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Re: Re: I use this eye rolling with tapping

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good info! Thank you!






>We can access our entire brain when we focus mindfully using our eyes.


>Here's a somatic approach you can add in... and you don't have to do as many

repetitions, though give both ways a whirl.


>As you look up with the eyes, breathe in, then s-l-o-w-l-y release (and let

your breath ease out) as the eyes come back to rest. If there is any hesitation

on the slow release, that's ok. As you do it the next time, feel if your

shoulders get involved too. You might even notice your chest opening up some as



>Then you change the angle and look either to the upper right or left, again

followed with a slow release. Again notice if one side of your shoulder is



>When you look up, you are working the visionary parts of the brain.


>Then you can look to the side, and again slow release, pause and repeat. Again

notice if there is any connection with the chest or shoulder. Change sides and

repeat just a few times.

>Now you're accessing the auditory part of the brain. Again include inhaling as

the eyes go out to the side and exhaling as the eye comes back to rest.


>Then when you look down, you are accessing a different part of the brain, so

you can either look down or down and to the right and down and to the left.


>This time, exhale as you begin and then inhale as you release yourself. As

your eyes go down and you exhale you may notice how your chest sinks down or

your belly tightens...


>Imagine if you unconsciously were held in this position. Those low feelings

would persist.


>Our feelings have a lot to do with the positions we unconsciously " hold "

ourselves in.


>Having the ability to pass through or move as comfortably as we can allows us

to discover where we're stuck. Using this stuckness - can un-stick us and our

muscles when we engage our self mindfully.


>By exploring our breath and movement we can take the charge out of being held

in positions. This allows us the requisite freedom to feel all of our emotions

and move safely in and out as we live successfully within our self.


>Now our brains will release chemicals of relaxation when we cortically arouse

our nervous system using our intention to move in a certain direction, and

follow that with a slow release... you are engaged in the natural act of a



>This natural stress reliever is how healthy vertebrate animals, stretch...

which they never do. They merely shorten their muscles and then let go... now

the stress or tightness they sense... is out of their system... until the next

time they feel the need to let it all go once again.


>Actively relieving muscular tension and stress is what our pets have been

trying to tell us for some time. This brain reset mechanism is what I've been

teaching people for years to play with.


>Have all your stress and use the natural tools we can access in order to remain

as free as a hummingbird or even Fido. Woof!





>> I have just found this article, in it is showing his eye rolling

excercise. I do this at the same time when I am tapping and it does work. It

lowers anxiety and gets my brain working more correctly





>> Love Joanne



>> ________________________________


>> To: " fibromyalgiacured " <fibromyalgiacured >

>> Sent: Saturday, 19 November 2011, 3:18

>> Subject: : Nucalm






>> I have been looking at this Nucalm again,


>> I do think it is similar to what I am already doing with my Mckenna

stuff, but I am going to investigate this further


>> I get the impression that this device is expensive, but there has to be an

alternative, perhaps under another name


>> http://nucalmlibrary.com/


>> Love Joanne



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