dated 2/25/02 12:59:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,

fatcatmicky16@... writes:

> I was told by a doctor that we need parasites and not to worry about

> doing s parasite cleanse. I also watched a video online about a

> woman with chrones disease that actually drank a solution containing

> a parasite and it cured her problem. Me personally I don't know but I

> don't really think we need all of them. He told me to take ionic

> silver water daily if I was concerned about them as it's suppose to

> kill them down to the microscopic level.Which I thought was a little

> strange since he said we need them. I was just wondering if any of

> you had completed a parasite cleanse and felt better for it? Also did

> you ever see them in the toilet? s book states if you didn't

> have sleeping problems before, you would have after killing them. Has

> anybody experienced this?


I'm just finishing up the first phase of a parasite cleanse. Most places

suggest going through one dosage and then giving the body a rest for a few

days and repeating it. I'm going to use a different parasite cleanse for the

second phase, but I can tell you what I've experienced with the first one.

I can't really say that I've seen much in the toilet, although I did see a

couple of things that potentially looked like partially digested worms.

Three were brownish in color and each about 6-8 inches long and one was more

whitish in color and about 3-4 inches long. Most parasites, though, from

what I've read, are microscopic and so we wouldn't be able to see them when

they are eliminated. Those wormy type things that I saw came out while I

was just juicing, so ordinarily they would just have been in the stool, I

think, and not as noticeable. So I think it's very possible for a person

to have great success with a parasite cleanse and not actually see anything.

As for how I feel, I can tell you one major change that has happened since

doing this particular cleanse. Two, actually. One is that I don't have

nearly the cravings for sweets that I used to. And trust me...I used to eat

a LOT of junk food! So this is a major change for me to not be wanting

that kind of stuff all the time. The other change is that I've almost had

cravings for salads. I eat at least one a day now and that also is a big

change. I can't recall any time in my life when I've ever had a big salad

for lunch and wanted another one for dinner. Now I think that's part of

the cleansing mentality setting in also, though. In other words, I'm seeing

foods more in terms of how they are going to affect my body and whether they

are going to support or slow down the cleansing that I'm doing. Parasites

evidently feed on sugar, so the last thing I want to do during a parasite

cleanse is to give them something that they want! :) So that's part of

this and I will be interested to see what changes, if any, happen with my

food desires when I finish this cleanse.

And as for how I feel - well, I can say that I have a little more energy than

I did before, but I'm not sure if that's specifically from the parasite

cleanse or if it's from the change in eating habits that has come with it.

And I haven't really seen any change in my sleeping, other than perhaps I'm

dreaming a little more vividly than before! :)

in health,


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In a message dated 2/26/02 4:46:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,

fatcatmicky16@... writes:

> My only

> concern about the PD is the same doctor that showed me

> the slide told me I was allergic to the bacteria found

> in yogurt which is a normal way to repopulate your

> colon,

I thought that's what the probiotic is for - to reestablish the healthy

bacteria population in your system. Doesn't Primal Defense do that??


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thanks for that detailed reply. I've been taking the

silver water the doctor told me about but I only

started about a month ago. I can tell a difference in

how I feel and with my sinuses. My first 3 liver

cleanses produced lots of parasites without any

parasite cleanse so I know I could use one. Mine were

very strange looking dark brown wirey looking about

1/4 inch some longer but I passed lots of them. I've

seen them before on a slide produced to me by a

doctor. He used resonance therapy to diagnosis my

particular allergies and problems and he said my major

problem was liver flukes. He said he killed them in a

session where he zapped me and had me take some

capsules with herbs in them, he speaks only german (as

I'm in Germany)and I don't, so I don't know what they

were.. I didn't feel anything but felt a little better

for a short time. Anyway I thought this is crazy

therapy and didn't really believe him. So when all the

worms came out I was impressed as they looked exactly

like the slide. I pass only a few now as I'm on my 6th

cleanse. My stones have now changed to a tan color not

soft and green anymore they are crusty and crack like

an egg when you touch them. Don't know what that means

just glad they are out. I'm thinking of doing primal

defense after I finish with my cleanses, I don't think

we need them and I know the thought of those gross

things living inside of me freeks me out. My only

concern about the PD is the same doctor that showed me

the slide told me I was allergic to the bacteria found

in yogurt which is a normal way to repopulate your

colon, I'm not allergic to milk just the bacteria.

