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Re: pg tests????? (pg mentioned)

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We conceived on our own, but I definitely consider it a miracle and a gift

from God. As I said, we have been trying for three years, so it is

definitely in HIS time and according to HIS plan - not ours.

I was monitored very carefully though until I was about 13 weeks along -

first because my doctor wanted to be sure that the pregnancy was in the

uterus and also that my progesterone levels were as they should be. I was

on progesterone supplements until that time because my ovaries did not

produce enough to sustain the pregnancy until the placenta took over.

I was basically bleeding to death and was rushed to surgery from the ER. I

know my dh was with me when the doctor gave us the diagnosis and

treatment...I was so out of it he had to sign all the forms for me...but I

did not get to see him again until I was out of surgery. I was not coherent

enough to really know what was happening to me and the gravity of the

situation, but I remember an orderly running down the halls of the hospital

with my gurney to the OR. I was so cold, and convulsing from pain and loss

of blood. A kind nurse put the cap over my hair and then stroked my head

and told me they were going to take care of me and I would be better when I

woke up. That is the last thing I remember - as she was doing that, they

were moving me to the operating table and giving me the anesthetic at the

same time. When I woke up I felt SO much better. I was warm and free of

pain (aren't drugs a wonderful invention???). It did not really hit me that

we had lost a baby until we were leaving the hospital three days later when

we went through the security check in the women's center. The guard asked

" No baby with this one?? " and whammo...dh and I cried all the way home.

My dh didn't cry in the hospital with me either - I found out later that he

went down to our car after I was out of surgery and cried by himself. Poor

baby. They internalize everything and try to be so strong for us. I feel

so sorry for the guys sometimes - they feel such a burden to be big, stable,

and strong. We don't talk about our angels much, but the losses have

certainly made us stronger and more dependent on each other.

Nora, if you don't understand some of the abbreviations, feel free to ask.

We kinda pick them up as we go along. I am glad that you are finding this

group to be of comfort and support for you.

Love and prayers,

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After my surgery I wasn't in pain until about 5 hours after and then I had

the pain from the gas they filled me with. That is when all the shoulder

pain and pain in the top of my stomach came. I was up all night in pain.

The next morning I got up and had to feed me breakfast and then by

lunch I was doing great. I walked around the best I could to get the gas to

go down and it worked. I went home 24 hours after the surgery. I cried

when I found out that I had an ep and cried before my surgery. was

very supportive and just held my hand until he couldn't go any further with

me. Men are strong. He had to go home during my surgery and get a shower

and get some money feed dogs, ect... He had been there all day and I told

him there was no use for him to be there waiting and pacing. He told me as

he was driving home from the hospital that he cried and when he got home he

stood outside and screamed and cried out to God. Then I felt so bad for

thinking that he didn't care at the time. After the surgery I didn't cry.

I was focusing on getting out of there and if I had went too nuts afterwards

they were going to send me up to the behavior medicine ward. I didn't want

to go up there. I did cry as I left. The volunteers had came and put me in

the wheelchair and had wheeled me to the nurses desk. was outside

pulling the car around and I was at a pamphlet rack and they had parenting

guides and tips. Then the nurse came and gave me a pamphlet about eps.

That is when I broke. I asked the volunteer if they could go ahead and take

me downstairs that I wanted to go home. I said to myself that I wished I

was getting the pamphlets about parenting and child care instead of these

pamplhlets reminding me of what I went through. When I came home the first

thing I saw was my positive hpt on my night stand. I remember that the

morning before I had held it and asked God to help me have this child.

Everytime I looked at anything in the house it was a constant reminder of

how things looked before I left, when I was pregnant. made me throw

away my positive hpt. I wish that he hadn't. I wish that I still had it.

I know he was trying to make me feel better. God love his heart!!!

Well here I go babbling on again. I am sorry to be going into so much



Re: pg tests????? (pg mentioned)



>We conceived on our own, but I definitely consider it a miracle and a gift

>from God. As I said, we have been trying for three years, so it is

>definitely in HIS time and according to HIS plan - not ours.


