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25 -30 liver cleanse stories from archives of gallstones group:



Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 10:48:33 -0400

From: laura mcmullan < mcfam12@...>

Subject: 10th flush

Well I just am completing my 10th flush. I was hoping to not get any

stones, but, I got out probably 200. The largest so far was about the size

of a small marble. Most were of the tan color. I look forward to not

drinking epsom salts for a few weeks. :)



Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 09:29:42 -0400

From: laura mcmullan < mcfam12@...>

Subject: Re: New to this group

Hello there. As many in this group, I also elected not to have surgery. I

started noticing pain after the birth of my last

child 4 years ago. Last year I had an ultrasound and it showed several

moderately large gallstones. I have done 10 flushes. I

never had an attack, but my gallbladder area feels totally different. Also,

as mentioned, Dr. Cabot's book is excellent.

I drink a lemon/olive oil drink every a.m.

1 T of flax oil daily, evening primrose and lecithin. I am sure more will

give there experiences and suggestions.

Good luck. laura


Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 06:29:26 -0000

From: " Novak " < pwk11@...>

Subject: 4th cleanse

Hi all, I did four. first one no stones, next two about 100.

this one, tonight , no stones. the first three were 2 weeks apart.

I waited a month for this one.

A few questions if I might.

1. have any of you NOT gotten stones on some cleanses?

2. Have any of you had them analyzed?

I showed mine to my MD, he had me take them to the lab. Im still waiting.

They look just like the ones in these pictures on this site.

They were " kelly " green though. bright. til the air gets them.

they are not that " Hard " though.

I " think " my allergies are better than they were. Not sure yet though

I cant believe there is a group for this.Amazing and very cool.

Thx in advance



Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 12:08:48 -0000

From: thankgod@...

Subject: Gallstones dissolution

I did an experiment with gallstones I got from my 23rd cleanse. They were

about 1 cm each in diameter. I put one in vodka,

one in apple juice, one in grapefruit juice, one in olive oil, one in

water, one in water with epsom salt. I kept them

completely immersed in the liquid to prevent contact with air.

Here are the results in order of the fastest dissolution:

1) grapefruit juice

2) apple juice

3) olive oil (it took about two weeks)

The gallstones did NOT dissolve in

4) vodka (it was the fastest to dissolve the green colour but the

stone stayed formed)

5) water with epsom salt

6) water

Grapefruit juice and apple juice are the best by far.



Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 07:21:25 -0700

From: " appraisersnidlink (DOT) .. " < appraiser@...>

Subject: HELP! - STUCK


I have had several gb attacks beginning 12/98. The doctor first diagnosed

it as heartburn, and sent me on my way...When the

pain finally was so bad I went back to the doctor a couple of months ago,

they did the scan, found gs's, and, of course,

wanted to schedule me for surgery immediately.

I thought that the flushing would be the answer.

Almost finished with my first bottle of Gold Coin Grass, I was planning to

flush in another two weeks...Here is my problem:

I think I have a stone stuck in a duct...There has been CONSTANT pain for

almost three days, and, not to be too graphic, my

urine has become VERY dark, and stools are very light. From all that I've

read, these could be signs of a situation that

could be fatal. No a happy thought.

Is it possible to do a flush with a stone blockage? Is there a way to move

the blocked stone?

Any input would be appreciated.



Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 14:29:55 -0000

From: appraiser@...

Subject: UNSTUCK!

Good morning,

I'd like to thank you for all of your responses yesterday...

I took some emsom salts and it feels as if the stone has dislodged...

(Quite a relief)...I'm just not sure if it is on it's way out, or has

dropped back in...

Looking forward to doing my first flush...SOON.

Thanks again,


Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 10:10:47 -0700 (PDT)

From: N H < thebigsky74@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Hello everyone,

I have done two cleanses, the first one I did

because I was having an awful attack and was just fed

up. There was no more what ifs, I just did it. I got

out about 300 stones and the second was not so good

but it was because I just couldn't stay in bed.

Anyhow, I have had an attack one week after the

cleanse each time and enough to send me to the

hospital. Now they want to operate and I can not get

an open discussion happening about a cleanse. The

doctors give me that " you don't know what you're

talking about look, " and won't even listen because it

is not scientifically proven. Mind you, the doctor on

call told me not to take olive oil because it would

give me an attack. That was the cue that she didn't

know what she was talking about. I just don't know how

to talk to these people, I realize that they are

trained but do you think they would listen when I say

that olive oil doesn't give me an attack, not from

paper facts but from my experience. I have come home

feeling small and belittled and really not sure where

to go.

