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Re: Progesterone and ectopics

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If the embryo can't implant in the uterus, it usually dies. With an ectopic

(either in the tube of origination or the other tube-transmigration), the

problem is the the embryo implants somewhere besides the uterus. This may

sound really basic, but transmigration doesn't occur from a defect of the

uterus (per se), but the " pulling " from the opposite tube. I am pretty sure

that progesterone doesn't kick in until after implantation. It isn't

necessary until then. I was told that miscarriages that happen due to low

progesterone are caused by the embryos lack of nutrients...Let me know if you

find out anything else.

Take care,


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You do not agree that my low progesterone could have been a factor in my

ectopic pregnancy? I do not think the progesterone caused the ectopic per

se, but was told that if the egg cannot implant, it will continue to float

around until AF starts. Is it not possible that the egg could have floated

back into one of my tubes and implanted there? My doctor could not say for

sure this was the cause, but once my progesterone deficiency was discovered,

he said that potentially it could explain a lot of things and gave me that

scenario as a hypothetical situation.

At the time of my ep there was no way to tell what caused it, since my tube

was so ruptured and damaged there was literally not enough of it in one

piece to examine. I had none of the risk factors for ep, so he (my doctor)

was pretty baffled. He said there was no way to tell for sure that the low

progesterone played a role, but it was a possibility.

I am anxious to hear your thoughts on this subject.

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Why aren't progesterone supplements given before a positive pg test, if they

hinder implantation? I would like to know this. Let me know what you find


Take care,


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I will definitely be doing some more research on this...

My doctor told me that the progesterone is released starting with ovulation,

and that initially it prepares the uterus to accept the implant. He said

that my deficiency was significant and was probably prohibiting

implantation, which he based on both the degree of deficiency as well as the

fact that I was having such a hard time getting pregnant in the first place

(a year or more as opposed to a few months). I asked if this could have

been the cause of my miscarriage and he said " Definitely, although we won't

ever know for sure " and then offered the possibility that this *could* have

been a factor in the ectopic as well, although again he stressed that it was

merely a possibility and that we would not ever know for sure what happened

there either.

I will look into this and let you know what I find out.

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I was scheduled to take clomid before I got pg, because it was supposed to

increase progesterone production naturally. My doctor was going to do

another test in that cycle to see if it helped. If it did not, I was going

to take progesterone supplements after O (although he did not specify what

kind). I have had several friends with fertility problems that took

progesterone injections the entire second half of their cycles for a while

because of progesterone deficiency. So, sometimes they DO prescribe

supplements before a pg test :)

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I had an ectopic first and then a miscarriage. I can't help feeling that

the two are related, even though the doctor says they are not. He told me I

had low progestrone with the miscarriage also. With the miscarriage, hpt's

were coming up negative but no AF so I went for a BHCG and it came up very

low (17). The one doctor didn't know what to tell me and my doctor called a

couple days later and was all happy I was pregnant. I asked him about the

17 and he said that's okay that I was only 1 day pregnant when I was tested.

How can that be? I had already missed my period-I had to be about 2 weeks

since conception. Then we saw the baby and heartbeat implanted nicely in

the uterus a couple weeks later. Then, I miscarried. It makes me think

like you said, that for those first two weeks the baby couldn't implant and

was floating around until it finally did, but too late. Maybe this is what

happened with our ectopics also, but they implanted back up in the tube. My

tube was also ruptured and could not tell them anything.


Re: Progesterone and ectopics

> Krista:


> You do not agree that my low progesterone could have been a factor in my

> ectopic pregnancy? I do not think the progesterone caused the ectopic per

> se, but was told that if the egg cannot implant, it will continue to float

> around until AF starts. Is it not possible that the egg could have


> back into one of my tubes and implanted there? My doctor could not say


> sure this was the cause, but once my progesterone deficiency was


> he said that potentially it could explain a lot of things and gave me that

> scenario as a hypothetical situation.


> At the time of my ep there was no way to tell what caused it, since my


> was so ruptured and damaged there was literally not enough of it in one

> piece to examine. I had none of the risk factors for ep, so he (my


> was pretty baffled. He said there was no way to tell for sure that the


> progesterone played a role, but it was a possibility.


> I am anxious to hear your thoughts on this subject.





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In a message dated 1/4/00 2:15:16 PM Central Standard Time, mccoys@...


