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Perkins Complaints (6)(a)

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June 6, 1994

Office of the Clerk

United States District Court

Eastern District of North Carolina

New Bern, NC 28563

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

On October 30, 1992 Judge Malcolm J. dismissed my complaint

(92-59-CIV-2-H) on grounds of failure to exhaust administrative

remedies. On page 5 of Judge 's Order of October 30, 1992 he

cites 10 U.S.C. 1553(a) and states, " ..., he is able to appeal his

discharge to a board of review until September 15, 2001. " Also, on page

9 Judge states, " If the plaintiff is not satisfied with the

administrative resolution of claims 1 and 2 then he would [be] able to

file all four of his claims in one action. "

At this time I am filing Tommy G. Perkins v. Federico Pena, Secretary,

U.S. Department of Transportation. Because of the significant

constitutional issues involved (violation of all three Religion Clauses

of the Constitution, and coercion and the Lord's Prayer), and because

thousands of American citizens, including children, are being tortured

into religious conformity, I am requesting that a panel of three

District judges preside over this case, and, if necessary, my appeal

will be directly to the United States Supreme Court, Flast v. Cohen, 392

U.S. 83 (1968).

Enclosed is a cover sheet, my May 9, 1993 application to the Department

of Transportation Board for Correction of Military Records, the Coast

Guard's response, my counter-response, and the Board's final decision.

The Board cites v. Card, 799 F. Supp. 158, 164 (D.D.C. 1994) in

supporting its decision. I submit that this opinion holds no

precedential significance in the U. S. District Court for the Eastern

District of North Carolina. It does, however, signify that the Board

has an awfully bad habit of being in violation of federal law in

exceeding its ten-month limit for notifying applicants that they are

" late " .

I submit that the Board has erred in its evaluations of my allegations,

the facts, and the law. I am requesting that you review this matter,

rule on the constitutional issues that I have raised, and grant me the

relief of full retirement pay and benefits for the rank of Lieutenant

(O-3) retroactive from September 15, 1986, the date of my discharge.

Enclosed also is a letter to Mr. H. Joost, chairman of the Board,

requesting that he forward my complete file and service/medical records

to you. Please contact me when you receive these records. I would like

to examine them for accuracy and completeness.

Enclosed also is my 1993 federal income tax return. If it is necessary

for me to reapply to proceed in forma pauperis, please send me an



Tommy G. Perkins

215 Harrell St.

City, NC 27909

Copies to:

Secretary, U. S. Department of Transportation

Commandant, U. S. Coast Guard

Mr. H, Joost

Ms. Janice McKenzie Cole, U. S. Attorney


September 12, 1994


Deputy Clerk

United States District

Eastern District of North Carolina

PO Box 25670

Raleigh, NC 27611

Dear Mr. Heathcoat:

Enclosed is an updated copy of the complaint that I filed on July 23,

1991, my application to proceed in forma pauperis, and the summons you

requested. I have tried, to the best of my ability to comply with the

Rules of Federal Court.

Thank you for your prompt reply to my letter of June 6, 1994.


Tommy G. Perkins

215 Harrell Street

City, NC



Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation

Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard

Ms. Janice McKenzie-Cole, U.S. Attorney


September 12, 1994

Federico Pena


United States Department of Transportation

400 Seventh St. S.W.

Washington, DC 20590

Dear Fed,

I'm sorry I can't afford to get you your very own copy of Madness,

Heresy, and the Rumor of Angels. Perhaps Washington's resident expert

on " mental illness " , Mrs. Algore, can provide you with a copy.


Tommy G. Perkins

215 Harrell St.

City, NC 27948


United States District Court

Eastern District of North Carolina

Tommy G. Perkins



Federico Pena


United States Department of Transportation



1. That in November of 1985 the Plaintiff was an officer and helicopter

pilot with the U. S. Coast Guard with eight years active duty, his

fitness reports reflecting a history of being a good officer and an

excellent pilot.

2. That in November of 1985, upon arrival at his new duty station of U.

S. Coast Guard Air Station City, North Carolina, the Plaintiff

confessed an off-duty drinking problem and requested assistance from the

command for the problem.

3. That the command scheduled the Plaintiff to attend inpatient alcohol

rehabilitation treatment at U. S. Naval Hospital Millington, Tennessee

to begin on December 23, 1985 and to last for approximately thirty days.

4. That upon learning that the acting executive officer of U. S. Coast

Guard Air Station City had conversed freely with civilians

about the Plaintiff's treatment plans, thus compromising the Plaintiff's

privacy of medical information, the Plaintiff requested not to go to

military inpatient alcohol rehabilitation treatment, and requested to be

able to see a civilian counselor on his own.

