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Re: Vitamin B injections

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Have you talked to your employer about not over scheduling you? Do you feel

safe talking to them? You could also get a letter from your doctor

explaining the limitations of fibromyalgia (such as not working more than

thirty hours a week, or however many you can handle). If you bring the

letter with you and discuss it with them, it could help.

I did that with my employer and it worked out. I was really nervous about

the conversation, but my manager was only upset I didn't come to her first

(okay, she was a little upset because I worked twice as hard as my

coworkers). She asked me to tell her how many hours to schedule me and I did

and she did. I told her that she could go over the number of hours (within

reason) whenever there was no one else. She only ever went over what I asked

once in the year and a half until I stopped working.

I was lucky, I had a great boss, I just hope you have half as great of a

boss as I had.

Steve M in PA, age 21

Married with 3 year old daughter

Duragesic 300mcg/hr

Actiq-600 (4/day)

OxyIR 30mg (6/day)

Grade II DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma)


Probable RSD

On Aug 12, 2011 11:40 PM, " crash19691@... "


Hello everyone. Hope you are all doing well. I know I haven't posted in a

long time, but I do read a lot of posts and try to keep up with you all.

It's a constant struggle with this isn't it. This summer has been rough for

me. Even though I have a " part time " job, my employer thinks it's ok to

schedule me as full time and overtime (48 hrs) with only one day off at a

time since the beginning of June. Being a FMS patient, this does not work! I

am so drained that the days I do have off, I lay around and do nothing. No

quality of life at all. I have had several flare ups due to this and of

course I caught some kind of cold or flu two weeks ago and was at home sick

for four days with fever, sore throat, and a lot of congestion, headache. I

am better now, but still have the headaches from ongoing sinus issues, which

I address with sinus flushes and lots of vitamin C......

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I haven't tried straight Vitamin B injections, and at this point am doing

well enough that I can't see the need. However, about 7 years ago, over the

course of a few months, I had Meyers cocktails at my internist's office

(holistic practice)-- that's IV magnesium, calcium, and vitamins C, B5, B6,

B12, and B complex. Weekly at first, then monthly, and thereafter whenever

I felt I was backsliding and 'needed one.' I do believe that was a turning

point for me, that the extra nutrient boost to my body helped me heal to the

point where more natural therapies could be effective. At the time I was

still dealing with fibro, IBS, battling worse allergies than I'd ever

experienced, and hadn't quite licked the candida, leaky bowel, or adrenal

fatigue. The downside is I'd get horrible headaches after -- full-blown

migraines. So I really had to weigh the sense of 'need.' The headache, I'm

told, is highly unusual, but then, I get headaches from all sorts of things,

and a big whopping shot of extra stuff probably was a bit jarring to it.


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Hello Colleen

Sorry to hear you are working so much and got so sick. I know it can be

extremely bad for your health to work so much. I would tell your boss that you

need work less than you currently are working

I do weekly vitamin b12 shots and they do help me with fatigue, brain fog and

being able to sleep. I was tested years ago and was found out to have a low

level only 100 of b12. I was having lots of nerve pain as well in my feet,

ankles and hands. I have felt a big difference and for me my body was not


improvements from b12 pills so I am on the shots for life. I do take Magnesium

Citrate as well (pill) which helps with my head pain.

Have you tried Sea Salt and the coconut oil?

I hope you can work fewer hours and can find time to do something fun for







To: " fibromyalgiacured " <fibromyalgiacured >

Sent: Fri, August 12, 2011 8:40:21 PM

Subject: Vitamin B injections


Hello everyone. Hope you are all doing well. I know I haven't posted in a long

time, but I do read a lot of posts and try to keep up with you all. It's a

constant struggle with this isn't it. This summer has been rough for me. Even

though I have a " part time " job, my employer thinks it's ok to schedule me as

full time and overtime (48 hrs) with only one day off at a time since the

beginning of June. Being a FMS patient, this does not work! I am so drained that

the days I do have off, I lay around and do nothing. No quality of life at all.

I have had several flare ups due to this and of course I caught some kind of

cold or flu two weeks ago and was at home sick for four days with fever, sore

throat, and a lot of congestion, headache. I am better now, but still have the

headaches from ongoing sinus issues, which I address with sinus flushes and lots

of vitamin C.

I talked to a friend of mine tonight about her 12 yr old niece who was diagnosed

in January with Lyme disease. She told me she is doing somewhat better due to

daily Vitamin B injections. I was relieved to hear she is doing better and can

lead somewhat of a normal life. She had missed most of her winter and spring

schooling due to her illness. She still does get fatigued quickly, but she is at

least able to play and have some physical activity like a 12 year old should.

Have any of you had vitamin B injections to help with fatigue and/or energy

levels?  I looked online and saw a lot of reference to it for FMS/CFS.  I have

struggled with fatigue a lot lately even though I eat a lot of organic meats and

organic veggies, (as long as the deer don't eat them out of my fenced in

garden!) I still have flare ups and fatigue. To be honest I think it's from my

work schedule.

We are all faced with this illness for a reason.  Maybe so we can all learn the

truly healthy way to live, so we all live to old ages!:)

Love to you all.


