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RE: Cayenne Tincture

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I use Habenaro pepper and use the amount you want to make, if it a cup or

gallon adjust your measurements accordingly

Fill a blender with the Habenaro stems and all

3/4 to the top of the peppers add 80 proof vodka


Pour in glass jar and let sit in a dark place for 2 to 4 weeks and give it a

shake everyday if you can and if you miss, not the end of the world

Strain with a old tshirt and wearing gloves (throw the tshirt and remains


Whola! theres you tincture


Lorna MacDougal-Cohen wrote:

Cayenne tincture! How do you MAKE it?


Have a Happy and Healthy Day,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Afternoon -

I dont know who the other you were referring too is. Here is the recipes

to make Cayenne Tincture

Get fresh hot pepper, I prefer Habenaro

Rinse them off, leaving stems and all

Put in blender

3/4 of the way to the top of the peppers add 80 Proof Vodka


Let it sit for 2 to 4 weeks in a dark cool place

Give it a shake daily


Strain with a old tshirt that you can throw away after this.

Squeeze and twist as much as you can

Who la!!!! You now have tincture!!


Hi ,

How exactly do you make a cayenne tincture please?

Also, where is the Mannatech lady of late? I haven't seen her

posting in ages. Is everything good with her?


Have a Happy and Healthy Day,



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Ok I have to ask....how much of this can I consume in a day and still be


Is it as good for inflamation as I have heard?

Re: Cayenne Tincture

Good Afternoon -

I dont know who the other you were referring too is. Here is the

recipes to make Cayenne Tincture

Get fresh hot pepper, I prefer Habenaro

Rinse them off, leaving stems and all

Put in blender

3/4 of the way to the top of the peppers add 80 Proof Vodka


Let it sit for 2 to 4 weeks in a dark cool place

Give it a shake daily


Strain with a old tshirt that you can throw away after this.

Squeeze and twist as much as you can

Who la!!!! You now have tincture!!

<cbbluemicehotmail (DOT) <mailto:cbbluemice%40hotmail.com> com> wrote:

Hi ,

How exactly do you make a cayenne tincture please?

Also, where is the Mannatech lady of late? I haven't seen her

posting in ages. Is everything good with her?


Have a Happy and Healthy Day,



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You can consume as much as you like! All it is hot pepper. But I believe you

will no your limitation, you would hot (had) it! Okay, enough of my cute jokes!

Usually 3 dropperful a day is plenty..

What kind of inflamation are you tring to help? Location?

Boryski wrote:

Ok I have to ask....how much of this can I consume in a day and still



Is it as good for inflamation as I have heard?

Re: Cayenne Tincture

Good Afternoon -

I dont know who the other you were referring too is. Here is the

recipes to make Cayenne Tincture

Get fresh hot pepper, I prefer Habenaro

Rinse them off, leaving stems and all

Put in blender

3/4 of the way to the top of the peppers add 80 Proof Vodka


Let it sit for 2 to 4 weeks in a dark cool place

Give it a shake daily


Strain with a old tshirt that you can throw away after this.

Squeeze and twist as much as you can

Who la!!!! You now have tincture!!

<cbbluemicehotmail (DOT) <mailto:cbbluemice%40hotmail.com> com> wrote:

Hi ,

How exactly do you make a cayenne tincture please?

Also, where is the Mannatech lady of late? I haven't seen her

posting in ages. Is everything good with her?


Have a Happy and Healthy Day,



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When I had my last attack in July the right side of my body was effected BUT

that is all healed and it is my left side that is heavy. My laeg aches and

is always cold. I would be able to put my left foot under scalding hot

water and not know it...that is scary. I am not sure if this concoxion

would work...what do you think?

Re: Cayenne Tincture

Good Afternoon -

I dont know who the other you were referring too is. Here is the

recipes to make Cayenne Tincture

Get fresh hot pepper, I prefer Habenaro

Rinse them off, leaving stems and all

Put in blender

3/4 of the way to the top of the peppers add 80 Proof Vodka


Let it sit for 2 to 4 weeks in a dark cool place

Give it a shake daily


Strain with a old tshirt that you can throw away after this.