5.That the Plaintiff was then sent by the command to be evaluated by a

Navy psychiatrist at U. S. Naval Hospital Portsmouth, Virginia, who

reported the Plaintiff to be normal, fit for flying, and likely to have

a bad reaction to inpatient treatment.

6. That in spite of this evaluation by the Navy psychiatrist, the

command sent the Plaintiff involuntarily to inpatient alcohol

rehabilitation treatment at U. S. Naval Hospital Millington, Tennessee

on December 23, 1985.

7. That the Plaintiff spent Christmas week, 1985 observing and being

subjected to intense, humiliating, and intimidating verbal abuse

insisting that the Plaintiff " believe " in Alcoholics Anonymous

principles and that the Plaintiff " believe " that the Plaintiff had the

" disease " of alcoholism. That these intimidating sessions took place in

a room where a large poster giving numerous references to " God " hung

conspicuously on the wall. That the Plaintiff was subjected to

mandatory Alcoholics Anonymous meetings that opened with all present

reciting, in unison, Serenity Prayer and closed with all present

standing in a circle, holding hands and reciting, in unison, the Lord's


8. That the Plaintiff observed the treatment to be based on coerced

spirituality and beliefs in religious principles that were inconsistent

with the Plaintiff's own religious beliefs, especially the torturous

lifelong stigmatization of self and others, which is contrary to the

teachings of the Plaintiff's own God and the instructions of ch.

6, vs. 5-9 of the Holy Bible from the Plaintiff's own God.

9. That on or about the sixth day of treatment the Plaintiff told one of

the staff members that the Plaintiff did not believe the Plaintiff had

the disease of alcoholism and that the Plaintiff wanted out of the


10. That on December 31, 1985 the Plaintiff was called into a staff

office where the entire staff (five people) surrounded the Plaintiff in

a semicircle, slammed books on a desk, yelled at the Plaintiff, told the

Plaintiff that the Plaintiff's deceased father who did not drink was a

" dry alcoholic " , and in an intensely coercive pre-Miranda style setting,

demanded that the Plaintiff profess " belief " that the Plaintiff had the

disease of alcoholism, which the Plaintiff refused to profess. That the

Plaintiff stated that if religion was the basis of the treatment, the

Plaintiff would be better off placing himself in an environment of the

Plaintiff's own religion as the Plaintiff had done previously while

attending graduate school at a university sponsored by the Plaintiff's

own religion. That the staff responded to this remark by the Plaintiff

by shouting at the Plaintiff with more abusive language and one staff

member stating that she had tried that, and it did not work for her and

that " their " religious program was the only way to solve the Plaintiff's

problem. That during this bizarrely abusive session, one of the

counselors who, because he was on leave during the entire week had never

even met the Plaintiff, continued to shout in a loud voice, " You are a

sick man, Mr. Perkins, you are a sick man. "

11. That this interrogation session was an inquisition of the

Plaintiff's " beliefs " rather than his actions, the Plaintiff having

already confessed to periodic abuse of alcohol.

12. That the Plaintiff was discharged from treatment on December 31,

1985 and that the follow-up reports stated that the Plaintiff had failed

to cooperate in treatment.

13. That shortly after the Plaintiff's return to his duty station the

Plaintiff had a conference at the Fifth Coast Guard District office in

Portsmouth, Virginia with the district alcohol and drug abuse

representative, a senior chief petty officer, and that this conference

was attended also by a civilian co-worker of the senior chief. That the

Plaintiff stated that the Plaintiff did not want to attend Alcoholics

Anonymous meetings. That the senior chief and the civilian became quite

indignant, and in a session, although not nearly as intimidating and

abusive as the previously mentioned session on December 31, stated that

these religious activities would be mandatory. That the senior chief

stated that he knew from personal experience from being a member of

Alcoholics Anonymous that " his " religious program was the only way to

solve the Plaintiff's problem.

14. That the Plaintiff was then forced against his will to swallow daily

the dangerously toxic and life threatening chemical, disulfiram, but was

not told by any representative of the Coast Guard that any dangerous

risks were associated with the ingestion of this chemical. That Coast

Guard regulations require that this information concerning possible side

effects of the drug be presented to the patient by a physician.