I've tried may probiotics some of them are ok but

don't know if they help me or not (no change) but the

really good and strong floras cause me to have spasams

in my bowel. It's really strange and my natural doctor

doesn't know what to make of it as I really need the

probiotics. Years of taking antibiotics really messed

me up. I've helped myself more the last 10 years than

the medical doctors ever did but I still have a way to

go to repair all the damage. Glad to have the group

discussions and support to help out.


--- Rachd1961@... wrote:

> In a message dated 2/25/02 12:59:29 AM Eastern

> Standard Time,

> fatcatmicky16@... writes:



> > I was told by a doctor that we need parasites and

> not to worry about

> > doing s parasite cleanse. I also watched a

> video online about a

> > woman with chrones disease that actually drank a

> solution containing

> > a parasite and it cured her problem. Me personally

> I don't know but I

> > don't really think we need all of them. He told me

> to take ionic

> > silver water daily if I was concerned about them

> as it's suppose to

> > kill them down to the microscopic level.Which I

> thought was a little

> > strange since he said we need them. I was just

> wondering if any of

> > you had completed a parasite cleanse and felt

> better for it? Also did

> > you ever see them in the toilet? s book

> states if you didn't

> > have sleeping problems before, you would have

> after killing them. Has

> > anybody experienced this?

> >


> I'm just finishing up the first phase of a parasite

> cleanse. Most places

> suggest going through one dosage and then giving the

> body a rest for a few

> days and repeating it. I'm going to use a different

> parasite cleanse for the

> second phase, but I can tell you what I've

> experienced with the first one.

> I can't really say that I've seen much in the

> toilet, although I did see a

> couple of things that potentially looked like

> partially digested worms.

> Three were brownish in color and each about 6-8

> inches long and one was more

> whitish in color and about 3-4 inches long. Most

> parasites, though, from

> what I've read, are microscopic and so we wouldn't

> be able to see them when

> they are eliminated. Those wormy type things that

> I saw came out while I

> was just juicing, so ordinarily they would just have

> been in the stool, I

> think, and not as noticeable. So I think it's

> very possible for a person

> to have great success with a parasite cleanse and

> not actually see anything.


> As for how I feel, I can tell you one major change

> that has happened since

> doing this particular cleanse. Two, actually. One

> is that I don't have

> nearly the cravings for sweets that I used to. And

> trust me...I used to eat

> a LOT of junk food! So this is a major change for

> me to not be wanting

> that kind of stuff all the time. The other change

> is that I've almost had

> cravings for salads. I eat at least one a day now

> and that also is a big

> change. I can't recall any time in my life when

> I've ever had a big salad

> for lunch and wanted another one for dinner. Now

> I think that's part of

> the cleansing mentality setting in also, though.

> In other words, I'm seeing

> foods more in terms of how they are going to affect

> my body and whether they

> are going to support or slow down the cleansing that

> I'm doing. Parasites

> evidently feed on sugar, so the last thing I want to

> do during a parasite

> cleanse is to give them something that they want!

> :) So that's part of

> this and I will be interested to see what changes,

> if any, happen with my

> food desires when I finish this cleanse.


> And as for how I feel - well, I can say that I have

> a little more energy than

> I did before, but I'm not sure if that's

> specifically from the parasite

> cleanse or if it's from the change in eating habits

> that has come with it.


> And I haven't really seen any change in my sleeping,

> other than perhaps I'm

> dreaming a little more vividly than before! :)


> in health,

> rachel~




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Yes but I don't know how my body will react to the

probiotic they use to repopulate. Guess i will have to

buy it and see.


--- Rachd1961@... wrote:

> In a message dated 2/26/02 4:46:04 PM Eastern

> Standard Time,

> fatcatmicky16@... writes:



> > My only

> > concern about the PD is the same doctor that

> showed me

> > the slide told me I was allergic to the bacteria

> found

> > in yogurt which is a normal way to repopulate your

> > colon,


> I thought that's what the probiotic is for - to

> reestablish the healthy

> bacteria population in your system. Doesn't Primal

> Defense do that??

> rachel~



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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