I was also wondering if it is necessary to wait two

weeks to do another cleanse... I feel so good doing

them that I do want to do it again quickly.

Thanks in advance for any advice or any support. I

really am grateful to have found this group.


Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 11:12:27 -0700

From: " Dale " < Da_@...>

Subject: Re: (unknown)

This sounds like a fairly similar situation I was having. In fact I had one

very very sever attack and when they did an

ultrasound there were no stone found and I was told my liver, gallbladder

and pancreas looked great.

It was after that attack that I did more research and found Dr. Cabot's

book " The Liver Cleansing Diet " . Once I got it and

read it in less than two days I realized my avoidance of ALL fats was not a

good thing. In fact it was detrimental to my

liver's good health. I started taking lecithin, hemp oil, flaxseed oil, and

an essential max which is a combination oil

containing all omega groups, and I even started eating my avocados again

which I had avoided because of the 'fat' that they

contained which to find out is an EFA. Since late October of last year I

have not had a single gallbladder attack, discomfort

maybe from eating no no's, but no attacks. Considering that this is the 8th

month that I've not had an attack and before that

I was in the hospital emergency room 4 times last year in 9 months I would

say something good has happened in my life.

So good that it's one reason I write here. I can honestly say, unlike some

others we've heard say it, " I know your pain " . I

have been on the floor of the ER writhing in pain awaiting a doctor coming

in to see me, and get me that shot for the pain.

Keep in mind that it's very hard to have a battle of wits with an unarmed

man. Not to mention unfair. So don't expect so much

from doctors who are puppeted. They often haven't learned to really think

for themselves and get to a eureka factor on their

own like Dr. Cabot did about the liver. My own doctor wanted me to

schedule for an operation within two weeks of my

diagnosis and told me at the follow-up that my gallbladder was probably bad

for the last 10 years and should just be removed.

That was the start of a new education for me as I researched the subject of

gallbladders and made one discovery after another

about the interplay between the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen

(minor, for most all of us with this problem) and the

colon. They need each for the job of cleaning your system and providing the

nutrition needed to exist in good health. Being

void of one puts a burden on the others.

I can honestly say I'm very, very, grateful to such people as Chang,

Hulda , Bob Beck, and others with informative

websites, for my gallbladder still being in me, and working today with a

bill of health by way of an ultrasound saying my

liver, gallbladder and pancreas look great.

You can pretty much consider that as you get EFAs on a daily basis and

probably more at night you're very likely cleaning the

gallbladder with it's use. I often take big swigs of my hemp or flaxseed

oil before going to bed. (Just talking about it made

me desire a swig, it's amazing how after awhile what didn't taste so good

now is desired by the body because of doing a body


Consider drinking apple juice and doing caster oil packs too, before going

to bed. You may start to see some results in

darker stools and even firm floating ones if you're also eating a good

diet, without or very low in saturated fats, and good

soluble fiber content, like you can get from apples, oatmeal, fruits,

vegetables and grains. The trick is stay away from all

fried foods and foods which contain fats that will solidify when drained

from a cooking pan and cooled the liver has to work

overtime to deal with that type of fat and then the gallbladder tries to

dump and may push out a stone which then may lodge

in the bile duct. Then in two weeks your body will be petty well readied to

dump quite a bit of the stones, if they haven't

already started to breakdown and move out anyhow.




Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 16:15:46 EDT

From: CACallon@...

Subject: Re: (unknown)

I understand your pain and confussion about having gallbladder surgery. I

believe that sugery has its place but from experience I have found that it

doesnt always bring the results you might like. I had my gallbladder out 10

months ago and still experience discomfort at times especially when I'm

eating improperly for my body. I now believe my liver was the underlying

cause of my symptoms and am now working on having a healthier liver. The

flushes do help but for me it just took a little time. I wish I had tried

this before making my decision to have surgery.

Take care



Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 16:34:48 -0400

From: " Simon -the- Jester " < simonjester@...>

Subject: Re: Cleanse order

Homozon (here we go again) is, according to Dr Freibott,

fully capable of cleansing the liver, kidneys, gall bladder,

and all of the rest of the internal organs, if taken long

enough to completely cleanse the digestive tract (it's

action is limited mainly to the digestive tract, and as it

is cleaned out, more and more of the ozone is released into

the bloodstream and can make it's way to the rest of the


If memory serves, this can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 6

months, depending on your condition.