15. That in violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment

of the United States Constitution [ vs. Laird-466 F.2d 283, 285

(1972)], the Plaintiff was ordered to attend three (3) Alcoholics

Anonymous meetings per week where religious dogma and prescribed prayer

were part of the program. That as proof of attendance at these

religious meetings at various churches and civic buildings, the

Plaintiff was required to submit to the command slips of paper signed by

Alcoholics " Anonymous " members of the civilian community, thus

compromising the religious privacy of the civilian community. That the

prescribed prayers at these meetings consisted of each meeting opening

with all present reciting in unison the Serenity Prayer, and each

meeting closing with all present standing in a circle holding hands and

reciting in unison the Lord's Prayer. That the Lord's Prayer is a

sectarian prayer of sacred text [Abington School District v. Schempp,

374 U.S. 203, (1963)]. That prayer is a religious exercise/activity,

and " at a minimum, the Constitution guarantees that government may not

coerce anyone to support or participate in religion or its exercise, or

otherwise act in a way which 'establishes a [state] religion or

religious faith, or tends to do so'. " This is a fundamental limitation

" imposed by the Establishment Clause. " [Lee v. Weisman, 112 S. Ct. 2649

(1992)]. That this coercion also violates the Free Exercise Clause of

the First Amendment [Abington, 374 U.S. at 223.] That this coercion

also violates the instructions of Jesus Christ, the Plaintiff's Lord and

Savior ( ch. 6, vs. 5-9 of the Holy Bible). That to determine

whether the Establish Clause has been violated, the Supreme Court

applies a three-part test (the Lemon Test) set forth in Lemon v.

Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602 (1971). That under this test, to satisfy the

Establishment Clause a governmental practice must (1) reflect a clearly

secular purpose; (2) have a primary effect that neither advances nor

inhibits religion; and (3) avoid excessive government entanglement with

religion. That the Coast Guard clearly failed to satisfy parts (2) and

(3) of the Lemon Test. That excessive government entanglement with

religion is clearly reflected by the Coast Guard's policy to coerce some

of its members to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, a voluntary

organization of people in the civilian community who gather and pray

together, many of whom disapprove of others being coerced to join them,

and especially by the Coast Guard's policy to require its members to

return the signed names of members of Alcoholics " Anonymous " to the

command. That the Coast Guard's practice also serves to advance and

inhibit religion in this case. That by requiring a member to attend

and/or participate in these meetings, where the Lord's Prayer is recited

in unison by all, the Coast Guard's practice serves to advance religion,

the Lord's Prayer being a Christian prayer from the New Testament of the

Holy Bible, which refers to prophesy unique to the Christian faith.

That the Coast Guard's practice also serves to inhibit religion, because

there are Christians like myself who believe that the words of

ch. 6, vs. 5-9 truly reflect the sacred message given by Jesus to the

people as He stood on the mountain.

16. That the mandatory attendance at these religious meetings was

especially torturous to the spirit and soul of the Plaintiff, since this

duty station was in City, North Carolina, the town where the

Plaintiff had grown from infancy to adulthood, and where the Plaintiff's

parents had introduced the Plaintiff to the Plaintiff's own God, and

together they worshiped their own God in their own way and at their own

chosen place of worship.

17. That during the nine month period between the Plaintiff's discharge

from treatment and discharge from the Coast Guard, all operational

capacitations of the Plaintiff, including flight status, security

clearance, and operational watches were terminated. (The plaintiffs of

vs. Laird were also persecuted severely by their Academy staff

until their attorney gained a restraining order to prevent such


18. That on September 15, 1986 the Plaintiff was discharged from active

duty in the United States Coast Guard his fitness reports reflecting, of

course, that the Plaintiff had done no right and, of course, that the

Coast Guard had done no wrong.

19. That the religious based beliefs that the Plaintiff refused to

proclaim and yet the Defendant was in such powerful alignment with, are

considered by today's experts who study and research the field of

substance abuse with reason, objectivity, scientific method and without

religious prejudice, to be erroneous.

20. That as Mr. Jefferson stated so many times that it would if it were

allowed to, error is on the flee. Yet the Plaintiff has been ruthlessly

stigmatized and incapacitated from his government position for not

allowing the Defendant to pursue its happiness by tyrannizing over the

mind and beliefs of the Plaintiff with the religiously aligned

convictions of the Defendant.

21. That " Soon Mrs. Ford was the famed founder of the prestigious Betty

Ford Center, a lofty perch from which, at last, she could look down on

people as sickos. " , Szasz, Our Right to Drugs: The Case for a

Free Market, p.88.

22. That " As noted in the first chapter, in 1963 the Supreme Court

declared that a law does not violate the principle of church-state

separation if its purpose and primary effect are secular. Since then

practically every effort to introduce religion in the public school or

to get public funds for church schools has been accompanied by a

recitation of 'purpose and primary effect' as if it were a verbal

talisman whose mere incantation was sufficient to exorcise the ghost of

unconstitutionality. The reductio ad absurdum of the purpose effect

test is to be found in the 1972 case of Laird v. .

