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Re: [RSD-CRPS]Eating (Tracey)

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In a message dated 10/26/00 8:10:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

tnhkrieg@... writes:

> I see " fat " when I look in the mirror. Most women

> don't like what they see when they stand naked in

> front of a mirror. As far as the laxatives go, it's

> the only way I am able to go. I get even more

> constipated due to the pain meds. Constipation is

> very unpleasant especially when you have IBS. I do

> know that if I were to eat certain foods it would

> probably help but how I am to eat something I don't

> like? I know it would come right back up???

> I just didn't care for this doctor, his attitude

> and his reluctance to help me.

Hi Tracey,

I care so much about you. If I didn't I wouldn't approach this head on.

When I first met you, you said you thought you were anorexic. IF you are, I

know it is not your fault. I see skinny when I look in the mirror, because I

am way too skinny. I have seen picture of you, and you are skinny Tracey,

very skinny.

I also cannot eat, I want to eat, but sometimes I just take a few bites and I

don't want anymore. I know I should, I am not really full, I just don't want

it? That is why I drink boost and instant breakfast. I eat a peanut butter

and fluff with milk for lunch a lot because I like it. I do not dislike many

foods, only liver and fish. So I don't get it. I know you feel the same way,

only the difference is you think you are fat.

Lets try together to eat OK? LOL

I am mad at the way he thinks also Tracey, I do not understand his mentality

on the medication either, knowing your past history.

Anyway, I hope your not mad at me. Sometimes the way I think and how it comes

out on paper are two different things.

Enjoy the puzzle, I hope you don't have it already! It was made in 1994 and

still unopened.

I love you kiddo.

Hugs to all and a pain free minute,




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Dear Deb and Tracey, Deb you are truly a thoughtful friend finding a

puzzle like that-only a best friend who knows you well thinks of things

like that. Trace I am very obese and I don't eat other so I don't know

what the answer is. I eat a lot of yogurt or anything that just slides

down and do not have to chew. Every once in awhile I try to choke down

one of those drinks that have everything. In your case Tracey you could

add icecream and make it a milkshake could you do this. See I was also

very very thin, but after the doctors were done with my thryoid I had

gained 150 in a matter of months (long story). I also try to use senna,

a natural laxative and then senokot if that does not work and only use

Milk of Magnesia when all else fails. I have been on both sides of the

fence so I have some idea of what you are going thru. When I weighed

nothing I ate all the time, because people were always giving me food.

Go thru the super market by yourself and look at everything and try to

see if you something you think you might eat. Don't take a laxative

every day unless the doctor has said so try the senna first. I don't

want anything to happen to you hun. The doctor is a jerk the rest of the

stuff is garbage.

Love, Debbie-CT

debgena@... wrote:


> In a message dated 10/26/00 8:10:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> tnhkrieg@... writes:


> > I see " fat " when I look in the mirror. Most women

> > don't like what they see when they stand naked in

> > front of a mirror. As far as the laxatives go, it's

> > the only way I am able to go. I get even more

> > constipated due to the pain meds. Constipation is

> > very unpleasant especially when you have IBS. I do

> > know that if I were to eat certain foods it would

> > probably help but how I am to eat something I don't

> > like? I know it would come right back up???

> > I just didn't care for this doctor, his attitude

> > and his reluctance to help me.


> Hi Tracey,

> I care so much about you. If I didn't I wouldn't approach this head on.

> When I first met you, you said you thought you were anorexic. IF you are, I

> know it is not your fault. I see skinny when I look in the mirror, because I

> am way too skinny. I have seen picture of you, and you are skinny Tracey,

> very skinny.

> I also cannot eat, I want to eat, but sometimes I just take a few bites and I

> don't want anymore. I know I should, I am not really full, I just don't want

> it? That is why I drink boost and instant breakfast. I eat a peanut butter

> and fluff with milk for lunch a lot because I like it. I do not dislike many

> foods, only liver and fish. So I don't get it. I know you feel the same way,

> only the difference is you think you are fat.

> Lets try together to eat OK? LOL

> I am mad at the way he thinks also Tracey, I do not understand his mentality

> on the medication either, knowing your past history.

> Anyway, I hope your not mad at me. Sometimes the way I think and how it comes

> out on paper are two different things.

> Enjoy the puzzle, I hope you don't have it already! It was made in 1994 and

> still unopened.

> I love you kiddo.