Squeeze and twist as much as you can

Who la!!!! You now have tincture!!

<cbbluemicehotmail (DOT) <mailto:cbbluemice%40hotmail.com> com> wrote:

Hi ,

How exactly do you make a cayenne tincture please?

Also, where is the Mannatech lady of late? I haven't seen her

posting in ages. Is everything good with her?


Have a Happy and Healthy Day,



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When you have loss of feeling, you need to do more then just some sort of remedy

of your choice. You need to Cleanse and Nourish the body, all herbal remedies

will help assist but there not going to turn around your issue like Cleansing

and Nourishing does, those 2 things will let your body relax and heal the way it

is meant too.

I always wished that this type of healing would of came in a bottle but the

fact is, once we take responsibility for would we do and have done and change

your ways you will discover a whole new life, LIFE OF A HEALTHY working body

without all these issues!


Boryski wrote:

When I had my last attack in July the right side of my body was

effected BUT

that is all healed and it is my left side that is heavy. My laeg aches and

is always cold. I would be able to put my left foot under scalding hot

water and not know it...that is scary. I am not sure if this concoxion

would work...what do you think?

Re: Cayenne Tincture

Good Afternoon -

I dont know who the other you were referring too is. Here is the

recipes to make Cayenne Tincture

Get fresh hot pepper, I prefer Habenaro

Rinse them off, leaving stems and all

Put in blender

3/4 of the way to the top of the peppers add 80 Proof Vodka


Let it sit for 2 to 4 weeks in a dark cool place

Give it a shake daily


Strain with a old tshirt that you can throw away after this.

Squeeze and twist as much as you can

Who la!!!! You now have tincture!!

<cbbluemicehotmail (DOT) <mailto:cbbluemice%40hotmail.com> com> wrote:

Hi ,

How exactly do you make a cayenne tincture please?

Also, where is the Mannatech lady of late? I haven't seen her

posting in ages. Is everything good with her?


Have a Happy and Healthy Day,



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Dr. Schulze's recipe for Cayenne Tincture:


NOTE: Parts EQUALS Volume, and NOT Weight in the following Tincture

Method. Modify this procedure by using DRIED Herbs ONLY, if FRESH

Herbs are NOT AVAILABLE, and when making other Herbal Tinctures also.

Also if you want to make a SUPER-POTENT Tincture (i.e. - Cayenne

Pepper & Lobelia Seed Pod - see below), then allow the Mixture to sit

for a FULL 3 Months!

1. Start to make this and ANY Tincture, if possible, on a NEW Moon.

2. Take a Quart Canning Jar and fill it 1/4 FULL with DRIED Cayenne

Peppers, getting the HOTTEST ones (i.e. - Habanero, African Bird,

Serrano, Jalapeno - 200,000+ Heat Units), that you can obtain.

3. Add enough 50% Grain Alcohol (100 Proof Vodka) to the Cayenne

Peppers (powdered, using a Blender or Grinder) to just COVER them.

4. Use enough FRESH Cayenne Peppers, that you can blend with 50%

Grain Alcohol (100 Proof Vodka) to turn the Mixture into an Apple

Sauce-Like Consistency.

NOTE: If you can't find 100 Proof Grain Alcohol, then use 190 Proof

Grain Alcohol and dilute it by 50% with Distilled Water.

5. Add this Mixture to the 1st Mixture, filling up the Canning Jar

3/4 FULL.

6. Fill up the rest of the Canning Jar with MORE 50% Grain Alcohol.

7. Shake it as MANY times as possible, during the Day.

8. Let this Mixture sit, until the following FULL Moon (15-16 Days),

but OPTIMALLY until the following NEW Moon (28-29 Days)!

9. Strain this Mixture through an UNBLEACHED Coffee Filter.

10. Bottle the RESULTING Tincture.

11. Take 2-3 dropperfuls - 3-4 times per day, when needed

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