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Re: random question

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I don't think anything is majorly wrong with you, my personal

opinion is that it just goes to show how much we over eat, and when

we cleanse and fast we realize new energy and how sluggish we are

making ourselves with our regular diets. I would like to share my

experience, though in case it helps at all.

I lost about 40 pounds over the first 8 months or so after my

gallbladder was removed (1991). I really don't experience hunger

like I used to, either. My stomach doesn't " growl " and I don't feel

hunger in the pit of my stomach. I know when I need to eat because I can tell

my blood sugar drops and I start to feel moody. I remind myself to

eat when I feed my kids, but it's easy to forget. Right after I had it removed

and this feeling was new to me, I'd go through the whole morning and at

about 1:00 or 2:00 pm I'd think, " I forgot to eat today " . (I personally wonder

if something happened to the Vegas nerve, which sends the hunger message. It

runs through the stomach and can easily be damaged during surgery. My

anatomy teacher in college said his had been cut during stomach surgery and he

never feels hungry anymore---just eats because he knows he should. Maybe it can

be affected when the gallbladder/liver are diseased? Any medical people out


who can comment?)

It was especially bad after I gave birth, because I was so tired, I'd choose

sleep over food. Not eating and breastfeeding, I became anemic and got

down to 125 pounds, which is too thin for me. Everyone told me how

bad I looked! I thought it was great to be a size 4, but it doesn't suit me.

I would grab a coke to wake up and just grab anything to eat because I

knew I should eat something. I developed psoriasis and my search for

the cure led me to liver cleansing. This is more info than you need, but

I wanted to make the point that I realized how awful I felt and how

unhealthy I was looking, so I have a routine I follow---taking supplements

every morning with lemon juice, lots of green tea, maybe some cereal or fruit.

I eat a huge salad for lunch and eat regular dinner with my family. I try not

to eat after 6:00 or 7:00 pm. If I do, I make a pot of tea and have a piece of


I'm working toward a liver cleanse right now. (I decided if I had to choose


and when to eat, that I'd better make it healthy and not keep crap around to

munch on.)

Basically, when you don't feel hungry, it's easy to go overboard either


not eating enough, or eating too much. I suggest setting menus and a schedule

until it becomes habit. If you tend to eat a lot throughout the day, keep

really good

things on hand. Eat a bag of those mini-carrots instead of chips, for example.

It's taken me a decade to get under control.


Poag wrote:

> Hi everyone again,

> I have a question, b/c I don't know if anyone else out there has experienced

> this or not. I'm never hungry. I'll get stomach pain or nausea, but not

> actual hunger. Plus, when I fasted that day for the flush, I felt great!

> Tired and a bit of a headache, but that heavy, weighted down feeling was

> much less. The longer I go w/o eating (I just drink fluids like juice,

> rice/soy milk, etc), the better I feel, and I don't get hungry. Is this a

> sign that something is majorly, majorly wrong with me? Has anyone else had

> this? The irony is that I gained a lot of weight (about 30 lbs) b/c, since

> I'm never hungry, I learned to eat anyway and therefore never felt " full "

> either, so always ate, etc. But if I really pay attention and only ate when

> I was truly " hungry " , I don't know when I would actually eat! Anyone's

> thoughts would be greatly appreciated, since I didn't know if

> gallbladder/liver probs could cause this?

> Hugs



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kamepo@... writes:

> I have a question, b/c I don't know if anyone else out there has experienced


> this or not. I'm never hungry. I'll get stomach pain or nausea, but not

> actual hunger


I think you've already gotten some responses to your question, but I wanted

to ask you something. What do you actually mean by hunger? Do you mean

there's a lack of desire to eat, or is it something else that you think

you're missing?

I know that someone posted some good advice for you about setting menus and

scheduling eating and I wanted to say that I think that was very good advice.

I would like to know, though, just so I understand what you're experiencing,

what it is that you think you're missing in terms of " hunger " . Thanks.

in health,


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kamepo@... writes:

> I have a question, b/c I don't know if anyone else out there has experienced


> this or not. I'm never hungry. I'll get stomach pain or nausea, but not

> actual hunger


I think you've already gotten some responses to your question, but I wanted

to ask you something. What do you actually mean by hunger? Do you mean

there's a lack of desire to eat, or is it something else that you think

you're missing?