>I was monitored very carefully though until I was about 13 weeks along -

>first because my doctor wanted to be sure that the pregnancy was in the

>uterus and also that my progesterone levels were as they should be. I was

>on progesterone supplements until that time because my ovaries did not

>produce enough to sustain the pregnancy until the placenta took over.


>I was basically bleeding to death and was rushed to surgery from the ER. I

>know my dh was with me when the doctor gave us the diagnosis and

>treatment...I was so out of it he had to sign all the forms for me...but I

>did not get to see him again until I was out of surgery. I was not


>enough to really know what was happening to me and the gravity of the

>situation, but I remember an orderly running down the halls of the hospital

>with my gurney to the OR. I was so cold, and convulsing from pain and loss

>of blood. A kind nurse put the cap over my hair and then stroked my head

>and told me they were going to take care of me and I would be better when I

>woke up. That is the last thing I remember - as she was doing that, they

>were moving me to the operating table and giving me the anesthetic at the

>same time. When I woke up I felt SO much better. I was warm and free of

>pain (aren't drugs a wonderful invention???). It did not really hit me


>we had lost a baby until we were leaving the hospital three days later when

>we went through the security check in the women's center. The guard asked

> " No baby with this one?? " and whammo...dh and I cried all the way home.


>My dh didn't cry in the hospital with me either - I found out later that he

>went down to our car after I was out of surgery and cried by himself. Poor

>baby. They internalize everything and try to be so strong for us. I feel

>so sorry for the guys sometimes - they feel such a burden to be big,


>and strong. We don't talk about our angels much, but the losses have

>certainly made us stronger and more dependent on each other.


>Nora, if you don't understand some of the abbreviations, feel free to ask.

>We kinda pick them up as we go along. I am glad that you are finding this

>group to be of comfort and support for you.


>Love and prayers,







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You did not cause your ep. I went through months after mine blaming

myself, and thinking if I hadn't done this or that, but the truth is,

that for some reason, these things just happen. I hated hearing that,

because how can it just happen? But it does, and it is not your fault...

The day I got my 'period' a few days before I landed in hospital, I was

so depressed that I wasn't pg. that my dh. took me out, and we also had

a few drinks. For me, 2 glasses of wine is enough to get me really

drunk.(cheap date LOL) The thing is, that the fertilized egg will

implant in your tube about 5 to 10 days after ovulation, and nothing you

do,will change that, if it is going to happen, it will happen.don't beat

yourself up over this.

My doctor told me to wait until after my 6 week check-up before trying

again.I had a laparotomy, so I wasn't so sure, because of the new scar

across my tummy.Another doctor told me to wait 3 months, so it really

seems to be doctors choice.

good luck,and I am sure your dream will come true soon.

p.s. I am 26, so we are actually pretty close in age.I got married when

I was 20. (no I was not pg.) My dh. and I started seeing each other when

I was 13. He was my first boyfriend, so by the time we got married,

we've been together for like almost 8 years, and just couldn't wait any

longer. :)

take care


Re: pg tests????? (pg mentioned)


My ep was in November 1998 and I can really relate to your saying you


dealing with feelings of fear and guilt. That was the hardest thing for


to deal with. It took several months for me, but I can tell you that


is light at the end of the tunnel...you will start to feel better with


Joining an email group helped me a lot - I only with this one had come



If you are sensitive to hearing about pregnancies, you don't want to


any further into this post. I am currently pregnant. I conceived in

October, over a year after getting pg with my ectopic pregnancy. I was

diagnosed this summer with a luteal phase defect due to low progesterone


was waiting for my cycle to start in November to go on clomid, but that

period never came and it turns out I was pregnant. My dh and I had been

trying for three years and had lost two children in the process, one to


miscarriage in July 1997, and the other was the ep in November 1998.


baby is due in July.