> Hugs to all and a pain free minute,

> Deb


> Listowner

> RSD-Crpsegroups




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Of course I am not mad at you!!! I thank you for

your honest opinions and thoughts. And especially,

your caring and friendship. Food and weight are not

my favorite things in life. I feel guilty when I feel

I've eaten " too much " . It's too much for me but of

course Herb tells me it's not enough. Sometimes I do

splurge for me and I hate myself for it. I've been

doing better though. Believe it or not, it helps that

I can't wear my dress clothes and my jeans. I wear

long dresses a lot which are loose around my waist.

Actually, my waist line and my stomach are my only

true concern. I'm happy with the rest of me. I get

so much bloating that at times I look 6 months

pregnant and that's not an exaggeration!!! I wish I

liked salads and vegetables cause then I would feel

better about eating but I don't do salads. I guess

somethings never change. I'm me, I don't like my

body, I feel I'm overweight, and I don't eat the right

foods. But, Deb, I will try, okay!!!

Yes, the puzzle did arrive and no, I don't have

it! Thank you so very, very much. It's so thoughtful

of you and I can't tell you how much your

thoughtfulness meant to me.

Love, Tracey

--- debgena@... wrote:

> In a message dated 10/26/00 8:10:59 AM Eastern

> Daylight Time,

> tnhkrieg@... writes:



> > I see " fat " when I look in the mirror. Most women

> > don't like what they see when they stand naked in

> > front of a mirror. As far as the laxatives go,

> it's

> > the only way I am able to go. I get even more

> > constipated due to the pain meds. Constipation is

> > very unpleasant especially when you have IBS. I do

> > know that if I were to eat certain foods it would

> > probably help but how I am to eat something I

> don't

> > like? I know it would come right back up???

> > I just didn't care for this doctor, his attitude

> > and his reluctance to help me.


> Hi Tracey,

> I care so much about you. If I didn't I wouldn't

> approach this head on.

> When I first met you, you said you thought you were

> anorexic. IF you are, I

> know it is not your fault. I see skinny when I look

> in the mirror, because I

> am way too skinny. I have seen picture of you, and

> you are skinny Tracey,

> very skinny.

> I also cannot eat, I want to eat, but sometimes I

> just take a few bites and I

> don't want anymore. I know I should, I am not really

> full, I just don't want

> it? That is why I drink boost and instant breakfast.

> I eat a peanut butter

> and fluff with milk for lunch a lot because I like

> it. I do not dislike many

> foods, only liver and fish. So I don't get it. I

> know you feel the same way,

> only the difference is you think you are fat.

> Lets try together to eat OK? LOL

> I am mad at the way he thinks also Tracey, I do not

> understand his mentality

> on the medication either, knowing your past history.

> Anyway, I hope your not mad at me. Sometimes the way

> I think and how it comes

> out on paper are two different things.

> Enjoy the puzzle, I hope you don't have it already!

> It was made in 1994 and

> still unopened.

> I love you kiddo.


> Hugs to all and a pain free minute,

> Deb




> Listowner

> RSD-Crpsegroups



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In a message dated 10/29/00 10:23:19 PM Eastern Standard Time,

tnhkrieg@... writes:

> I wish I

> liked salads and vegetables cause then I would feel

> better about eating but I don't do salads.

Hi Tracey,

Oh, I knew you weren't going to be mad, it is called love.

Anyway, try drinking boost or canned instant breakfast. I love the chocolate.

I also find drinking V-8 juice, throw a pickle or a celery stick in it. It

must be cold though. It will help you actually feel better. Really, if we

feed our nerve endings with food and sleep we will all be better than......

Well, I am glad the puzzle arrived safely, I just know it will be up on your

wall soon! Take care Tracey and say Hi to Herb and and the boys.

Hugs to all and a pain free minute,




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I think I'll stick with my breakfast...2

friehoffer chocolate chip cookies (old fashioned ones)

and a gingerale!!! Not healthy I know but I don't

think I could handle yours!! (lol)

Hugs, Tracey

--- debgena@... wrote:

> In a message dated 10/29/00 10:23:19 PM Eastern

> Standard Time,

> tnhkrieg@... writes:



> > I wish I

> > liked salads and vegetables cause then I would

> feel

> > better about eating but I don't do salads.

> Hi Tracey,

> Oh, I knew you weren't going to be mad, it is called

> love.

> Anyway, try drinking boost or canned instant

> breakfast. I love the chocolate.

> I also find drinking V-8 juice, throw a pickle or a

> celery stick in it. It

> must be cold though. It will help you actually feel

> better. Really, if we

> feed our nerve endings with food and sleep we will

> all be better than......


> Well, I am glad the puzzle arrived safely, I just

> know it will be up on your

> wall soon! Take care Tracey and say Hi to Herb and

> and the boys.



> Hugs to all and a pain free minute,

> Deb




> Listowner

> RSD-Crpsegroups



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