From: " Singing Falls " < ssp@...>

Subject: liver flush

Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 20:40:33 -0700

I am very grateful for the information you have posted on the www concerning

the liver flush. I am now 53 years old and I have been very conscientious about

my eating habits since the 1960's. When I turned 40 I began to develop

allergies and couldn't understand why.

There were some environmental problems

where I worked but I didn't make any connection (a bronze foundry with many

metals in the form of dust and absorption through perspiration). After making

the green black walnut husk tincture and taking wormwood for a period of time I

felt I had cleansed myself of parasites (I now raise livestock and have been

careful to cleanse them and myself periodically). While searching for more

information on such topics I came across your web site and carefully studied

the information on the liver flush.

The first time I flushed I could not believe the filth that came out of me!

Nor could I comprehend how my sense of well being could so rapidly appear

(the next day after the flush)!

I have fasted often over the years and even fasted 16 days on just water once

so I never expected to see so many stones and " wheat chaff " debris.

My wife said she thought I was reacting to some kind of placebo

when I told her how well I felt.

But I was persistent and convinced her to try this so simple procedure. After

her first flush the first thing she said was, " I'm doing this again! " . I just

finished my third flush and I was pleased to see only a dozen or so very small

stones and the same with my spouse.

What a wonderful and simple method of self help toward healing!

May the Messiah bless you for your willingness to share

this info with others. I have directed many people to your site and they also

have had great success.

Warm regards,

Stanley Petrowski

Singing Falls




This is the same person who had " HELP! - STUCK " problem


Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 17:59:57 -0000

From: appraiser@...



Well, I did it...

Last Sunday night I did my first flush...

Not nearly as bad as I was fearing it would be!

I passed about 10-15 VERY small pea-colored stones...Wasn't really

even sure if they WERE stones until...

I had a consultaion appt. w/ a surgeon on Monday, and I wanted to

flush before hearing that I shouldn't!

He showed me many different sizes of stones that had been removed

from people...Sure enough, there were the little ittie-bitties!

We discussed the possibility of flushing...He assured me that it

would promptly trigger an attack because of the olive oil...(Smile).

Planning on doing my next one in a couple of weeks.

I have ordered Dr. Cabot's book and am anxiously awaiting delivery...

Has anyone been following her advice?



Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 20:37:04 -0500

From: Wykes < maryyx@...>

Subject: 2nd cleanse underway

Hi all....

Well, I must say that I am not worried at all as I go into my 2nd

cleanse. Had no problems with the first one.... didn't gag on the Epsom

salts or the grapefruit juice/olive oil mixture... so there is nothing

to fear this time.

I have been drinking organic apple juice all day today, and plan to

continue with the juice tomorrow until I start with the epsom salts at 6

PM. I think this will make stone hunting easier than last time.

I really am not hungry... but don't much care for the idea of not

eating. So I told my husband he is going to have to distract me... take

me to a movie or something tonight. And I think I will pore over Dr.

Cabot's book and plan a nice veggie meal for Sunday.



Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 06:15:43 -0500

From: Wykes < maryyx@...>

Subject: 2nd cleanse underway

Cleanse report:

This is my 2nd cleanse. It was nice to not be nervous going into it,

as I knew what to expect this time.

Passed a few tiny stones & some chaff from the Epsom salts last

night. After drinking the juice/oil mixture last night and lying

down... I could feel my gall bladder contracting. Then I did have some

pain in that area, which made it a little difficult to get to sleep. It

was not severe, but it was there. Woke up around 4 PM and had to run to

the bathroom. No stones... but found it difficult to get back to sleep

( I am a morning person) so decided to get up and begin a soup for this

afternoon.... am trying Dr. Cabot's Minestrone Soup from her Liver

Cleansing Diet book today.

I dislike not being able to eat, so decided

yesterday that I would focus on getting ready for this week's meals.

Planned menus, and went shopping yesterday afternoon and then came home

and made up a wonderful vegetable soup stock. I may even have some soup

for breakfast at 10, cause it sure is smelling good.



Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 09:28:23 -0500

From: " Kay Heizer " < hhadvisory@...>

Subject: Re: Liver cleanse

The naturopathic drs on our research team frequently recommend liver/gall

bladder cleanse for certain ailments. It is actually recommended annually

for anyone who wants to keep their liver detoxified. We have many

friends/relatives who have avoided gall bladder surger with it. If you want

the regimen, let me know.