I know that someone posted some good advice for you about setting menus and

scheduling eating and I wanted to say that I think that was very good advice.

I would like to know, though, just so I understand what you're experiencing,

what it is that you think you're missing in terms of " hunger " . Thanks.

in health,


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In a message dated 2/25/02 8:03:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

kamepo@... writes:

> * I doubt that anyone else here has had this

> problem; I'm the only person anyone has ever heard of. But I didn't know

> if

> any of this might be caused by GB probs? Any input is appreciated, as

> always. I'm looking forward to getting back home in a few weeks to do

> another flush. I did feel a bit better after doing it.


If you felt better after doing the flush, then I would say go with that

thought and do another one and see if things improve again. I can't say

that I've experienced JUST what you've described, but I can relate to some of

it. I can tell you that the more I get into cleansing, the better my eating

seems to be getting. I definitely think there is a connection. I have

some theories about that and I'll write about them when I can get my thoughts


In the meantime, yes, I'd encourage you to do the cleanse every two weeks or

so. The liver affects SO many different aspects of our health, so sure,

there's a possibility that cleansing the liver/gallbladder could have a

positive effect on this area as well.

I'm no medical professional - just another soul out here who has had

struggles with eating in different ways in the past - and sharing my thoughts

with you. I wish you well and I do hope that you'll keep us posted. :)

in health,


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Thank you everyone who wrote to me; sorry it has taken me so long to get

back. Between school and then coming down with a bad case of the flu...you

know the routine. :)

asked for some clarification about what I mean about " hunger. " I'll

try to make this as short as possible. I gained a lot of weight in my teens

b/c starting around puberty I had a harder and harder time getting full

until I felt ravenously hungry all the time. Not the munchies, not

emotional eating; I felt like I hadn't eaten in days and the more I ate, the

hungrier I got. It was horrible and lasted for years. I tried everything

to get rid of it, including therapy on my dr's advice that it was " emotional

eating. "

No go. It has gotten a little better but now I'm never hungry and never

full. The biggest problem is that the longer I'm on a healthy diet (one

high in fruits and veggies and low in the junk food) the WORSE I feel. I

get more and more nauseated and sick and weak until I have to stop. I know

that the gallbladder is part of the digestive system and didn't know if

probs w/this might cause problems with the other? I tried just forcing

myself to eat the healthy stuff for a while but then I started vomiting and

my BP started dropping. *sigh* I doubt that anyone else here has had this

problem; I'm the only person anyone has ever heard of. But I didn't know if

any of this might be caused by GB probs? Any input is appreciated, as

always. I'm looking forward to getting back home in a few weeks to do

another flush. I did feel a bit better after doing it.

Take care!



I think you've already gotten some responses to your question, but I wanted

to ask you something. What do you actually mean by hunger? Do you mean

there's a lack of desire to eat, or is it something else that you think

you're missing?

I know that someone posted some good advice for you about setting menus and

scheduling eating and I wanted to say that I think that was very good


I would like to know, though, just so I understand what you're experiencing,

what it is that you think you're missing in terms of " hunger " . Thanks.

in health,


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  • 5 years later...
Guest guest

My Pick would be Disneyland. Fantasyland and ToonTown are both very

good for small children. Bright colors, and non-scary rides. If you

want to go on a ride and aren't sure of your daughters reaction, ask

the ride operator. I know some of them and they are very helpful.

I you want pictures of your daughter with any of the characters,

introduce her to them from a distance and slowly take her up to them.

Otherwise, it's a very scary experience for a small child. ToonTown

has houses for Goofy, Mickey, Minnie and other characters with hours

posted. If you are coming for a vacation, check out the Disney

website and see if you can get a package that includes a character


Knott's, that I personally love, is more roller coaster rides. There

is Camp Snoopy for children, but at 18 months, your daughter is too

young for that. Knott's is also a lot smaller than Disney. Now if

you get the chance... the Chicken Dinner at Knott's is hmm, hmm, GOOD!


> In your opinion, which theme park is better, Disneyland or Knotts

Berry Farm? I have a 15mo

> old, so I want to make sure she has a good time too!


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