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Thanks for your reply. You won't believe this, but I have been asking them since

I started here 1 1/2 yrs ago to lay off on my schedule and only give me 32 hours

a week (I am offically part time). Unfortunately, this is an IT support center

that covers 24/7, so I work lots of weekends, holidays; anything is fair game

here, which is a real drag. Then when someone quits or people take vacations,

we all get put on overtime.  When I finally had had enough and had a crash

earlier this summer, I wrote a note to management and they told me to sign up

for FMLA, and that unless someone is on FMLA, they can make any of us work over

time, or 6-8 days in a row, or 6 days a week, whatever. I was pretty upset about

that. I dont want to sign up for FMLA, because I worry about my private health

insurance finding out and dropping my policy. Since I dont take any " medical "

treatments for this, it is not in my records. I guess I have heard too many

horror stories about

people losing insurance. Besides, I could handle 5 days on and two days off, no

problem. It's just the crazy schedule that I can't handle.


Believe me, if I knew it would go this way, I would not have taken the job in

the first place. I have to pay the bills somehow, so I have to stick with it

until I find something with a better schedule (and better pay and benefits


Maybe I will get checked for some of my vitamin levels next time I see my

doctor. I have also increased my vitamins and protein shakes that I take. It

seems to be helping somewhat so far. I also haven't had overtime in a couple of

weeks, so that helps too. By the way, my feet hurt all the time. I wear gel

inserts in all of my shoes and I have to prop up my feet on a pillow in bed so

my heels dont touch anything.


I have coconut oil and have sea salt that I use on food, but I cant seem to get

used to the coconut oil. What do you put it in? Shakes?



To: fibromyalgiacured

Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 12:46 AM

Subject: Re: Vitamin B injections


Hello Colleen

Sorry to hear you are working so much and got so sick. I know it can be

extremely bad for your health to work so much. I would tell your boss that you

need work less than you currently are working

I do weekly vitamin b12 shots and they do help me with fatigue, brain fog and

being able to sleep. I was tested years ago and was found out to have a low

level only 100 of b12. I was having lots of nerve pain as well in my feet,

ankles and hands. I have felt a big difference and for me my body was not


improvements from b12 pills so I am on the shots for life. I do take Magnesium

Citrate as well (pill) which helps with my head pain.

Have you tried Sea Salt and the coconut oil?

I hope you can work fewer hours and can find time to do something fun for







To: " fibromyalgiacured " <fibromyalgiacured >

Sent: Fri, August 12, 2011 8:40:21 PM

Subject: Vitamin B injections


Hello everyone. Hope you are all doing well. I know I haven't posted in a long

time, but I do read a lot of posts and try to keep up with you all. It's a

constant struggle with this isn't it. This summer has been rough for me. Even

though I have a " part time " job, my employer thinks it's ok to schedule me as

full time and overtime (48 hrs) with only one day off at a time since the

beginning of June. Being a FMS patient, this does not work! I am so drained that

the days I do have off, I lay around and do nothing. No quality of life at all.

I have had several flare ups due to this and of course I caught some kind of

cold or flu two weeks ago and was at home sick for four days with fever, sore

throat, and a lot of congestion, headache. I am better now, but still have the

headaches from ongoing sinus issues, which I address with sinus flushes and lots

of vitamin C.

I talked to a friend of mine tonight about her 12 yr old niece who was diagnosed

in January with Lyme disease. She told me she is doing somewhat better due to

daily Vitamin B injections. I was relieved to hear she is doing better and can

lead somewhat of a normal life. She had missed most of her winter and spring

schooling due to her illness. She still does get fatigued quickly, but she is at

least able to play and have some physical activity like a 12 year old should.

Have any of you had vitamin B injections to help with fatigue and/or energy

levels?  I looked online and saw a lot of reference to it for FMS/CFS.  I have

struggled with fatigue a lot lately even though I eat a lot of organic meats and

organic veggies, (as long as the deer don't eat them out of my fenced in

garden!) I still have flare ups and fatigue. To be honest I think it's from my

work schedule.

We are all faced with this illness for a reason.  Maybe so we can all learn the

truly healthy way to live, so we all live to old ages!:)

Love to you all.


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Hello Colleen

Your schedule is very demanding. I had a schedule like for a few years 5 years

ago. It is such a drain of energy and IT support dealing with people is also a

big drain. Your feet hurting all the time should definitely be checked out. You

might have planter fasciitis. My foot doctor is the one who diagnosed me with a

low B12 after I had been seeing a doctor for years complaining about nerve pain.

My foot doctor also told me that B1 is essential for nerve foot issues. When you

dont have enough B12 which is needed to keep the outer coating on your nerves it

starts to go away and you can not bring it back. I was also losing alot of hair.

Also Vit D helps with pain. You should get your b12, b1, ferritan, and D all

checked out. My foot doctor told me my b12 should be at least 500-600 but reg

doctors will say lower is okay but its really not. Do you live in Northern

California? I can recommend my foot doctor. I also got injections of sculptura

last year in the ball of my foot (not covered by insurance) because of the nerve

pain. It was painful but in the long run  I am happy I did it.