Kay Heizer



Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 17:27:39 -0500

From: " Dullere " < jdullere@...>

Subject: Re: Hello all, new member, with a few questions you've probably

heard 100 times

Hi Keri. I'm and have had ultra sound confirmation of the golf ball

size gallstones. I had pain in the back shoulder blade so severe that I had

to drop to the floor. Also vomiting until I broke bloodvessels in my

throat. I tried to correct it with fruites and vegetables first until I

found Dr. Hulda e's book A Cure for all Diseases. I found great

comfort in the options and planned out the bowel then kidney then

liver/gallbladder cleases. The doctor told me I needed surgury within 30

days or if it ruptured as I had an infection in the gallbladder.

After having vomitted from November thru March I opted out of the surgury.

A week later I was in severe pain in the abdoman, it bloated up so hard I

thought I would explode!! 18 hours later when the stone that was stuck in

the duct cleared through and I passed it I was in heaven.

The stone looked just like all the pictures!!

Now I am going back to do the cleanses in order to clean everything out and

get an other ultra sound.

Good luck!!


Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 07:48:37 -0400

From: ThankGod < thankgod@...>

Subject: Re: Hello all, new member, with a few questions you've probably

heard 100 times

Hi Keri,

If I were you I would not hesitate and do a liver cleanse as soon as

possible (Now!). Follow the procedure and repeat it every 2 weeks as

needed. I have done 25 cleanses in 1 year and I feel great. The only

trouble I found with the cleanse is the intense nausea I get at about 2:00

in the morning.

If you throw up the cleanse is just 1/4 effective.

Look at some stones I got out (updated):


Pictures of gallstones I got out doing liver cleanses

I did a total of 25 liver cleanses (flushes) in 1 year

and got over 4000 stones out.

I got the stones on the first picture during my 18th cleanse

The one on the left is about 4.5 cm long.



Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 19:36:38 -0400

From: laura mcmullan < mcfam12@...>

Subject: Re: parasite cleanse before flush?

Hi Beth. I have done about 11 cleanses, successful, without the parasite

cleanse. laura


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 14:53:27 -0000

From: " " < thebigsky74@...>

Subject: surgery

Hey all,

Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to stay on the list now. It seems a

little pointless since I went in on Tuesday last week with awful

pain. I honestly thought that I was going to die the pain was so

awful. I'm not even sure how it happens but you're in and they've

taken out your gallbladder. It was good, it went well. So far I feel

healthy. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Disappointed? Sad?



Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 06:58:24 -0400

From: " roses " < MAUFEFUN@...>

Subject: Re: surgery

Well, I hope doesn't give up on us.Many of us have our gallbladder

removed, many years ago, and this group has made us more knowledgable,with

help from www.sensiblehealth.com



Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 14:33:00 EDT

From: pdbk92255@...

Subject: Re: parasite cleanse before flush?

Yes, I have NOT done a parasite cleanse, yet, I have had two successful gall

bladder flushes with lots of little green critters.



Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2000 19:42:36 -0800

From: Beth < tyrr@...>

Subject: My first liver cleanse

Dear List Mates,

Well, I tried it. Here's how my first liver/gallbladder cleanse went, in

point form:

did what the procedure instructed, drinking the oil/grapefruit potion last


was up to excrete epsom salt water twice in the first 1.5 hours of retiring


up four more times during the night do expell salt water

woke up at 5:00 a.m. with nausea which lasted for an hour

fell back to sleep and got up at 7:30 to evacuate bowels, again, and take

second-last drink of salts and just stayed up afterward

began passing small, dark, pea-green stones 1-3 per occasion

I was pretty disappointed that there weren't more stones, not to mention

bigger ones, so I didn't bother to drink the last serving of salts

subsequent movements revealed several tiny, tan coloured stones, probably 25

or so, and I wished I'd had the last serving of salts, but I was already

drinking a beverage and thought better of downing it at that point

my last movement contained several tiny stones and one green one the size of

an elongated dime(the biggest one yet)

All in all, I think I would have done better had I done a parasite cleanse

closer to the flush, and in addition, done the required zapping for a week

prior. As cautioned, I did feel the nausea which I could have

avoided, but all in all I feel the cleanse was a success. I'm confused as

to why the instructions inferred that I would sleep through the night; those

salts just kept coming! I wonder if my system takes longer than most to

process them. Anyone out there able to sleep through the night? I thought

I'd have an accident if I tried to hold it, so I just kept going to the loo.