<< She said that she loves this kind......it's a gel and it is a suppository

and she said that she has had good results. It is called Cronin gel

progesterone suppositories. It comes in a tube like thing that you insert

and remove (like a tampon...sorry for the graphics)

hope this helps >>

The progesterone suppositories I had were like little pills. I had

suppositories before that were creme like that and had the tube thing. It was

after I had cryosurgery. Anyway, after inserted you had to lay on your back

forever because it would run out. (Soooo Sorrrry). The pill kind is not like

that. So I like them better. We are talking about vaginal suppositories



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Between my two ep's I had a m/c and by that time I wrote everything down. I

have a little purse calendar that I write everything down. Not just when my

period starts but what time. I also write down when dh and I bd and was it

in the AM or PM. It's quite impressive I must say myself. On the first day

of my cycle I number of the days so when I look at it I know exactly what

day I'm on without having to go back and count. What I'm getting at when I

got off track (got a little excited about my calendar) is that with my mc/

he too told me that I must not be as far along as they thought. I not only

know when my cycles are I know when I BD and what day I o'd so I too knew

that statement meant trouble. A the time though I so wanted to believe it

that I just went along with what he said. Those days while you wait you

almost have to believe it to keep your sanity!

Stacey McCoy

Re: Progesterone and ectopics

> Dawn:


> That's where charting really helps you - I had my chart ready to show the

> doctor if there was any question about when my period started or when I

> O'ed. It kinda gives you some backup in the event that your doctor


> take your word for it when you tell him something about your cycles.





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Hi Dawn,

I was reading your posts and decided to jump in. My

perinatal specialist always told be to bed between day

10 & day 17 - every other day. Then on day 18 start

taking progesterone (Crinone). This way you waited

until it implanted, but still started the progesterone

early enough.

Stacey G/

--- Dawn Hoke wrote:


> ,

> I guess I knew deep down that because their dates

> did not match up with

> mine, that something wasn't right. I did mention it

> to him, but he

> obviously did not think I knew my cycles as well as

> I did. Don't get me

> wrong, he is a wonderful doctor. Anyway, I wanted

> to believe that

> everything would be okay. Then, I miscarried and

> remembered how the dates

> were off from the beginning. I don't know what I'll

> do if the next time I

> get pg, the dates are off again. I will be a

> basketcase of worries.

> This is why I am going to talk to him about starting

> progestrone supplements

> after O instead of waiting for an pg test to come

> out postive.

> Dawn

> Re: Progesterone and

> ectopics



> > Dawn:

> >

> > If you know your cycles well, then I think being

> told something

> > contradictory could very well mean something...if

> that ever happens to me

> I

> > would definitely say something and ask about it.

> >

> > The first thing they asked me is when my last

> menstrual period was...if

> they

> > had gone by that info with you, would they have

> seen something was not

> > correct?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



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> >

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> >

> >





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If the egg implants approx. 6 days after conception, starting progesterone

on day 18 would not be waiting until after implantation unless you

ovulated/conceived on day 12 of your cycle. Did I miss something somewhere?

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Obviously day 18 would be enough time for implantation

since I have been pregnant 6 times and used

progesterone with 5 of those pregnancies. I normally

ovulate between day 14-16 and I know this due to the

fact that before I became pregnat the first time I had

3 unsuccessful IUI where I had ultrasound that would

tell me exactly what day I would ovulate.

I know that not everyone is the same, but this

procedure had worked for me. Just was giving my


Stacey G

--- wrote:


> If the egg implants approx. 6 days after conception,

> starting progesterone

> on day 18 would not be waiting until after

> implantation unless you

> ovulated/conceived on day 12 of your cycle. Did I

> miss something somewhere?







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Those type of suppositories is what I was using initially, and they did not

work very well for me. My level only increased very slightly after using

them. I was put on pills (prometrium 100 mg) and they worked incredibly

well! I much preferred them to the suppositories additionally because they

do not make such an icky mess!

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Stacey G:

Since progesterone actually can aid in implantation by making the uterine

lining more receptive, there is no reason it could not be taken before-hand.

Your post simply said that you were supposed to take it *after* implantation

starting on day 18 and I was thinking maybe you ovulated early or something

that I had missed. Since implantation occurs on day 6 or after, I would

guess your doctor is allowing a few days for the level to build up in your

system. My doctor told me it takes a week after initiating/increasing

dosage for the increase to be detectable in your bloodstream.

Thanks for the info :)

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