One would assume that in the United States no one could be forced

to go to church. At least four times within the past 25 years the

Supreme Court has said so. Nor is this tradition of recent vintage; it

is more than three centuries old, dating back to a letter, written in

1654 by to the people of the Town of Providence, in which

he said:

There goes many a ship to sea, with many hundred souls in one ship,

whose weal and woe is common, and is a true picture of a commonwealth,

or a human combination or society. It hath fallen out sometimes, that

both papists and protestants, Jews and Turks, may be embarked in one

ship; upon which supposal I affirm, that all the liberty of conscience,

that ever I pleaded for, turns upon these two hinges--that none of the

papists, protestants, Jews, or Turks be forced to come to the ship's

prayers or worship, if they practice any. I further add, that I never

denied, that notwithstanding this liberty, the commander of this ship

ought to command the ship's course, yea, and also command that justice,

peace and sobriety, be kept and practiced both among the seamen and all

the passengers. "

Leo Pheffer

God, Caesar, and the Constitution

p. 163

23. That " Had not the Roman government permitted free inquiry,

Christianity could never have been introduced. Had not free inquiry

been indulged at the era of the Reformation, the corruptions of

Christianity could not have been purged away. If it be restrained now,

the present corruptions will be protected, and new ones encouraged. Was

the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies

would be in such keeping as our souls are now. " , Jefferson, Notes

on the State of Virginia.

24. That " The mental health system is a well-oiled machine that destroys

the hopes and dreams of millions of vulnerable souls, wreaks havoc on

their bodies, and inducts them into becoming chronic mental patients. " ,

Seth Farber, Madness, Heresy, and the Rumor of Angels: The Revolt

Against the Mental Health System, p.110. (Enclosure 1)

25. That " Psychiatric drugs and electroshock are spreading an epidemic

of permanent brain damage. " , Breggin, Toxic Psychiatry, dust


26. That " What also remains unmentioned in debates on drug legalization

is that all loyal liberal-despotic psychiatrists--Grinspoon among

them--believe in forcing some of the most toxic drugs in our

pharmacopoeia down the throats of the most helpless people in the

country, rationalizing coercive drugging as the 'drug treatment of

psychotics.' Grinspoon never suggests a harmfulness tax for Haldol. " ,

Szasz, Our Right to Drugs: The Case for a Free Market, p.108.

27. That " The most serious threat to good government and freedom in

America is not posed by evil-minded men and women. It is posed by

legislative and judicial activists and other sincere persons of the best

intentions, who are bent on remaking America in the image of their own

thinking. They lack faith in the capacity of people to be the masters

of their own fates, and the captains of their own souls, and insist that

government assume the task of controlling their thoughts and managing

their lives. " Senator Sam J. Ervin Jr., Preserving the Constitution,


28. That " Typical of the utter fraudulence of the Clinton health-care

plan is the line about 'asking everyone to pay his fair share.'

Government is not about 'asking.' It is about telling--and about

punishing those who do not obey. " , Sowell, editorial, The

Virginian Pilot, June 10, 1994. (Enclosure 2)

29. That " The new Nero will approach us with the silky manners of a

doctor. " , C.S. .


1. That the Plaintiff is a citizen of the United States of America and

has been so continuously since his birth on January 13, 1949 at New

London, Connecticut.

2. That a position as officer in the United States Coast Guard is an

office and/or public trust in the context of the Religious Test Clause

of Article. VI, Section 3 of the United States Constitution.

3. That alcohol rehabilitation treatment in the United States Navy/Coast

Guard was at the time of the Plaintiff's discharge from active duty,

based on the coerced beliefs and practices of the spiritual, religious,

and dogmatic principles of the Alcoholics Anonymous program including

mandatory attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings which opened with

all present reciting, in unison, the Serenity Prayer, and closed with

all present standing in a circle and reciting, in unison, the Lord's


4. That the United States Coast Guard's policy of discharge for not

completing such treatment as described above is in violation of the

Religious Test Clause of Article. VI, Section 3 of the United States

Constitution ( V. Laird, at 293, footnote 63).

5. That the Plaintiff was subjected to and refused such Religious Test

and therefore was consequently discharged from active duty.

WHEREFORE the Plaintiff prays that:

1. He be placed on the permanent retired list of the United States Coast

Guard and enjoy all benefits including full retirement pay for the

amount due one retired at the rank of Lieutenant (03).

2. He be granted in lump sum payment back retirement pay for the above

stated rank from September 15, 1986 to the date that he receives his

first regular retirement check.

3. He be awarded such other relief as the Court deems just.

This the 12th day of September



Tommy G. Perkins

215 Harrell Street

City, NC 27909



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At 03:54 PM 2/22/99 PST, you wrote:

> June 6, 1994


Tommy, I really enjoy reading this and I keep them all. I hope you are

successful, or were (not sure if this was actually resolved yet).

Joe Berenbaum


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