Having been warned by several of you how disgusting the epsom salts would

taste, I held my nose and quickly gulped the stuff with a straw, rinsing my

mouth with tap water before unplugging my nose. This save me from the

gag-reflex I knew would occur.

The olive oil/pink grapefruit mixture was surprizingly tasty while I

chugged it but I didn't really appreciate the olive taste when I finished.

It was no biggie, though, and quite an easy task.


Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 21:54:22 -0000

From: srhackett@...

Subject: GOld Coin Grass FLush

HI all-

HEre is a summary of my 2nd flush after taking GOld COin Grass for 3

weeks along with Coptis and while following the LCD.

On THursday night, I did NOT take COptis nor did I take GCS on

Friday morning. I make this distinction because on my first flush I

took herbs the whole way through. It clearly made a difference for

me in how I tolerated the apple juice and my 'recovery'.

THis time, I did not have the reflux or acidic feelign in my sternum.

I was able to clean my house and paint a room, etc.

Last time I just hung on the couch

(we must take into consideration that I was really sick before

my last flush so my body was just plain worn out.)

When I drank the Apple Juice every two hours I didn't have to

rush into the bathroom immediately as last time.

All this made it much more

tolerable to go thru the two days of fasting. I think last night

after I drank the epsom salts that I passed a split stone. THere

really is no other explanation to what I found. It was probably 1/2

inch in diameter but split in four pieces. IT was brown and had

holes like swiss cheese (confirmers or deniers out there?)

I drank the olive oil and lemon juice frappe and went to bed at

8:30. I had to get up again at 10:30 and went to the bathroom -

nothing remarkable - looked like the 8pm apple juice!

I had a pretty unrestful night - had all sorts of violent dreams so I

was pretty tired this AM. I awoke around 8am and went to the

bathroom - nothing to report. I drank two glasses of warm water with

lemon juice (the old headache/congestion showed up!!) and within ten

minutes went to the bathroom - I would say I passed about 1/2 cup

of 'sand' - it was really weird but that is the best way to describe it.

I haven't been hungry so I haven eaten much. SUbsequently I

haven't gone to the bathroom much since then.

Do you think that sand was crushed stones?????

(FYI_ I followed CHang's steps for a liver/gallbladder flush

and added the epsom salt mixture at 7pm on Day 2 - see


I will call JUlia tomorrow to get more scoop - wanted to let you know

and get your thoughts........


" Jens Ranefjord " < ranefjord@h...>

Hi all... :o)

I have been suffering from very bad IBS constipation for two years. I

got it from some heavy alcohol drinking period on the university, but

this is only what trigged the gallstones to move (not the actual

cause). Im still home on sickleave, but its getting better (fast

too). Well, when I look back on my life Im pretty amazed I didnt got

sick earlier actually. This is pretty much what I think has gotten me


1. Mothers bad diet during birth plus her mercury fillings, and her all

around health (her liver health).

2. Mothersmilk replacement ( --> gallstones!!)

3. My own mercury fillings.

4. Bad diet (probobly most important)

About mercury I can tell you to dont worry. When you have finished

you livercleanses totally there is a great medicine for the mercury

and probobly the only thing that really works good and fast too. Its

a homeopathic med and its called Merc Cupr D30. I have tried it and I

really felt like shit when I took it, probobly because the liver

couldn't handle it. But the doctor who gave it to me is well

respected even outside Sweden (where I live). He has a very good


Well, I tried alot of alt methods before I started to think for

myself. I found out I had a liver problem, started to eat alot of

dandelion. This was not effective enought so a did some searches on

the web. I found out about Huld s therapies, did some more

search and later I tried the livercleans. It worked, and I felt

better directly. After this every piece of puzzle has fallen to its

place. It is the liver, no doubt.

About me. Before I got sick I was a thiatlete and a pretty good one

too *smile*. But I had a terrible diet... and its called pasta and

lack of raw vegetables. Besides the sports, I was studying philosophy

(of the human mind and body), logic and neuroscience. Well, I got

sick and I had to cure myself so, right now im on a little temporary

break. My goal is to be totally free from all problems sometime this

autumn. Cant wait to get out an start running again....