I have had very bad luck with hpt's and opk's. I cannot recommend

either to

you. My best experience was with charting my basal body temp and


fluid to predict ovulation. I started that two months before my ep, and


it for over a year. The book " Taking Charge of Your Fertility " by Toni

Weschler is an excellent resource on this method. As for bd'ing, my


said to begin four to five days before you ovulate and do it every day


two days after you ovulate. He said I needed to remain lying down for


mins after but never said to use pillows or stand on my head or anything

like that. It took me over a year to get pg after my ep, and a total of

three years ttc before I have managed to maintain a pregnancy this far.


am simply thankful for every day Sweet Pea is with me at this point.

Please know that there are many women here in all stages of recovery


ep's, some are ttc, others are not, still others are waiting to adopt,

and a

few of us are pg after ep's and nervous as cats about it. No mater what

though, we try to support each other. It's a great group, and I know


will find your place here.

Love and Prayers,

Mommy to two angel babies, 7/12/97 and 11/6/98

visit our website at http://members.tripod.com/don_n_bess/memorial.html


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Nora - my ep was on July 9 on July 4th we had a huge party for my step

daughter's birthday and I drank way too much and that was my thought too - I

did this because of the drinking. My doc told me there is absolutley no

relationship but I can't help but think.....

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No problem about the details - if it helps to talk about it then go for it.

Looks like we are going to get another blast of cold/snow/ice this weekend

(well, cold here and rain - snow and ice for the rest of you). Be careful

and stay warm!

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I had to respond to the post about no longer drinking. The same thing

happened to me. I thought perhaps the few drinks I had on New Year's Eve

contributed to my loss. I really felt guilt over this for months. I

finally asked my doctor and she told me emphatically that the two were not

related. Tube function and a few too many drinks one evening are not at

all related. So please don't do to yourself what I did to myself. One had

nothing to do with the other. That being said, I will tell you that I no

longer drink. (Before this if I drank 3 times a year that was a lot). But

I now know that the champagne and mudslides did not cause my ep.


Re: pg tests????? (pg mentioned)


My ep was in November 1998 and I can really relate to your saying you are

dealing with feelings of fear and guilt. That was the hardest thing for me

to deal with. It took several months for me, but I can tell you that


is light at the end of the tunnel...you will start to feel better with


Joining an email group helped me a lot - I only with this one had come



If you are sensitive to hearing about pregnancies, you don't want to read

any further into this post. I am currently pregnant. I conceived in

October, over a year after getting pg with my ectopic pregnancy. I was

diagnosed this summer with a luteal phase defect due to low progesterone


was waiting for my cycle to start in November to go on clomid, but that

period never came and it turns out I was pregnant. My dh and I had been

trying for three years and had lost two children in the process, one to a

miscarriage in July 1997, and the other was the ep in November 1998. This

baby is due in July.

I have had very bad luck with hpt's and opk's. I cannot recommend either


you. My best experience was with charting my basal body temp and cervical

fluid to predict ovulation. I started that two months before my ep, and


it for over a year. The book " Taking Charge of Your Fertility " by Toni

Weschler is an excellent resource on this method. As for bd'ing, my ob/gyn

said to begin four to five days before you ovulate and do it every day


two days after you ovulate. He said I needed to remain lying down for


mins after but never said to use pillows or stand on my head or anything

like that. It took me over a year to get pg after my ep, and a total of

three years ttc before I have managed to maintain a pregnancy this far. I

am simply thankful for every day Sweet Pea is with me at this point.

Please know that there are many women here in all stages of recovery after

ep's, some are ttc, others are not, still others are waiting to adopt, and


few of us are pg after ep's and nervous as cats about it. No mater what

though, we try to support each other. It's a great group, and I know you

will find your place here.

Love and Prayers,

Mommy to two angel babies, 7/12/97 and 11/6/98

visit our website at http://members.tripod.com/don_n_bess/memorial.html


If you took Podimin?, Redux?, or the combination " Fen-Phen, "

visit the OFFICIAL site. Request the Court authorized notice package

explaining your rights under the class settlement.


