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1st Flush and now scared to do this again!

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Hi guys,

Well...what a weekend I had! Did my first ever liver flush on Friday

night using Dr 's recipe but upped the oil to 3/4 cup and equal

amounts of grapefruit juice as well as having 5 TBSspoons of Epsom

salts. (had previous dealings with Epsom Salts and knew I'de need

a 'boost' to help things move along!)

Was fine all night and decided to lie first on my back for the 20

minutes and then on my left for about 10 minutes, on my right for

another 10 minutes and then fell asleep on my back.

By 4am I started passing 'stones' and sludge and was all pretty

painfree. The stones were whole when they came out but as soon as I

tried to pick them up they easily 'dissolved' into 'squidge' as I

examined them. I've been taking Gold Coin Grass and Coptis for the

past 3 weeks as part of my juicing routine and feel this was


The stones were green inside and therefore presuming these were

cholesterol stones from the liver.

As I continued taking the Epsom Salts at the prescribed times, I kept

passing various sized 'stones' and later on loads of sludge and sand-

like grit.FANTASTIC!!!

But...by 10.30am I was in absolute agony. I have never had an attack

this painful in my life. I have a calcified stone of 17mm in my

gallbladder and knew full well this was the culprit to the pain. I

was throwing up and writhing around for 5 hours and if a surgoen was

in my bedroom I would have begged him through tear-stained eyes to

cut me open to end the pain.If it wasn't for my boyfriend being there

and clearing up after me (vomitting water, bile, grapefuit and oil),

helping me between bedroom and bathroom I really dont know what I'de

have done.

The last one I had which even came close to this was on holiday in

Greece last year after eating and drinking everything and anything

and ended up with an attack. This weekend's one by far beat that!

By 3.30pm I woke up after getting an exhausted hours sleep and the

pain had subsided slightly. I just sat on my bed and wept. I am

absolutely gutted that it caused this attack as although I

desperately want to continue flushing to get rid of all the other

stuff in my liver (I was sooooo pleased to see what I was passing!)

and I knew it could be months/years before passing the 'biggie', but

I cannot do another cleanse and risk undergoing that again.

Bt 9 that night, the attack came back (although not with the same

vengeance) and lasted until 7.30am the next morning. Ended up in the

bath from 3 to 5am to try and ease the pain a little.

Has anyone who has a calicified stone in their GBs ever had an attack

brought on by doing the flush?

What on earth am I going to do now????

Please, any suggestions I'de greatly appreciate. I'm off work for 2

weeks due to having a ganglion operation and therefore will not be

able to read any of your postings after tues afternoon. (crap timing

as usual).

With much anticipation, still sore and deeply gutted!


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