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Letty, 72 members - Media

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Everyday I am adding new members. I can't believe how many new members are joining lately. This worries me but at the same time I am happy. It worries me because it can only mean that there is definitely something wrong in the medical profession and it makes me happy because I know when I started this group almost a year ago (Last December) there was nothing and nowhere to turn. Now women from all over the world are being connected through this fascinating network and we have found out so many things just by getting together.

Yesterday was 72 members and today is 73 and I have 8 more pending to join us!!! Our poll on /polls/Ashermans so far shows that we are mostly found from a) the inciid board, B) By myself and c) just by surfing the net. I am a little dissapointed therefore that our web page is not the major drawer of members. I would like to make an effort to get this web page updated more regularly because this is our window to others on our problem. If doctors and interested parties are going to be looking to help us and us them, we are not going to look so efficient if it is not regularly updated and altered is it?? I know that who originally helped to start out the web page has been extremely busy lately and it seems unfortunate that Jen, who volunteered to help out, is not writing on the board lately. I hope she is ok because the last I heard from her, she was having extreme pain, (remember, she was considering hysterectomy because of this problem). I do hope she is alright and that it is not anything to do with this problem. Jen, if you read this please get in touch.

Anyhow, if there is anyone else who wishes to take charge in the web page and its updating, please let me know.

Letty you say that when you first joined there were 30 or so members. That was beginning of September!! Isn't that frightening?? Our voices must be heard. We all have a duty to get this info out and many of you may not realise but we have made much of an effort to do this just by being here. Look at how many doctors lately have got the message that we have this group going and look how many doctors have shown an interest in this support group. We know who knows who and who the specialists are and we have opened their eyes to our problem. Now we need to open the publics eyes too. I know that a couple of members have written to Oprah show but to date no response. How about 73 members writing to her? Maybe that should make her realise that something is wrong!! Please, any ideas are welcome.


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