The Coconut Oil I actually cook with it. I am sure you can use it in shakes. I

eat eggs for breakfast so I just put the coconut oil to cook with instead of

Olive oil or butter to make scrambled eggs. Also if I cook meat I use it to fry

the meat or brown.

I also eat celery which seems to help my nerve pain. You can find Celery seed

pills. I also use Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar you can find it at Whole foods.

I make a salad dressing with it 3 tablespoons of the vinegar and 1 tablespoon

Olive Oil and 1 teaspoon of dijon mustard , sea salt, pepper, italian seasoning.

If I dont have a salad then I put 3 tablespoons of the vinegar in a glass of

water and drink it at night. Some people put in tea.

With your protein shakes does it have any gluten?






To: " fibromyalgiacured " <fibromyalgiacured >

Sent: Fri, August 19, 2011 10:33:03 AM

Subject: Re: Vitamin B injections



Thanks for your reply. You won't believe this, but I have been asking them since

I started here 1 1/2 yrs ago to lay off on my schedule and only give me 32 hours

a week (I am offically part time). Unfortunately, this is an IT support center

that covers 24/7, so I work lots of weekends, holidays; anything is fair game

here, which is a real drag. Then when someone quits or people take vacations,


all get put on overtime.  When I finally had had enough and had a crash


this summer, I wrote a note to management and they told me to sign up for FMLA,

and that unless someone is on FMLA, they can make any of us work over time, or

6-8 days in a row, or 6 days a week, whatever. I was pretty upset about that. I

dont want to sign up for FMLA, because I worry about my private health insurance

finding out and dropping my policy. Since I dont take any " medical " treatments

for this, it is not in my records. I guess I have heard too many horror stories


people losing insurance. Besides, I could handle 5 days on and two days off, no

problem. It's just the crazy schedule that I can't handle.


Believe me, if I knew it would go this way, I would not have taken the job in

the first place. I have to pay the bills somehow, so I have to stick with it

until I find something with a better schedule (and better pay and benefits


Maybe I will get checked for some of my vitamin levels next time I see my

doctor. I have also increased my vitamins and protein shakes that I take. It

seems to be helping somewhat so far. I also haven't had overtime in a couple of

weeks, so that helps too. By the way, my feet hurt all the time. I wear gel

inserts in all of my shoes and I have to prop up my feet on a pillow in bed so

my heels dont touch anything.


I have coconut oil and have sea salt that I use on food, but I cant seem to get

used to the coconut oil. What do you put it in? Shakes?



To: fibromyalgiacured

Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 12:46 AM

Subject: Re: Vitamin B injections


Hello Colleen

Sorry to hear you are working so much and got so sick. I know it can be

extremely bad for your health to work so much. I would tell your boss that you

need work less than you currently are working

I do weekly vitamin b12 shots and they do help me with fatigue, brain fog and

being able to sleep. I was tested years ago and was found out to have a low

level only 100 of b12. I was having lots of nerve pain as well in my feet,

ankles and hands. I have felt a big difference and for me my body was not


improvements from b12 pills so I am on the shots for life. I do take Magnesium

Citrate as well (pill) which helps with my head pain.

Have you tried Sea Salt and the coconut oil?

I hope you can work fewer hours and can find time to do something fun for







To: " fibromyalgiacured " <fibromyalgiacured >

Sent: Fri, August 12, 2011 8:40:21 PM

Subject: Vitamin B injections


Hello everyone. Hope you are all doing well. I know I haven't posted in a long

time, but I do read a lot of posts and try to keep up with you all. It's a

constant struggle with this isn't it. This summer has been rough for me. Even

though I have a " part time " job, my employer thinks it's ok to schedule me as

full time and overtime (48 hrs) with only one day off at a time since the

beginning of June. Being a FMS patient, this does not work! I am so drained that

the days I do have off, I lay around and do nothing. No quality of life at all.

I have had several flare ups due to this and of course I caught some kind of

cold or flu two weeks ago and was at home sick for four days with fever, sore

throat, and a lot of congestion, headache. I am better now, but still have the

headaches from ongoing sinus issues, which I address with sinus flushes and lots

of vitamin C.

I talked to a friend of mine tonight about her 12 yr old niece who was diagnosed

in January with Lyme disease. She told me she is doing somewhat better due to

daily Vitamin B injections. I was relieved to hear she is doing better and can

lead somewhat of a normal life. She had missed most of her winter and spring

schooling due to her illness. She still does get fatigued quickly, but she is at

least able to play and have some physical activity like a 12 year old should.

Have any of you had vitamin B injections to help with fatigue and/or energy

levels?  I looked online and saw a lot of reference to it for FMS/CFS.  I have

struggled with fatigue a lot lately even though I eat a lot of organic meats and

organic veggies, (as long as the deer don't eat them out of my fenced in

garden!) I still have flare ups and fatigue. To be honest I think it's from my

work schedule.

We are all faced with this illness for a reason.  Maybe so we can all learn the

truly healthy way to live, so we all live to old ages!:)

Love to you all.


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