I have been writing pretty much on the IBS self help group some time

ago, but no one really listens to alternative therapies there. Its

only about hypnoses and fibers (which dont work for 90% of us). I

have told them about mercury, liverflushes, etc, but almost no one

believes me. Too bad actually, because the liverflushes is probobly

the key for most of the sufferers. I remember once, I asked everyone

about what they though was the cause and what other problems they

have. Alot of them had the gallbladder removed. Ops.. long mess...

sorry... :o)

take care.. hugs and kisses...



jonathan hull < hulltroy@y...>

Ok, since there seems to be an abundance of knowledge

within this group, perhaps someone can verify my

theory as to my chronic fatigue and digestion


I'm 21, but my freshman year at college I was

stressed out. drinking a lot too, and running cross

country. I didn't want to be running. saturday was

race day, and hence the binge keg stands on friday

night. rebellious.

I came back to school my sophomore year with a

change of heart towards running, but I kept getting a

recurring side cramp right in the location of the

gallbladder whenever I raced and was breathing hard.

I was also a vegetarian.

My junior year I returned with a super strong

desire to be the best I could be at running. but the

strange side cramping (different from cramping I'd

experience in the past - this was ALWAYS under my

right rib and deep inside) persisted, and then I began

to experience serious lapses of fatigue. by the end

of the semester, I was having serious digestion

problems, with bloating, vomitting especially after

fatty meals, achy muscles and fatigue. I took the

following semester off, and now this semester as well

to figure it out. My patience with doctors has pretty

much run out.

doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me,

ultrasound for gallstones was negative, but I had read

about the gallstones flush and gave it a try. sure

enough, lots of gallstones, probably 30 - 40 a

centimeter or more in size, dark green came out and a

lot more smaller ones. could my gallbladder have been

so packed with these that heavy breathing could have

aggrevated it and caused the side " cramping " ? could

the stress and drinking my freshman year triggered

gallstone formation? could the gallstones be

responsible for the bloating, vommiting and fatigue?

After my first flush I felt much better for 2 days,

but then went back to the same old feeling. Do I have

a ton of these stones in me that I need to flush out

and then will be back to normal?

basically, do you guys think I'm on the right track

with this?

take care,



jonathan hull < hulltroy@y...> wrote:

Hi Dale -

My last flush I got out probably 15 - 20 that size and two that were, no

joking, the size of a plump grape, 3 cm by 2cm, like

an egg. I cut through to see

if it was a " conglomerate " but it was dark, hard green cholesteral all the

way through. I shoulda taken a picture of it but

by this time I was just sick of them

and flushed them down the toilet.

oh, the other day I went to see a gastroenterologist specialist at the

advice of my doctor and I brought a few of the

gallstones with me for him to check on.

I wanted to have a " proffesional opinion " on them. well as I expected, he

kinda smirked when I described the gallstones


said he heard of it before.

Then when I took out the small sample of about 10 1cm or smaller stones, he

looked at it for a second and dismissed it as


I mean these came out after a two day fast with enemas - my system was

clear of stool.

plus they were hard, dark green, stony looking, etc.

So I told him that I would really appreciate it if he could just have them

verified - whether they are stool or not.

so he took them and said he would.

A week later I called up to see if the results were in and the secretary

said that the doc had decided not to send them in

because he was sure they were stool!

She says " you probably didn't handle them because gallstones are hard and

the doc says those weren't that hard " !! Can you

believe it? he says he's going

to have them verified, then when I leave the office he chucks them in the


They WERE hard, I could tap a pencil on them and the pencil would bounce

right off.

Did he feel threatened that I was invading the realm of his business, which

was the well being of my own body????

Anyway, it pissed me off.

So what happens to the olive oil? and

B) what do EFA's do and why do we who do liver flushes take them?

I appreciate your replies.



From: mro < mattyoshea@y...>

I too have had the larger ones come out on the third

flush, and actually feels like there are some stuck in

the bile ducks.

I believe the larger ones are simply older and in the

back of the gallbladder. I do beleive that our poor

gallbladders are stretched beyond capacity with

stones, and that they are pre existing and not from

the olive oil.

How have you been feeling since the flushes? I have

noticed an increase in mood, energy, etc. I have also

noticed much more release of bile, coloring stool and

urine. Sorry for being gross. I think this is a very

good thing.

Also, I have read testimonials from people passing

stones after having their gallbladder out, and that

they have come from the liver itself.