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I'm still convinced we're living mirror lives. I just wrote a post to Nora

very similar to yours that I just read. It's getting spooky - LOL


Re: pg tests????? (pg mentioned)


I rarely drink anything - maybe a couple of times a year do I partake - but

I had some drinks before I knew I was pg this time, and my doctor told me

that there was no harm done to the baby by this...it is continued drinking

throughout a pregnancy that does the damage. Not to worry - you DID NOT

cause your ep. I blamed myself because I never knew I was pregnant - had


symptoms at all and even had a period while I was pg - but I felt that I

should have known and I could have done something (no I couldn't have, but


was wracked with guilt that my body betrayed me and I was powerless to save

my baby). I suffered a rupture that landed me in the ER, went through

emergency surgery (not a lap - I have a 5-6 inch scar that runs from my

naval to my pubic bone) to stop internal bleeding and remove my right

fallopian tube, and 8 weeks of recovery time afterward. I was told to wait

three normal cycles before ttc again to give my body time to heal and get

back in its rhythm. I did not ovulate for two cycles afterward anyway, so


found that to be very good advice.

I am very envious of your life in the farm. I live in a large metropolitan

area in Florida (Tampa), and long for a simpler life in a house with some

land around it where I can have animals and space to enjoy my life. It has

been cold for us lately too - freeze warnings last night :)


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I didn't realize that you were childhood sweethearts with your dh. That is

so wonderful. I love stories like that. My parents were high school

sweethearts and are still married 32 years later.


Re: pg tests????? (pg mentioned)


My ep was in November 1998 and I can really relate to your saying you


dealing with feelings of fear and guilt. That was the hardest thing for


to deal with. It took several months for me, but I can tell you that


is light at the end of the tunnel...you will start to feel better with


Joining an email group helped me a lot - I only with this one had come



If you are sensitive to hearing about pregnancies, you don't want to


any further into this post. I am currently pregnant. I conceived in

October, over a year after getting pg with my ectopic pregnancy. I was

diagnosed this summer with a luteal phase defect due to low progesterone


was waiting for my cycle to start in November to go on clomid, but that

period never came and it turns out I was pregnant. My dh and I had been

trying for three years and had lost two children in the process, one to


miscarriage in July 1997, and the other was the ep in November 1998.


baby is due in July.

I have had very bad luck with hpt's and opk's. I cannot recommend

either to

you. My best experience was with charting my basal body temp and


fluid to predict ovulation. I started that two months before my ep, and


it for over a year. The book " Taking Charge of Your Fertility " by Toni

Weschler is an excellent resource on this method. As for bd'ing, my


said to begin four to five days before you ovulate and do it every day


two days after you ovulate. He said I needed to remain lying down for


mins after but never said to use pillows or stand on my head or anything

like that. It took me over a year to get pg after my ep, and a total of

three years ttc before I have managed to maintain a pregnancy this far.


am simply thankful for every day Sweet Pea is with me at this point.

Please know that there are many women here in all stages of recovery


ep's, some are ttc, others are not, still others are waiting to adopt,

and a

few of us are pg after ep's and nervous as cats about it. No mater what

though, we try to support each other. It's a great group, and I know


will find your place here.

Love and Prayers,

Mommy to two angel babies, 7/12/97 and 11/6/98

visit our website at http://members.tripod.com/don_n_bess/memorial.html


If you took Podimin, Redux?, or the combination " Fen-Phen, "

visit the OFFICIAL site. Request the Court authorized notice package

explaining your rights under the class settlement.


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-- /docvault/ectopicpregnancy/?m=1


Save 50% at MotherNature.com! See site for details.


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Save 50% at MotherNature.com! See site for details.


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It's definitely a " Twilight Zone " moment - LOL


Re: pg tests????? (pg mentioned)


You think we are twins separated at birth?


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