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Re: Emotional intelligence, nearly

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rrvancouver@... writes:

> Cantellate means to revel in flow and reach that which celebrates life. The

> choir cantellates. It comes from Church of England. To exhalt life.

> It flow and joy,

What a lovely word, and how descriptive! The rhythym of it even implies the

flow of which you speak.

I'm going to remember this one.


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The photography will make you cantillate more than reading.



At 02:09 AM 4/11/99 +0000, you wrote:

>Well I got as far as getting the book " Emotional Intelligence " from the

>other side of the room and it is now open, face down, on the pillow next to

>me. Meanwhile instead of reading any of it I had a sudden strong pull in

>the direction of finding out how to resize my photographic images in

>Photoshop so I can display them on a web page. I have looked at this puzzle

>before and couldn't make head or tail of it, but tonight I worked it out

>quickly and easily (I knew I could cope with this if I thought about it)

>and have now got used to the idea. Suddenly I am now a competent image

>re-sizer. I can now play around with various other aspects of these images

>as well, iumproving the gamma so that the appearance on-screen is similar

>to how they look when printed well, and feel if only I can now master

>enough of the arcane art of HTML, I can have a web page with my pictures on



>Oh well, that is all the excitement I can handle for one day...


>I will be tickled pink (to use a strange and probably British expression)

>to see some of the artistic stuff I did while I was using, seeing the light

>of day on the internet. That will indeed be oddly therapeutic.


>Joe Berenbaum



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Cantellate means to revel in flow and reach that which celebrates life. The

choir cantellates. It comes from Church of England. To exhalt life.

It flow and joy,


At 02:27 AM 4/11/99 +0000, you wrote:

>At 06:27 PM 4/10/99 -0700, you wrote:

>>The photography will make you cantillate more than reading.




>I have to ask, what does cantillate mean? I hope it isn't related to

>Canteloupe melons. I wouldn't wwant that to happen to me, my head is a good

>shape as it is.


>Joe Berenbaum



>One day scientists will discover a natural

>solution for hair loss. That day is here ...

>Hair Genesis Http://clickhere./click/81




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At 06:27 PM 4/10/99 -0700, you wrote:

>The photography will make you cantillate more than reading.



I have to ask, what does cantillate mean? I hope it isn't related to

Canteloupe melons. I wouldn't wwant that to happen to me, my head is a good

shape as it is.

Joe Berenbaum


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Well, it's a very nice sentiment, but I'm not sure you have the right

word... " Cantillate " means " to sing or chant in a musical monotone "

(Webster's)... It's the way most devotional prayers are done in synagogues.

Services are conducted by both a rabbi and a cantor; the rabbi reads some

sections in an ordinary reading voice, and the cantor then cantillates. I

understand Greek Orthodox Christians have a clegyperson who cantillates at

services as well.

Anyway, I very much look forward to seeing your photographic work on a

webpage, Joe! P.S. My son Benny knows a great deal of HTML and other languages,

I'm sure he'd be happy to assist you if you have any formatting questions.



>Cantellate means to revel in flow and reach that which celebrates life. The

>choir cantellates. It comes from Church of England. To exhalt life.

>It flow and joy,




>Joe B. wrote:

>>At 06:27 PM 4/10/99 -0700, you wrote:

>>>The photography will make you cantillate more than reading.




>>I have to ask, what does cantillate mean? I hope it isn't related to

>>Canteloupe melons. I wouldn't wwant that to happen to me, my head is a good

>>shape as it is.


>>Joe Berenbaum

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It is the word I connected with about ten years ago. There is a Dr. of

psychology in California who helps people to find that which gives them

cantillation in life. It is to be in the moment, totally involved and

revelling, reaching your finest connectedness with life. Enjoying the

experience in full. Living cool. For many people photography, for others

music, for some nature sitting and some in their work. He uses the word

" cantellation " in a broad sense. It is the feeling of being in the moment,

flow, but now you've gone and spoiled it. To be more modern it is also

" flow. " I suppose he can have academic license to embrace the word. Still,

I have felt it, when singing and photography and you likely know it as

flow. Semantics for some. Poetry for others. It works for me. Thanks,


I had the dr's tapes. Amazing. Were given to me by a Dr. of psychology who

was blind and a pretty amazing fellow too. Too bad I don't have the tapes

any more.

07:33 PM 4/10/99 -0800, you wrote:




> Well, it's a very nice sentiment, but I'm not sure you have the right

word... " Cantillate " means " to sing or chant in a musical monotone "

(Webster's)... It's the way most devotional prayers are done in

synagogues. Services are conducted by both a rabbi and a cantor; the rabbi

reads some sections in an ordinary reading voice, and the cantor then

cantillates. I understand Greek Orthodox Christians have a clegyperson who

cantillates at services as well.


> Anyway, I very much look forward to seeing your photographic work on

a webpage, Joe! P.S. My son Benny knows a great deal of HTML and other

languages, I'm sure he'd be happy to assist you if you have any formatting








>>Cantellate means to revel in flow and reach that which celebrates life. The

>>choir cantellates. It comes from Church of England. To exhalt life.

>>It flow and joy,




>>Joe B. wrote:

>>>At 06:27 PM 4/10/99 -0700, you wrote:

>>>>The photography will make you cantillate more than reading.




>>>I have to ask, what does cantillate mean? I hope it isn't related to

>>>Canteloupe melons. I wouldn't wwant that to happen to me, my head is a good

>>>shape as it is.


>>>Joe Berenbaum




>-----== Sent via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==-----

>http://www.dejanews.com/ Easy access to 50,000+ discussion forums



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hi folks

This has reminded me that on the news recently it was reported that the Church


England is no longer publishing its attendance figures because of the huge drop


recent years. remind you of any other religious organization?


On Sat, 10 Apr 1999 19:20:50 -0700 carol francey


> Cantellate means to revel in flow and reach that which celebrates life. The

> choir cantellates. It comes from Church of England. To exhalt life.

> It flow and joy,

> Carol



> At 02:27 AM 4/11/99 +0000, you wrote:

> >At 06:27 PM 4/10/99 -0700, you wrote:

> >>The photography will make you cantillate more than reading.

> >>:-)

> >>Carol

> >

> >I have to ask, what does cantillate mean? I hope it isn't related to

> >Canteloupe melons. I wouldn't wwant that to happen to me, my head is a good

> >shape as it is.

> >

> >Joe Berenbaum

> >

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >One day scientists will discover a natural

> >solution for hair loss. That day is here ...

> >Hair Genesis Http://clickhere./click/81

> >

> >

> >

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  • 16 years later...

rrvancouver@... writes:

> Cantellate means to revel in flow and reach that which celebrates life. The

> choir cantellates. It comes from Church of England. To exhalt life.

> It flow and joy,

What a lovely word, and how descriptive! The rhythym of it even implies the

flow of which you speak.

I'm going to remember this one.


You have the wrong word. You want -cantillate.  Cantellate has to do with polyopes and is a process of deriving a figure, by taking the mid-points of the edge of a rectate. In four and higher dimensions, this produces a set of distinct uniform figures. 

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