Good luck,



from: " Lynda " < rejco@...> :

About 10 years ago I went to a chiroprator with lower back pain. The

X-rays showed that I had gallstones (not the cause of

the back pain, but they just happened to show up in the X-rays).

This wonderful man gave me a recipe for a Liver Flush, and I've been using

it with great results ever since then.

I know its time to 'flush' when heartburn really kicks in.

It says to drink 2 - 4 quarts of apple juice daily for 5 days, to soften

the gallstones.

On the sixth day, eat a grapefuit for supper, followed by 2-4 teaspoons of

Epsom salts in a glass of water. Two hours later

repeat the Epsom salts. Before bed, mix and

drink 1/2 cup of refined olive oil with 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Go to bed,

lie on your right side with right leg pulled up

to your chest.

Next morning, repeat Epsom salts, and VOILA, lots of stones or something

are flushed for a few hours.

No nausea, feel great, but hate these horrible-tasting ingredients.

All previous flushes eliminated hundreds of bright green " peas " .

My last flush, done this morning, resulted in big (marble size and walnut

size) brown " lumps " , and then eventually the green

peas. I shudder to think that all

this disgusting stuff is hiding in my organs. I do recommend this flush to


" Lynda " < rejco@...>


" Green " < LWeebs@w...> wrote:

Hardly believable considering the ultrasound showed NO gallstones,

whatsoever. My first bowel movement I must have had about 80 pea

sized stones floating on top of the water. A few were about 1/2 in.

in diameter. And OH such a pretty green! :-)

After taking the oil last night and laying directly down without

moving....I could feel the movement. First starting at the cramped

(with no pain) gallbladder, to the trails of stones traveling down

the ducts. I DID have some gnawing kind of feeling in my bladder

that made me feel like I needed to urinate, but when I tried later,

there was nothing there. I'm not sure what that was.

That epsom salts is the WORST....made the oil and grapefruit juice

taste like a cocktail.

I'd say I totalled about 150-170 stones for my first flush.

Not bad eh? I still have yet to see about getting rid of the cysts.

I haven't had them rechecked yet.

from IL


Jerome < jrobb4148@...>

Hi everyone,

My first flush in August using Dr. Hulda 's receipe

yeilded 200+ stones, many of which were 8-10 mm and of a fairly firm

waxy consistency.

My second flush in September using the same instructions but

preceding the flush with 2 weeks of Gold Coin Grass produced another

mass of stones. But they were smaller and softer. There was a great

number, probably the equivalent of a half cup.

For my 3rd flush I drank two cups of Royal Breakstone Tea each

day for two weeks. This is supposed to break the stones apart. I used

the instructions for the Gallbladder Cleanse from

www.colonhealth.net. For 7 days prior to the flush I took hydrangea

root tincture three times a day in lemon and water. This is supposed

to soften the stones. Also I took their products Vital Green, a liver

helping product, and Fit to a Tea and Reneu, intestinal cleansers.

And I drank 1-2 quarts of Organic apple juice daily for 5 days.

I tried Magnesium citrate instead of the epsom salts. I didn't

care for the taste of it either and I didn't feel that it did as good

a job of flushing me out. Maybe next time I will try Ken's idea of

Disodium Phosphate capsules. I also added 3/4 cup of organic apple

juice to the 3/4 cup of olive oil and 1/2 cup lemon & grapefruit

juice. This made for a full 2 cups to drink but I didn't have the

indigestion I had had previously with the citrus only.

The 3rd flush brought out 100-150 much smaller and really soft

green & tan things. I assume that the tea and tincture must have had

an effect as they were soft and small in comparison to my other

experiences. I had a great deal of pain the first time as I had an

attack and blockage of the duct during that night. The 2nd time was

less uncomfortable. the 3rd was OK until about 4:00am and then the

pains kept me on my back with upper body elevated until 6:30.

I have never found any hard calcified stones or particles in

these 3 flushes and I thought I would because the ulta sound last

summer showed 15-20 uniform cherry pit sized stones. Overall, I feel

in control of my condition. Maybe those stones are still in my

gallbladder but at least with my present diet I am not contributing

to the formation of any more.

Thanks for all the continued encouragement I read on this site,


Matty < mattyoshea@y...> wrote:

I had to laugh at your remark about drs. being wrong " sometimes " .

It seems to me allopaths are wrong more times than not. That's cause they

seem to know next to nothing about nutrition and

taking care of the whole person as opposed to just the pain induced symptoms.

