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Is your creativity blocked? Get instant inspiration and surprise your boss

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Is your creativity blocked? Don't worry, it happens, even artists of any kind

such as painters or actors become blocked. The good news is that you can

overcome this.

From a neural point of view, creativity is composed of 2 factors: 1) The

capability of your brain to make random neural connections, forming completely

new ideas in the process. 2) Remaining open and receptive to new ideas.

In order to produce both of these factors, Mentallion.com offers several FREE

starting creativity sessions that stimulates mostly Alpha/Theta waves, making

you more relaxed and receptive while randomly rising into higher brainwaves (low

and high beta) to make you alert, only to drop back down again.

This method has proven very successful at producing new neural connections, and

stimulating the conception of new ideas.

The link to these starting FREE creativity sessions in several flavors is here:


Good luck.


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