I too had an ultrasound, braium x rays(which left me unable to walk and

work do to severe pain).

Four gastroentenologists later (yes I fired them all), I was still being

told that my " mildly contracted "

gallbladder was " normal " .

After several months of continuous gb pain, I was urged to do a liver flush

by some knowedable folks on this list.

Three flushes, and some 500+ stones (some big as my thumb nail)

I realize how wrong my drs. have been.

By listening to my body, eating better and simple solutions that have been

around for so many years, I am better able to care

for myslef in my own hands, than with a whole team of western md's.



usanalife@j... wrote:

3 weeks ago I went to the emergency with a major attack. I had been

having attacks almost weekly since my baby was born June 19th. I was

about to due my 3rd or 4th flush. I didn't start the flushing until

about the end of August.

This was the 3rd major attack that sent me to the ER in 5 years the

last one was 18months ago but when I learned of these flushes I found out I

was pregnant and told not to do them while pregnant because it dumps

the toxins into the bloodstream which the baby lives off of.

Anyway. This attack was 14hrs and not going away. All the blood test

showed normal and the ultrasound showed stones. I decided to go for

the surgery after praying about it and putting it off for the 3rd time.

After they got in there they found it was a mess. It was swollen and

diseased and full of liquid. They knew I didn't want to have the open

surgery so they were doing all they could to get it out without

having to do that. I found out that they had to put a bag inside of me around

the gallbladder and squish it up and break up the stones to get it out.

The DR said he's never seen such a bad gallbladder in someone my age. I'm

only 32 but he said it should have not been that bad for my age.

I was raised by a chiropractor health nut so it's possible that it's

inherited since my Father ended up having his removed.

If I would have been able to start the flush 18 months ago and keep

at it there is a good chance I could have prevented surgery but it just got

to bad. My first major attack was 5 years ago and it didn't get really

bad until after my baby was born in June this year. Near the end of my

pregnancy my chiropractor was picking up that my liver wasn't

functioning right and showing toxic, so I know that it was mainly my liver


was causing problems.

I'm still recovering from the Laproscopic surgery but I feel that in

my case it was probably needed. They had me so drugged up for those 14

hrs and it still didn't get rid of the pain, until they took it out.

Any suggestions for what to do now that it's gone would be


Do I take the EFA'a and how much. Do I need any special products. The

surgeon said I can eat what ever I want but I don't believe him.

Do I still do the flushes now for the liver?

I don't know how long it takes for the stitches inside to heal so I

didn't want to do anything until the pain went away. I still can't

laugh or cry without pain from my side.


For 2 /12 years I have used the " flush + health " approach to managing

my gallbladder. I have sought to identify what is inside of

the " greenies " that come out without success. I have come to a

number of conclusions:

1) The " greenies " are most likely not gallstones... but may be liver


2) Gallstones may be passing, most likely on a first or second flush

and not picked up by the flushee. These stones would be most

likely " brownish " in color like those found in Dale's photo of his

flushed stones.

3) Many of those I know have received tremendous benefit from the

flush. Two individuals I gave the flush recipe to were scheduled for

operations, but flushed instead. Now almost two yaers later neither

of them have had ANY symptoms of a gb problem. Unfortunately, they

even eat whatever they want!

4) The rest of us have recieved significant benefit from the flush.

I can go 3-7 months without having any symptoms. Currently it has

baeen 2 1/2 months since my last flush and I have felt the best

ever! Even shrimp cannot get my gb to act up!

5) The focus on " large " stones is incorrect. It is the small stones

that CAN pass into the ducts that cause the majority of attacks. The

large stones are often " silent. " When one does a flush, huge amounts

of green bile (forming greenies) is expelled from the liver and gb.

The extra push of bile expells sludge and many calcium chrystals that

form the neucleus of the " stone. " This is most likely why we find

great relief after a flush. The building blocks for making the small

stones are expelled.

6) I believe that many small " stones " are expelled in the flush

process, especially the first and second flush. The flush must

strain their stools to find the little black and brown " stones. "

These are what should be analysed by a lab.

Conclusion: The flush MUST benefit the flushee in either

expelling " stones " or sludge or calcium chrystals. The results are

proof of its effectiveness. Not all with gain permanent relief, not

all will gain months of relief, but all should try the flush as it is

a simple approach to health and keeping one's gb.



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